Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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i'm new here and have no idea how this works so um... did anyone else pick up the new self magazine (with kelly ripa on cover)? b/c emily is in it. which you might have already talked about, but this thread is sooooooooooo long.
I ordered the SELF mag last week (stupid Germany *lol*). I think I might get it in a few days (maybe today *hopes*). I'll make scans as soon as I have it! ;)
because i love the pictures so much i have some i found myself on the net. I like them espacialy the way Emily has her hair on it and i love to see those two togheter.

Beautiful pictures Mike! :D You're one lucky person and I melted when I was reading your story :) If I even had the chance to meet her *dreams* :p
Awwwwww... Puppy. If it is a girl puppy then you should call her Calleigh. What breed is it?

Mike i am so jealous of you. I can't believe that you got to meet Emily, you are so lucky. I would love to meet her, but then again i would be too nervous to actually be able to form a sentence.
here is the transcript, I hope it's ok to post? if not i can delete it...

Self Magazine
By Beth Janes

Live your Fullest Life

CSI: Miami’s Emily Procter is an actress, a decorator, a singer and a poker play. Let her inspire you to explore every side of your personality.

Trying to put a neat little label on someone usually backfires. And with actress Emily Procter, who plays the role of Calleigh Duquesne on CSI: Miami, it’s mission impossible. You hear she makes Christmas tree skirts out of old bridesmaid dresses and you peg her as a Martha Stewart type. And you’d be right—she’s even been on Stewart’s show twice. But there’s also the guy’s girl, who’s in a weekly poker game with seven men, the adventure racer and the bug collector. Her inner teenager roller-skates and does handstands. As an avid interior decorator, she constantly offers friends advice, solicited or not, about sofa placement, paint and garage doors. Oh, and then there’s Procter’s plastic-pants-wearing alter ego Brittany Wednesday, who fronts the 80’s cover band White Lightning.

Procter, 38, decided to form the group one day on a road trip to Palm Springs with her friend Annie. “A Pat Benatar song came on, and she started doing the high harmony and I said, ‘We have to start a band!’” Procter talks that way about most of her interests—as if they find her by lucky accident. But in truth, she collects hobbies by being hyperaware of the potential in everything around her and in every situation, whether it’s a friend’s knock-your-socks-off voice or a bunch of ugly bridesmaid gowns. Instead of letting the moment pass, she pursues the possibilities with fervor. While being prepped for SELF’s photo shoot, she grabbed a pink cosmetics case, scampered outside barefoot to pluck a silver-green leaf, then held both next to the emerald grass to make a point about color. “Doesn’t that look great together?” she asked. “If I’m working on a house, I’ll walk around outside and look for good color combinations.”

And in fact, she is at work on a house; she has been renovating her Los Angeles home for about a year. “I play with my house the way most girls play with their Barbies, “ she says. Her first interior design job was at age 5. Her mom had a decorator come over, and Procter saw their swatches laid out on the floor. “I said, ‘I don’t like it. I think you’re going to get tired of it,’” she recalls. “So they asked what I would do.”

Procter acknowledges that her family members (she’s the youngest of five children) are a huge influence on her. “I get my frenetic energy from my dad,” she says. “I’m not a very good still person.” She credits her mother as the reason she has such varied hobbies. When Procter was growing up, she says, “my mom was interested in everything, so I became interested in everything. Not only did she know the name of every plant, bird and bug, she knew where they lived. If we passed a factory, she be, like, ‘Want to see where potato chips come from?’”

That sense of curiosity is woven into everything Procter does, whether working on her house or picking new projects. The Raleigh, North Carolina, native, who has held on to her Southern accent (not to mention her debutante dress and cheerleading uniform), is producing a movie and working on a coffee-table art book. “When people hear what I do in a day, they think I’m some kind of creepy overachiever, but there are things I don’t do. I don’t really talk on the phone or send a lot of e-mail. I don’t run useless errands,” she says. “You make time for what you want to have time for. I took an organization class in college, and the professor said, ‘Never carry empty.’ So if you’re on your way to the market, there’s usually something you can do along the way. I never travel empty.”

Peek inside her car and you see what she means; among exercise bands and other fitness-related gadgets, her sneaker and roller skates are at the ready should the mood strike. “If I had to exercise-exercise, I don’t think I’d do it. So for an hour and a half every day, I say I’m going to do something physical and fun outside.” She has even found a way to multitask on set. Though Procter isn’t much like the “serious, closed-off and reserved” Calleigh, as she describes her character on CSI: Miami, both women are very organized. “Sometimes when Calleigh’s making notes in a scene, I’m actually making notes. You can always tell when I’m working on a house, because Calleigh will be making lots of lists,” she says.

Procter thinks she’ll be done with her renovations by the time this articles comes out. When asked if she’ll sit back and enjoy her work, or move to a new house, she sighs. “I think I’ll move,” she says, as if she wouldn’t like to but has no choice. “I just love to do it. I’m already kind of looking around.”

*Find a hobby you love

Be curious.
“You begin by learning about one thing and grow from there,” Procter says. “With my house, I started with cabinets, then plumbing and electrical. Now I want a Japanese hacksaw so I can make a sofa table.

Let necessity guide you.
Procter discovered a love of crafting in high school. “I’d see things I really wanted but couldn’t afford, so I’d figure out how to make them.”

Pursue what’s fun.
Procter comes from a family of gourmets, but she recognizes she has no Julia Child side. “I would rather wash dishes,” she says. “When people are cooking, they seem stressed-out. Washing dishes, they always look like they’re having fun.”
WOW ahalo thanks for taking the time to type that up for those us who either can't find the magazine or don't have the time to go buy...both of those happen to me!! :D

Emily really sounds like a down to earth person who seems to love to do just about everything...but then again that is what life is all about right? Experiencing everything you possibly can? :)

What were the pics in the mag like?
they are good pics... there's a really cute one of her putting on skates lol. i think there are 4 pictures. i type very fast so it didn't take me too long, but i can't guarantee there aren't typos :)
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