Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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*gets all proud* I have a gilet like hers (very Cameron-like, imo ), and, trust me, on me it doesn't even remotely look as good as on her. *envies Venus-Emily*
Damn her gorgeousness.

Thats so cool, i wish i could where something like that and that i was looking hot like she does.. Your so write about it and also envie Emily she is so pretty..Can never tip that..
*clicks* Ah, now there's a living room I'd love to see a bit closer. Her face looks...I dunno...almost fake though...*ducks* But still beautiful!
Damn, why do they keep repeating she's single? It hurt me that she never mentions me in these articles... :(
But it's okay, we like privacy. :p

Leela, me adores you! :eek:
How did you find out my code name? :eek:
Great Leel', now I'll have to find a new secret identity, thanks a lot. :rolleyes:

Look how hot and cute my girlfriend is... :D

thank you leela =)

i thought she had a boyfriend wasn't there something with jonathan togo that he introduced them or something like that ??
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