Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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rummy80 said:
how beautiful is this woman?!!!
she's amazing..an amazing actress with an amazing smile in amazing body! ;) :devil: :cool:
Well...I totally agree with you :) and thank you so much for the pic Rummy ...beautiful as always ;)
Normally it's very difficult to see a beautiful woman and know at the same time she's a very good actress ;)
And the job she did last night was simply amazing :eek:
I really cried when she talked about when Rory left......so sad...but those words were so true and sweet.
Thanks for sharing Rummy! :D Emily looks so pretty on that picture :)

I'll call with Emily to see if I can borrow her Valentino shoes :lol:
I know! She's the sort of woman you want as an aunt! I always steal my aunts clothes and shoes. :p. I want Emily's.

Thanks for the article, my love.

Jodie xx
I still think talkcsifiles should run a contest to win a day shopping with Emily. That would get more people entering than the win a CSI book contest does!
HoratioStalker said:
I still think talkcsifiles should run a contest to win a day shopping with Emily. That would get more people entering than the win a CSI book contest does!

I so agree with you :lol: I would do anything to win that contest :p
HoratioStalker said:
I still think talkcsifiles should run a contest to win a day shopping with Emily. That would get more people entering than the win a CSI book contest does!

Lol, it's a great idea- I think, I would possibly die, if I won lol :D
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