Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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*looks around trying to hunt down Rhonda* :p

:D It's all right. No biggie at all. I just thought it was a little strange. I was thinking, "No...I love tatoos on guys." It's all good though.
^^I'm hiding down in the gutter with Eddie and Carmine. You'll have to get through them first. :lol:
Of course by that time you'll have forgotten about me. :p
mmmmm. eddie with tattoo. i wish he'd come back for a little chat so we could ask him.
even if he was like carmine and said "it's personal" at least we'd know he actually HAS one!
and then my shipping brain would realise they had matching answers to the question...


i love his eyes there. but my friend said "OMG it looks like he's off into the forest to go to the toilet"
i have to say, it was hilarious
*drool* That's one of my favorite pictures of him! :D His eyes are amazing! I like his hair in that one too. Nice jacket!
^^Maybe they have matching tattoos? Or better yet Eddie's is the yang to Carmine's ying. :D It's like if you put them together, they make sense. :p

I don't care if he says it's personal either. I just wanna see it.

It's not fair that Eddie has to wear suits all day and Carmine gets to run around in wifebeaters. I hate the heat. I run around all summer in tanks, shorts, and sandals. They all wear too many clothes. No way could I be out in that heat with all those clothes on.
tell me about it. for work, i have to wear a polo and long black pants with black shoes. it's awful.

and i was the one who wasn't too keen on tattoos.

and they're in my closet this week. c'mon over. :D

and finally...ooo...pretty eddie eyes...*drools*
:lol: You guys are so crazy sometimes. :lol:

But whenever I see that picture of him in the forest (which is very green by the way...and why the hell is he in the forest? :confused:) my brain starts singing, "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps toniiiiight..." :p Maybe he's sneaking off to meet a certain someone in the forest for some kinky in-the-wild sex...not that I'm implying who that might be. :eek:

Maybe they have matching tattoos? Or better yet Eddie's is the yang to Carmine's ying.

Awww! I would love that! That's just too awsome!

Yeah, Eddie should be able to go shirtless every once in a while! :D It's only fair.
Fay do you think kinka poodles are found in the forest? they certainly sound like wild animals. :devil:

the writers probably think we've already had shirtless. but really, shirtless and BLOWN UP INSIDES is not quite what we were looking for. *sigh* well, there are another 24 episodes comin our way. surely there wil be some sort of action for us?
Fay do you think kinka poodles are found in the forest? they certainly sound like wild animals. :devil:
:lol: I was going to try to alter the song to include 'kinka-poodles' but it didn't flow well, so I gave up. :lol: Good to see that we're on the same page though. ;)

And half-nekkid and blown up does not equal a 'shirtless scene.' A 'shirtless scene' is one in which we don't feel guilty for ogling him. ;) Cause I don't know about you guys, but I felt bad checking him out when he was laying there unconscious. :eek:
oh god i felt so bad.
i sat there watching it thinking "woah. flack. no shirt. flack with no shirt. AND HE'S FRIGGIN BLOWN UP"

and he has to wear a crappy hospital gown as well. maybe in the new season, danny, or ANYONE will go round to his apartment to see how he's doing, and he'll answer the door with no shirt on, and some sort of trousers things.
here's hoping!!
1CSIMfan said:
^^Maybe they have matching tattoos? Or better yet Eddie's is the yang to Carmine's ying. :D It's like if you put them together, they make sense. :p

I don't care if he says it's personal either. I just wanna see it.
i'd like to see someone ask that question. lol

- is your tattoo a matching one to carmine's?
- uhhh....it's personal. *thinks--man, these girls are good. they found out he's my yang and all*

Lost2MuchSpeed said:
and he has to wear a crappy hospital gown as well. maybe in the new season, danny, or ANYONE will go round to his apartment to see how he's doing, and he'll answer the door with no shirt on, and some sort of trousers things.
here's hoping!!

i like this idea. this idea sounds good to me. :D

and i was too busy being traumitized from the fact that they have blown up flack to register the fact that he had no shirt on. there were all these ugly stitches and...*shudders*...never want to see him like that again.
Faylinn said:
:lol: You guys are so crazy sometimes. :lol:

But whenever I see that picture of him in the forest (which is very green by the way...and why the hell is he in the forest? :confused:) my brain starts singing, "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps toniiiiight..." :p Maybe he's sneaking off to meet a certain someone in the forest for some kinky in-the-wild sex...not that I'm implying who that might be. :eek:


Fay, you so know that's what he's doing. :D His little kinka-poodle is waiting for him.

You know you could get kinka-poodle in that song if you shorten it to kinka-poo and say it kinda fast. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the kinka-poo humps toniiiiight" :devil: Sorry, that's all of that song that I know. :rolleyes: **hmmm...don't remember the song having "humping" in it** :rolleyes:
lmao, love what you've done with the song!!adds a whole new level to the lion king...which i have now thought of TWICE in this thread.
once - the title
twice - the song...and it's altered version by you 1CSIMfan teehee.

eddie should go to some event somewhere soon...i wouldn't mind seeing some new pics of the man. i mean i LOVE the current pics. cause seriously, can't get enough of him...
i can't remember so i'm gonna ask you lot, when do they start shooting again? cause then we'd get some new promotional stuff.

i'm a tad excited bout it :D
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