Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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iluvroadrunner said:
i'm in piscataway, actually. the stores here never seem to have what you want when you want it. the person who got me my s1 dvds had to go online in order to find them.

and then, months later, after you've already gone through all the trouble, it will randomly appear in the store you could have sworn you've checked about fifty times. *curses department store gods* they don't really like me at all.
I'm in North Brunswick, for now. But I totally agree with you. Stores never seem to have things when you want them and months later, when I've probably forgotten about it, it'll show up.
feenx said:
your not the only one, i want to rent it but my video store sucks.

Hehehe, try to be here in the Philippines. The people who run the video store don't even know a thing I'm saying most of the time.
I always like seeing those pics of him. I think they are some of the best for him. He looks really happy and the shirt and eyes they speak for themselves. ;)

Thanks miss undercover for the pics!
that picture of him is amazing. yeah, i'm definitely drooling. i must say, Miss_Undercover your icon is so cute. you are so talented with your artwork. bravo... it makes me love flack even more.
Here's one of my favorites:

Love that look of concern on his face...
Thanks, FlackaholicLeo14 ! Because you like my art work. Yeah, is a hobby of me...
PS: Have you see my homepage with my complete art works ?

And lyne, I love your Flack pic ! Is so awesome !

On this pic is his view so breathtaking... ;)

Miss_Undercover said:
My god, his smile is so cute. I mean, this is the best of our sweetheart, or ?
Oh yes...this cap is fantastic... :rolleyes: his smile is perfect here, and the eyes are smiling too!!!
Need to do an icon with this one... :lol:
Miss_Undercover, that is one of my top pictures. He looks so happy, and just like he walked into a candy store.

God, I wish all the guys I knew had a smile that breathtaking. :rolleyes:
ok, question for all the Eddie fans out there.... Is there a decent (meaning, current) fan site for Eddie? I mean, there's a least 2 for Carmine that are great, but it seems Eddie's getting no love in the fan site department...

Just curious, since today I decided to google the man, and came up quite disappointed. Everything I found seemed to be abandoned.
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