Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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The episode "All Access" has some great face shots of Flack when he's talking to Stella. I just loved the way he was so careful with her, keeping his voice low and soothing. She'd been through a horrific event being brutalized by a man she trusted and Flack knew he had to be careful not to freak her out any worse than she already was. Eddie did a top notch job with those scenes. But he has a great voice anyway; I could listen to him talk all day!
he has an amazing voice. i've always wondered if he sings. if he did...it would be over and my heart would officially belong to eddie cahill forever.

nothing is sexier to me than a man who can sing well. nothing.
I love his voice too! I love hearing him talk! Oh man, if Eddie could sing that would be incredible! :D It's always a nice extra when a guy can sing really well.
One of the things I find sexiest is a man who can ride a horse well. Whoa, where did that come from? I wonder if Eddie has ever ridden a horse? He is an animal lover, what with the adopted dogs and all. As far as singing, I imagine he can at least carry a tune. What about dancing? I've had ideas about the officer's ball with him in dress uniform dancing with the female leads. Woohoo! Be still my heart...
Him in a uniform sounds nice. :devil: But I can't see him wearing it unless he has to. I wouldn't mind seeing him dance but I can't see him being overly excited about it either. (just an opinion) ;)
...eddie dancing...that brought back memories of a video someone posted a while back, with eddie having an ace ventura-esque hair style and dancing like he was in Saturday Night Fever. :lol: it was the most hysterical thing ever.

i can't remember who it was though.

but him in a uniform....*thud*
That interview made me smile a lot. And he looks so good.

Flack in a uniform.. sounds good to me. But a dancing Flack would be so much better. I remember those pictures of Eddie dancing. But there was also one where he was swinging on a pole or something like that.

Flack pole-dancing. Brings back memories.. ;)
(sighs) he's good looking, he's sweet, he's intelligent...is it wrong that I'm considering picking up the books he mentioned reading?

So many guys these days seem to read nothing more than top shelf mags. It's always refreshing to hear of guys with a wider range.
That interview was absolutely stellar, except... for the bit about the tattoo. There's good reason never to get a tattoo with your girlfriend's name on it, even if you've been together for what seems like forever. But I guess the man can't be perfect :lol:

It's sweet to see that he's such a romantic, though!
Thank you so much for the chat miumiu! :D I always love his interviews and like you Springmoon I was a bit taken back by the tattoo. I was expecting it to be gallant and tough, but instead it's loving and tender. Many times I've heard you shouldn't get a tattoo of a girlfriend/boyfriend. I love how he's so caring and romantic though. :)
Did somebody say pole-dancing!Eddie? :lol:

That interview was great. :D I loved the little tidbits he gave us about season 3--I'm confident that at least some of the continuity will come through for Flack.

And the tattoo was so cute. *squishes him* A bit stupid to get someone's name permanently written on your body, but still cute. :lol:
^^ I love that pic Fay!! So adorable, he is. And apparently very strong to hold his body in that position long enough for a photo.

Re: the tattoo. Unless it's your mom or your kid, getting anyone's name tattooed on you, not the best idea. Johnny Depp anyone? Anyone? ;)
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