Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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miumiu said:
I think that WE ALL want to hold his gun
:lol: miumiu, I was reading your mind...!!!

I watched Lords of Dogtown last week, and Eddie is soooo cute!!! And in his last scene, he wears a terrible tie...is it his curse??? :p
Heeehh!!!! Eddie's Sex and the City episode is airing on Channel 6 in Ireland on Wed night, whoo-hoo!!!

I've already got his 'Charmed' appearance, and his Dawson's Creek eppy should be coming around soon as well.
I'm having serious Eddie withdrawal this week. Or all summer. :(

But I'm going to go and get my friend's Friends (lol!) DVDs so that I can watch Eddie.
You know, all of these guest appearances may be just the push that i need to get myself some tivo. Christmas isn't too far away... I wonder how generous my mom wants to be this year... :devil:
Now ladies... If you look *between* the gun and the badge, what do you see?

The belt buckle of course! :lol: :p Who's eyes went elsewhere?
^^**raises hand** Me, me...My mind went somewhere else. :rolleyes: You mean he has a beltbuckle?? :p I'll have to go back and check it out. Nope, don't recall a belt buckle. Just a gun and badge. Now, if we could just lose the belt. :D
ShuriyuCSI said:
Now ladies... If you look *between* the gun and the badge, what do you see?

The belt buckle of course! :lol: :p Who's eyes went elsewhere?

i didn't even notice the belt buckle and i've oogled the pic about a hundred times. well, we all know those pants wouldn't be up much longer if i had my way with that darn buckle! :lol: :devil:
1CSIMfan said:
^^**raises hand** Me, me...My mind went somewhere else. :rolleyes: You mean he has a beltbuckle?? :p I'll have to go back and check it out. Nope, don't recall a belt buckle. Just a gun and badge. Now, if we could just lose the belt. :D
belt, pants, tie, shirt :devil: am i missing something?
I'm so pure! *try to look like so innocent*



Ok, I want rip off his clothes and and and .... :devil:
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