Eddie Cahill Fan Project Revisited

Well, I'm sure they talk about the projects but I don't think they actually count the messages or stuff like that. :)
Ceindreadh said:
my brain finally gets working, where do I send it? (the message, not the brain <G>)
Email it to me at debfuji@yahoo.com.

Orison - Got your message. :D Got it twice actually. Your email was working just fine.

You guys all rock! Thanks so much for doing this. For anyone who hasn't sent me anything yet, you actually have a few extra days. I went on a major hockey puck search and after visiting a couple sporting goods stores then calling assloads of others, it turns out that hockey pucks aren't so easy to come by in California. Had to order some online and it'll probably take a week for me to receive them. :(

I'd hope the boys don't compare the number of participants in their fan projects because that conjures up images of the classic male sword fight -- "Mine is bigger," "Not even, dude, I'm packing 9 inches." :lol:
*does happy dance* I finally got off my lazy procrastinating ass & sent out the message for the puck. It may not be as creative or artistic as some of you but I'm proud that I at least did something :lol:. I did use a lot of hockey jokes but the hardest part was to not be dirty. All I gotta say is thank god Carmine & Hill are single :lol:. Hopefully you'll get it by next Wednesday Mrs.G.
Whee!! I had already sent mine (a few days ago...) and I had a hard time of what I should write and do...and I made a anime eddie!!!! (maybe I'll use it as an avatar...)
Okay, I hope I'm not too late! Have some questions about my submission and stuff. :D

It's to be circular and 3 inches all around, right? MrsG, is it okay if I submit in a small color portrait along with a little bit of text on it? :) I'm not sure what printer you're going to use to print the submissions out. Thanks!

EDIT: Whoops, nevermind me post. I've sent my submission in! :lol:
You are very lucky Mrs. G! You get to see all the finished products. Sounds like we have some talented ladies on here!!! I am sure Eddie will realize how lucky he is to have all these fans.
^ Eddie does indeed have some mighty damn talented fans. Lucky guy. And yes, part of the fun of organizing a fan project is getting to see all the submissions. :D

Since I haven't received the pucks I ordered in the mail yet, there's still time to get your love to Eddie if you haven't done so yet.
*bumps thread back to page 1*

Still time to get a little love to Eddie since I don't have the pucks yet. If you'd like to send him a message, you still can.
I haven't counted them yet, but it's in the 20s. :D That's a pretty good showing.

Update on the pucks: they arrived in the mail today, but it'll be a couple days before I have time to attach all the message to them. If you want to send me a message for Eddie and haven't yet -- get your ass on it pronto.