E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo's neighbors


Prime Suspect
Folks, if you're like me and tired of waiting to hear back from Carmine on an email because of things like his "oh so busy schedule" or he's out "mingling with so and so", I have an idea that is guaranteed not to fail like my last idea. I even guarantee my guarantee.

Send your questions to Carmine's neighbors, especially the ones that live next door. Not only would they be able to personally deliver the message on your behalf, they will even be able to report back on his attire at the time.

Or lack thereof.

Call it a bonus.

Just think, instead of waiting for the usual PR red tape to finally subside, real live people can be lining up at his door delivering your questions and taking answers. He'll love it!

First, you might want to try Gloria. Her email is gloria_kitten_purr@aol.com. I know she'll be happy to pass it along. She usually finds time between the feeding and caring of her twelve cats. And be sure to ask her what time she saw him home (Seeing that I'm no longer allowed within 1 mile of Carmine, but that's a story for another time - heh heh).

Your other best option is Earl. He's lady_killer_all_night_long@hotmail.com Be sure to write two emails. The first one should be addressed directly to Earl. Tell him he's a nice guys and see how he responds. If he seems willing, then send your questions. And for the love of God, don't ask him about his time in the service. That makes him a little twitchy.

I hope you will be as successful as I've been. And if some of you surpass me and actually hear from Carmine, please let him know I forgive him and am willing to take him back. He just needs to drop the restraining order.

Friends always,
I think I'm gonna write Earl. He's kinda cute, so if Carmine won't respond to my 5001st e-mail asking him if he'll go with me to the Prom, I'm gonna see if Earl will go. You know what they say--if you can't get the real thing, get his sketchy neighbor. ;)
Was he as hot as Earl? Maybe we could get them to jello wrestle or something. I think that's the subject of a Maury Povich show next month. That would be sooooo hot. :devil:

I might e-mail Gloria, too. She totally looks like she has a telescope trained directly at Carmine's bedroom window. Just so her cats can see his, of course.
I'm gonna e-mail Gloria and ask her to tell me what Carmine looks like in the shower. I mean, does he sing? That's the stuff I wanna know.
^I bet he sings in a falsetto. Gloria will give us the scoop!
Jello wrestling on Maury? Funny, I thought he only did "Are You My Baby Daddy?" episodes anymore.

I wonder if we could get Earl to do a shower scene?
Yeah, he does those too. Speaking of, did midnight ever drag you on that show for knocking her up and abandoning her?

Earl should SO do a shower scene. Bring on the naked Earl! I bet he has tattoos in some really interesting places.
Ooh Earl wrote back and he told me he can't tell me anything until he's released from prison. Apparently he's serving time for spying on Carmine in the shower but can you really blame the guy. I'd do time heheh.
:lol: Yes, she did. But survey says! Not the daddy! But, you know, I still love the kid like it's my own and stuff. :p

Hah! I bet Earl has a Tanglewood tattoo!
Heeeeey, I thought you and Carmine were so happy together! What happened?! So, uh, does that mean he's with Eddie now? :p
I asked Steve from Jerry Springer to go to my prom...Now that was hot. ;)

Ooh how did that go. Were you able to see your reflection in his shiny head. Heh, so much for a mirror.