Dumb "Family Feud" Answers

Re: Even More Dumb "Family Feud" Answers

I found this really cool thread in the archives, and it's frickin hilarious. So I found two quotes of my own for now, but please read all the quotes, they are so funny, you'll be doing more than ROTFLMAO.

About six of these, almost made me spew on my keyboard :lol: :lol:

Name a red vegtable - an apple

Name another word for fat - Skinny
I remember watching one clip of "Family Fortunes", during the "Big Money" round. The second guy comes up to answer the questions, and what happens was just classic:

Name something that you bring with you to the beach
The first thing you buy at a supermarket
A food you stuff

He didn't finish the rest of his questions. The rest of the family looked like they wanted to kill him.

A farm animal people have as a pet
Something people learn from a "How to Book"
-Read (Ray tells the contestant, "You'll get better")
Something people drink when they're sick
-Vicks (Vapo rub the stuff you put on your chest) "If anybody tries it, please call the number on the bottom jar"
Name something most women wouldn't be caught dead leaving the house without
-A Tampon (That's so disgusting LOL:))
Besides cards, a game played on a table
Name something you should do in moderation or you'll be sorry later
An appliance you should definitely keep your hands out of
-The dishwasher
A slang name for police man
-Dick Richard ended up saying "May we see what he said"
Name something that falls off the trees
"Bird**** "Well at least cows don't fly"
Name a country western singer
-Van Waylon
Name a famous male dancer
-Betty Grable (that's a female)
Name something people do to imitate a dog
-Lift their leg
Name a famous Peter
Name something you keep handy near your front door
-A spittoon
Name something you can't use without water
-An Ice cream cone
Name a part of the body you dab perfume on
-Tip of the tongue
Name a famous resort area outside the continental United States
Name something people get hit with on Jerry Springer
I remember watching one clip of "Family Fortunes", during the "Big Money" round. The second guy comes up to answer the questions, and what happens was just classic:

Name something that you bring with you to the beach
The first thing you buy at a supermarket
A food you stuff

He didn't finish the rest of his questions. The rest of the family looked like they wanted to kill him.
Here's an e-mail I received. I am a fan of game shows, and I find it funny when a contestant makes a very stupid, off the wall answer, plus the host's reaction to some of these bad answers. Here's a list of some of these rotten answers

Note, the first 3 were given by the same person during the "Fast Money" round, one after another

An article of clothing that children always lose

The price of a dozen roses

Something in a bird cage
(Make a note of this show)

Something you'd find in an operating room

An animal with three letters in its name

An animal with three letters in its name

Something that comes with a summer storm

Something you'd yell at if it stopped working

Something worn only by children

Something you might buy that could turn out to be phony

Something you feel before you buy it

An animal whose eggs you'd never eat for breakfast
Hamster (Those little pellets aren't eggs)

Something you might accidentally leave on all night

One of the three bears
The guy who answered it was an air force pilot. "This man is flying airplanes for us"

Other than soap and towel, something people take to a bath
Duck this one actually scored 11 points!

A holiday named after a person

A holiday named after a person

One of Santa's reindeer

Something Russia is famous for

Something that comes in pairs
Love Birds

The next 5 were in the same Fast Money round, answered by the same guy! Dawson: "You're going to need an earthquake to get out of this one!"
A time when people wake up

A time when people go to bed

A Southern State
North Carolina

Something you buy in a delicatessen

Something you put in tea
Tea Bag

A state with good skiing

Something you buy in a larger size if you have a large family

A city in the state of Georgia

A pie that does not contain fruit
Lemon Meringue

Something that kills a lively party

A brand of gasoline

A job around the house that has to be done every fall
Spring Cleaning

A man's name beginning with “K”
Kentucky Fried Chicken

Richard Dawson completely lost his composure on this one, he couldn't finish the show without breaking into laughter! This is also my personal favorite.
The month of pregnancy in which a woman starts to show

A food that's red on the inside

Something people do clothed that others don't
Ride a motorcycle

The heaviest item in your house
600 pounds

The heaviest item in your house

A holiday where stores are always busy

This one, the guy rung in only hearing the first part of the question, so he didn't hear "that a cowboy uses"
Something made of leather that a cowboy uses

The first thing you take off after work
Dawson had the best reaction to this one: "Next question: what time do you get home from work?"

A weather term that can also describe your wife

A day of the year when you want to be with friends

A department in a supermarket

The most lovable breed of dog

Something women borrow from each other

An invention that has replaced stairs

Something you often misplace in your car
Steering wheel

A famous “Arnold”
Arnold & Willis

A reason you might stay inside on a beautiful day
It's raining

A yellow fruit

An attraction you see in every parade

A tradition associated with Christmas

A holiday where men buy last minute gifts for their wife

A food people give as a gift

A vegetable you marinate

The one thing that the people living near you have that you want
A beautiful wife

Something that you buy and then have to take good care of it
An infant

Besides a house or a car, the most expensive item you own

A food with an edible skin

A food with an edible skin

An article of clothing that women buy for their husbands
Halter tops

A street name that is common to cities all over the US
Hollywood Boulevard

A kind of bear
Papa Bear

A real person who made a living scaring people
Red Skelton

Something a hostess does to let her guests know it's time to leave
Goes to bed

An animal with really good sight

A state beginning with the letter “M”

Something an Indian chief might use

Something that floats in the bathtub

A word beginning with “Egg”

A city named after a president
Carson City

A sport in which two people compete against each other

An occupation in which you disguise your appearance

A Scandinavian country
Something people learn from a "How to Book"
-Read (Ray tells the contestant, "You'll get better")
Something people drink when they're sick
-Vicks (Vapo rub the stuff you put on your chest) "If anybody tries it, please call the number on the bottom jar"
Name something most women wouldn't be caught dead leaving the house without
-A Tampon (That's so disgusting LOL:))
Besides cards, a game played on a table
Name something you should do in moderation or you'll be sorry later
An appliance you should definitely keep your hands out of
-The dishwasher
A slang name for police man
-Dick Richard ended up saying "May we see what he said"
Name something that falls off the trees
"Bird**** "Well at least cows don't fly"
Name a country western singer
-Van Waylon
Name a famous male dancer
-Betty Grable (that's a female)
Name something people do to imitate a dog
-Lift their leg
Name a famous Peter
Name something you keep handy near your front door
-A spittoon
Name something you can't use without water
-An Ice cream cone
Name a part of the body you dab perfume on
-Tip of the tongue
Name a famous resort area outside the continental United States
Name something people get hit with on Jerry Springer
Name a famous magician
-Tom Cruise
What would be an ideal of everyday temperature
-98.6 -
Richard Dawson goes "Everybody, disrobe"
Re: Even More Dumb "Family Feud" Answers

In the Australian version, there aren't too many memorable answers, but today I heard one:

Name a famous American building.
Eiffel Tower.

when I heard that I could not stop laughing :lol:
I do recall another one
Name something that might spring a leak in it
A Condom.