Dr. Marty Pino / Jonah Lotan thread - We Want More!

Watching the Season 2 DVDs made me miss Pino so much! :( carlz31, thanks for the link to the Jonah pics! I love the first one of him holding the sparklers. Cute! I watched the season premiere of 24 when it aired on my local channel JUST to see Jonah. Heehee! Oh, and I see that you're a fan of Colby from Numb3rs. So am I. :D
I think he was only in 2 or 3 episodes of season 2. I want to say "Trapped" and "Super Men", but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes. Marty Pino was only in 2 episodes of the 2nd season: "Trapped" and "Super Men". But he made such an impression that I still think of him from time to time. But sadly, it seems that TPTB has forgotten about him, and we'll most likely never see him again. And it doesn't help that we don't get to see much of Jonah Lotan on screen too.
That'll probably be why I can't remember him. I was more into CSI and CSI: Miami when Season 2 of CSI: NY came out.

But gee...He's hot :lol:
He was really good in Trapped guiding the very embarrased Danny over the phone with a body check. I loved the part when he says now be a good boy scout and plant it in the end zone :lol:
I saw Jonah a few weeks back in a episode of that documentary program I shouldn't be alive. It was really funny seeing him in it because until then I had only seen him in CSI NY.
Jonah in "I Shouldn't Be Alive"? Why was he in that documentary?

I liked his scene in Trapped with Hawkes too. He looked so cute with the jersey under the scrubs. :D
Yes, it makes sense. :)

Oh, that's cool! But I don't get the Discovery Channel, so I guess I won't be able to see him. :( Do you remember what that episode was about? I'm curious, hehe.
Sorry I really don't know which episode it was :confused: all I know is that he played the part of these guys who got stuck in the Amazon. Besides that I don't know if anyone else mentioned this but Jonah was in a few episodes of 24 season 5.
Oh, I really liked the thermometer scene in Trapped, too funny... :lol:
Actually I have 24 season five on dvd, but I don't remember Jonah. How embarrassing; I guess I have to rewatch it. :rolleyes: :lol:
I totally love Pino. I loved the fact that he always wore a hocky jersy under his ME's uniform, plus he has a really cute smile.
LivingEnd, Jonah was in the season premiere of 24 Season 5, and a bunch of other episodes later on. :) I believe we first see him when he wakes up in bed with Chloe. Hehe!

Oh boy, I totally melted when I first saw Pino's smile. I was like, "OMG, he's so cute! Can I keep him?" :lol:

In a bit of randomness, there was this guy that I saw a couple times on my way to work a few months ago, he was kind of cute, and I was reminded of Jonah when I first saw him. ;)
:eek: Holy sh!t, now I do remember him! :D




Lets just say Spenser wasn't one of my favorite characters at all... :lol:
^He was really hot in 24, and in NY, too! Much as I love Sid, I wouldn't mind seeing Jonah around again, maybe working with Sid or on the B-case in some eps.