Does Anyone Like Piercings?

Nose piercings are the only ones I kind of weird out on. It's only because the first thing I do if I feel a sneeze, is grab my nose. ...That'd be so painful if I felt the backing.... uhhhh, *runs out of the room*
TTHipFreak said:
It's only because the first thing I do if I feel a sneeze, is grab my nose. ...That'd be so painful if I felt the backing.... uhhhh, *runs out of the room*
I know what you mean, that's the reason I took my nose stud out. It was so painful whenever that happened. *shudders* My eyes would water and my nose would be sore in that area for days.
I only have my ear lobes done, but i only had them done a week ago, and still now, they are sore to sleep on and if something catches them, they are sore for ages!

I'm not really into piercings for guys, some guys look hot with them, while others don't, my bf doesn't have any and hes hot enough, but i knew this guy once, he had about 14 piercings, down from about 21, he even had the back of his neck done, and he was hot!
He is a good looking guy, and I will admit that a lot of those are hot, but the fingers? Or the arm? AHHHHH. I would be scared of catching them on things!!!

On another note, I'm still having fun with the hole in the side of my head, maybe I'll get someone to take a picture of it so you can all see the weirdness, :p

I'm still toying with getting a tongue ring, I'm just teriffied of infection.

My friend has her nipples done, and I think it's kinda cool, but I'm just scared of the pain. If peircings didn't hurt I'd look like a pincushion. There are so many things that I WANT to peirce, but that I know would hurt like hell.

I DO plan to get a tattoo though, not sure of what. But I do really like Jorja Fox's tattoo, the little flower on her foot, it's pretty, so something along those lines might be an option.
i have both my ears, my belly (which was done wrong, i'm so mad at the piercer...), but i want a labret too. no one thinks it'll look good on me though.
tatoos... they are hot! :) not sleeves though. not for me, 'spanks.
ive got my bely and ears, im getting my tongue and prob labret too.

and yeah ben is a hottie lol, he has his belly pierced and his tongue too lol. at first i was scared of all his piercings cathing on things, but they dont lol.
its been like a year since anyone has posted here...piercing popularity gone down? hmmm....anyway, bumping this one up. hope thats groovy with everyone.

i have my nose pierced. i love it. :) i want another one i just don't know where yet. i have gauged ears. i have an 8g spacer in one ear and a stretcher in the other. i'm working on getting my new 4g plugs in. :D its not feeling too great at the moment and my ear is the shade of a tomato but hey, no pain no gain.
I have one piercing in my right ear, and one piercing in my left ear. That's probably how it's going to stay for me, although I don't mind piercings on other people. Unless there's so much metal in their face that they're getting HBO. :lol:
I have only one which is in my eyebrow. Growing up my mother told me if god wanted me to have pierced ears then I would have been born that way. So after 20 some years I still don't have my ears pierced and for the last 10 I have had the eyebrow and a very short lived tongue piercing.
im terrified of needles but i still went and got my belly button pierced and i want my tounge down but i still havent worked up the courage to get it done yet and i have to pesuade my mum to let me have it done too but i might get it done.