Does Anyone Like Piercings?

Only ears, thank you. Me has two sets of piercings in both ears.

Tattoos are a different thingy :p
I have my ears pierced at the bottom, one on the top right of my ear and my lip on the left side :)
i lke piercings , for now i have 4 in my ears (3 left, one right). soon hope wil have new one in my navel, but still wait for the summer :)

also want Tattoos in my neck but still gather boldness :D
I have six at the moment, it keeps going up but then i get bored and take some out and let them heal up, when i had my belly button pierced it only hurt if my pants caught it when i sat down, tats are more my thing, am part way through designing my next one (guardian angel) for my back (as you always need someone to watch your back).
I don't have a problem with it. I have 7 piercings in my left ear and 8 in my right ear. I've bounced the idea around of getting my eyebrow pierced tho....

The tattoo has been thought about a lot! I will probably get that before I get my eyebrow pierced.
I have 7 piercings...2 in each earlobe, 1 in my left ear's cartilage, and 2...well, let's just say they're a matching set. And to answer the next question, no, getting them done didn't hurt as bad as you would think. It just stung a little like a sunburn.
I have 1 in each lobe and 2 in my left ear's cartilage. I used to have my bellybutton pierced, but took that out many moons ago.
I have one in each ear, but I don't wear earrings. I can't stand needles and stuf, so I won't get anymore.

My sister, shortly after her 18th birthday, got her tongue peirced. Later she wanted to donate blood, and got a false-positive a few times for Hep C.
Oooer, that's not good. I wanna get my tongue done. I knew this one guy, Matt, he had his eyebrow pierced, it was soooo very hot on him. But then again he was just plain hot. Lol, I totally turned to jelly around him. Piercings are like, my secret obsession. My parents really wouldn't like how much I love them. People I love the way the shiny metal balls look, and I like the way the barbells feel, and I love the way people look at them. And it's not just for attention that I like piercings, it's because I personally like them. My parents don't seem to understand this. I want pelvic bars sorta, I think they're pretty cute. I'm not all that into ear piercings because they hurt more and are in a funny spot, I think. I like the look of labrets.
i only have 2 in each ear but im going next in december to get my bellybutton pierced. im only waiting because im going when my best friend goes to get her tatoo so she is getting that and im getting the peircing so...