Do you believe?

Well I believe in ghosts. Otherwise how would I explain being scared after watching horror movies or after turning the lights out in a room and then having to turn my back on it. ( I get scared something will grab me or whatever) So I guess I f I didn't believe then I wouldn't get scared and I get scared so...

My dad and I had a weird occurence. A mirror from the top of the medicene cabinet in his bathroom ended up at the back of the tub (about four feet away) lying face up and it was not cracked or anything. There was also a cup by the mirrow that had been at the front of the room (also about four feet away)as if that wasn't creepy enough; all of the brushes that were on top of the mirror on the cabinet were in the ecact same spot, as if someone had pulled the mirror out really fast and the brushes landed in the same posistion. That is what freaked me a bit. My dad then took a picture of it and I told him that if anything appeared I would not come back for a few weeks. lol!

My mom always said that she felt a whole lot of evil radiating from my dad's house. I must say that nothing ever good has ever come of that place.
That's creepy.

Which reminds me, :lol: we have a light in the living room, and it's a touch light. Meaning, you have to touch to turn it on, and off. So, anyway, it always turns on by itself. I just blame it on the electricity, but still it's strange!
i just had a weird experience today. lately these blue jays have been hanging around my house. they haven't been there before and they aren't afraid of me, i got so close to one i could touch it. my mom said that they were there to give me some type of message. i believe in signs so i wonder what does this one mean?