Do you believe?

don't get me wrong science is great...its one of my favoite subjects at school. :D but i think there are some things that you can't explain. i've experienced miracles so i guess thats why i'm a believer. :D
Ok so here are my ghost stories:::

When I was three, we lived in a brown house near a stream. Every night I'd be too frightened to go to sleep. Everytime my mom would ask me why I was afraid I'd say "Becuase she's being mean to me." No one understood who I was talking about.

Turned out that there was a 17 year old who was killed at the stream a mile or so down the road....

Another one:

My dad died in 2004. A month or so later, I was falling asleep because I wanted to take a nap before I had to go to work. Before I knew it, a numbing feeling went through my body, and I couldn't move. I was half asleep, half awake, and all of a sudden I heard my dad, "Heather, it's time to get up." It was like he was right behind me.

The only thing I can think of that makes sense of the second one, is that I think I would have been freaked if I had seen my dad, or heard him when I was fully awake.

I still believe in ghosts. I think I always will.
Yep, I believe.

I'm somewhat fascinated by science in general (even though I didn't do well in science in school :lol:) but as for an afterlife; ghosts, spirits, heaven, angels, etc. I totally believe.

My husband is the scientific one (he's an engineer) and he's told me that he admires the fact that I don't have to have something proven to me to believe, I just's all about faith.

I respect the fact that so many people need to see something more...concrete. I'm just not one of them. :)
I haven't any "ghost" stories, but one night a few years ago (About.. 5 I guess) I was babysitting my three year old cousin.

I put her to bed by herself, turned the lights off, and semi-closed the door.. A few hours later I walked by the room to see if she was sleeping.

She was snoring; but suddenly she stopped. I just stood by the door, well.. Kind of in the hallway so I couldn't be seen.. And she said, "I'm not scared of you! Go away from me!"

Now, she was three years old, would barely talk to anyone- and here she is in the middle of the night saying she's not afraid of someone. I asked her the next morning, and she said "I don't know!" Of course my mother and I just thought that her dad had come to visit her in her sleep or something (He had died when she was a few months old). Of course you could just say she had woken up and saw me.. But the way it was said, was almost frightening, and stern.. Yeah- back then I was totally believing that sort of stuff :p

Now, I'm a total skeptic, I don't really believe in ghosts tampering with human life- but it freaked me out. If I ask her to this day, she won't remember. I have a few months ago, and she says to me "What the heck are you talking about?"

My dad died in 2004. A month or so later, I was falling asleep because I wanted to take a nap before I had to go to work. Before I knew it, a numbing feeling went through my body, and I couldn't move. I was half asleep, half awake, and all of a sudden I heard my dad, "Heather, it's time to get up." It was like he was right behind me.
That's creepy. I've heard of people hearing things like that from people that have died, or seeing them.. It hasn't happened to me, so I can't really say I believe it. But, it does make me wonder :)

I respect the fact that so many people need to see something more...concrete. I'm just not one of them.
I get what you're saying :) I'm so open minded that one moment I will believe in it, and the next it's kind of like "Uhh.. Yeah.. Sure.. Ghosts. Right."
When someone asks me "What do you think happens to us when we die?" I always answer with "Nothing" because I do believe that when you die nothing happens, you just die. Sure, I'd like to think that there is a higher plane of existence and your sprit lives on etc. But I don't. Why? Probably because there is no proof and those that know, are dead. Sorry to sound a little morbid.

What is really strange is that if someone put an Ouija board down in front of me, I would freak out. I wouldn't touch it. Weird really, because if I don't believe in an after life, surly I wouldn't believe that an Ouija board would be any real threat. Go figure.
I kinda believe in ghosts, due to personal experiences. When I was a kid, I sleep in the same room as my brothers and everytime we got sick and have fever we three had the same vision, two men and a child whith dark faces and old clothes who watched us from one side of the bed. We three had exactly the same vision, and didn't talked about it until we were older. Later we just know that my house is build in the place of an ancient muslim cemetery.
I am undecided on ghosts, lol. Although my Grandma used to tell us the phone was ringing about a minute before it would ring, which is rather scary. :lol: That doesn't make sense...I mean when she was alive she would tell us, not as a ghost telling us, you get me?...:rolleyes:

Another one. My uncles are identical twins and when they were little they slept in different rooms. One morning one of them told my mum that they had had the coolest dream of him flying up and down the stairs with his brother. A few minutes later the other brother told my mum that he had had the coolest dream of flying up and down the stairs with his brother. I must point out that they hadn't spoken to each other yet. :lol: Crazy stuff, eh?

Oh, one more, I had a dream a while ago that I was watching myself sleep. I woke up in the morning, and I was really tired, like I hadn't slept at all. My mum reckons it was an out of body experience...I'm not so sure. :rolleyes:
i don't know if this counts as a ghost story but when i was 9 my sister and i shared a room. one night i felt something slap me really hard on my leg. i knew it wasn't my sister because her bed squeaks whenever she moves. my others sisters were in the room next door so i would have seen them and my parents sleep on the other side of the house. i was so scared i could hear my own heart beat. after i calmed myself down i went back to sleep. the next morning my mom noticed a big red mark on my leg and she asked,"how'd that happen?" "i don't know....someone hit me last night." my mom sprinkled holy water in my room and whatever hit me never came back.

crazy, huh?
That's just the shadow of the gas that's being burnt off. Is it pretty faint and shimmery?

I wish. It's dark, like a human shadow. And looks like a woman in an huge dress. Ahaa, yes, you can all call my crazy now :lol:

Also, one time I was playing with a wiji board and things went flying off desks. At first I thought it was because something just fell, but it happened like 4 times. I was terrified. Yes, I probably am crazy :lol: But it's just what I beleive in.
^^ I don't think you're crazy at all. I mean, I'd have to see that personally to actually believe it- but I do think you're sane :lol:

Quiji boards freak the crap out of me.. I don't even know why, they're just scary! :lol:
i'm tellin' ya.....don't touch the Ouiji boards. only bad things come from playing with those. they freak me out too. a good rule of thumb...if you get a bad vibe from it....don't touch.
I believe there are ghosts but I don't believe that dolls can talk or anything. I believe that when someone does they stay around for a little bit. Shortly after my grandpa died we were all having dinner and it was my grandma's birthday and all of a sudden all the lights in the dining room burnt out at the same time. Then at my house, in my parents bathroom the lights when out at the same time. Then another time, I was really sad that my guinea pig passed away and my mom told me he wasn't alone, he was with my grandpa in heaven. I wanted to believe her but I was still upset. Then all of a sudden the light in my room (I was in my bedroom) turned on, by itself. I took that as a sign that he's okay. I'm crazy, I know.

Omg I love Quiji boards! :lol: I have one and one time I had friends over and I started moving it and they were freaking out. :lol:

Oh and I used to be a dancer. When I had recitals we would dance at The Grande Theatre. Some of you might of heard of it since it's famous for having a ghost there. One night we were putting on a recital and this extra light turned on and starting burning the back drape thing. Some of the dancers said they saw something up in the lights. Creepy.
haha I slept with a homemade Ouiji board under my mattress for a year - my mother finally found it and flipped, which is odd because she's normally fairly rational about that kind of thing. Nothing adverse to report, though, it was just too big to put it anywhere else and my bed was solid down to the floor, so there was no space underneath it XD
sandersidle said:
Omg I love Quiji boards! :lol: I have one and one time I had friends over and I started moving it and they were freaking out. :lol:

My friend and I played with one after a friend of ours passed away, and it started moving and I freaked out and haven't gone near one since :lol:
Hahahaha. I've really always wanted to play with one of those Ouiji boards, but I'm too freaked out.. Too many horror stories, I don't want no evil soul haunting me for the rest of my life :lol:

I actually have a question for those that are into these sorts of things.

If you have seen The Amityville Horror, do you believe it? I mean, Do you think the house was actually haunted, and not just a publicity/money stunt for the "Lutz"? I have the movie, I watch it all the time- it's an interesting movie.. But for some reason it just seems too far fetched to be real. What do you all think?

And, about the talking doll thing- When I was like 6 or 7, I used to collect Teddy Bears (But would NOT accept dolls..) And one night, I spread all my teddy bears around my bedroom floor (There were like 30 or 40 of them, I still have most of them actually) and there was a doll in there, so I sat it down and continued onto my teddy bears, but I looked back at the doll.. And I'm like dead serious here.. It moved. I do NOT think it was any entity or whichever, I believe it was just one of those "It wasn't placed properly, and it fell" kind of situations.. (In denial here? :lol:) I still hate dolls, even if they're just plastic :p