Do you believe?

i kinda believe the Amityville Horror. i saw a little bit of the old one. i still think that it was the little girl. in the old one whenever she got angry something bad happened. like the babysitter was locked in the closet or the window crushing her brother's fingers for picking on her. so that one i'm in the middle.
Someone here watches Medium?

I don't see the dead or anything but I have had the same sort dreams about stuff that hasn't happened yet. I am trying to close myself for it because I really don't like the intensive day dreams and nightmares!

So I'm very open for that sort of stuff! But I keep myself closed so I can have decents nights of sleep and just a few nightmares/bad day dreams every now and then! They make a hugh effect on you each time..
I watch Medium. Because it's apparently based on a true story, I do believe it to an extent. Do I think people can see the dead? Yes. Do I believe that there are truly pyschics? No.

I've never ever had dreams like that. But, just judging what some of you had said makes me believe that there possibly is some sort of "Phenomenom" (sp?) to a greater extent. :)

I love Medium. That kind of stuff, as I've just said I do think is 'true'. But just in my opinion, Alison is not a pyschic, I don't believe she has ever called herself one (hence the title "Medium"), half the time she is wrong with her interpetations of her dreams. Sure, I'd love to believe that my uncle is watching me, or my grandma and grandpa.. But some reason I just.. Don't. I mean, gosh almighty, if there really is a higher existance, show yourselves already!!
I just watched Medium a few times I just use it as an example though. Some of what has been seen on that show is what I have expirienced just on events instead with dead people. I don;t call myself a pysisch! defenitly not! I just happen to have "dreams" and they happen later on. But as I said I keep myself closed. Like not to go to bed and with the thought that I want to have a dream just so maybe I see something happen again. It scares me! It is so reall that it effects me very bad! But someimes I get those "dreams" anyway... And I don't do anything with them either. I just don;t want to keep my mind busy with it. Although sometimes that is very hard to do!

And about noticing dead people/ghosts/their spirits... Maybe some people do! I can't say because I have never experienced that! But I'm not like "right you're nuts" on them but I see the people who say that the same way people that are open for it see me.

and I am kinda a science kinda girl! And that is the totally opposide way from being spiritual and all so sometimes I am even doubting myself :lol: But I can't helping the dreams and not to much later they happen! The reason I have doubt sometimes is because they happen with me... instead of the actual happening.

Like I once had when being on a camping holiday... My parents had a camper and I did not want to have to put my tent up behind of in front of it because I had dreamed it ran over me when I was in my tent and when being on a campsite where I could only place my tent either in front or behind the camper I repeatedly asked my parents if the car was in park and the break was lifted. one week later on a campsite a camper wasn't in park but in free and started rolling downhill and someone got stuck underneath.

That is just one of many examples.
I have cases of major deja vu. One time I dreamt an arguement that I had with an undisclosed figure. We were arguing about cars. I said something, then woke up. The next day, I met up with a friend that I hadn't seen in two years. We had that very arguement, and I was saying what I said in my dream; word for word.

Creepy things always happen to me. :rolleyes:
I watch Medium and love it.

I'm still fairly new here so I hesitate to inundate y'all with lots of stuff about myself but I'll go into a little of it. First off, my husband is an engineer, very smart and science minded. I've always been literature minded so we're pretty much opposite. It's always fun for me to tell him things about myself because he's a fairly good balance to have....almost like Mulder and Scully were for each other.

Now, the first thing that I'll share is,

Something that's very common, it's happened since I was a kid and continues to this day, is that when people I know (not necessarily close to me though) die, I almost always dream about them. It's usually something along the lines of them just saying hi. One of my mom's good friends died in a car accident (she was drunk and hit a tree). I dreamt about her a couple of months later. She said, "I'm happy here and I'm OK...let your mom know. I can see my kids still all the time too." My dad died a couple of years ago of an OD (really, really rough time for my family) and I dreamt about him several times since then. First couple of times, I really got the feeling that he wasn't accepting of being dead. The last time I dreamt about him (several months ago) he said to me, "Tell your mom that I'm so, so very sorry about what I put her through and left her with." Luckily my mom is very open and doesn't think I'm crazy :lol:. I told her about it and she cried. But, I think it made her feel better.

My husband and I had to have our dog put to sleep last year, he was 13. I've had several about him and about the Doberman that we had when I was a kid (she lived to be 17). It's usually just them coming up to me, nudging my hand, I pet them for a minute and then they walk off. The ones about the dogs are ALWAYS the same like that.

Now, my husband says that it could just be my mind's way of helping me deal with grief...which I guess could be true. I might actually believe that if the dreams didn't feel so overwhelmingly different from my everyday dreams. I just feel more connected to them.

This one is a bit longer but kind of interesting. My husband's brother, his wife and 2 girls have a house that they bought a few years ago and have been fixing up. From the day I walked into that house I felt creeped out by it. I kept feeling like there was the energy of a little boy (I can't really explain it, I guess that's why it's called a sixth sense, it's just something I feel) in the house. His brother was telling us how the oldest of their girls (now 9) had an imaginary friend and that they thought that she must just want another sister. So, with that I thought they were saying that her "friend" was a girl. I told my husband, "Oh well, I guess I was wrong." Well, then at Christmas the 2 of them were telling us how when the oldest was in 1st grade the teacher had asked about her "little brother" and my sister-in-law said, "she doesn't have a little brother, just a sister". The teacher said, "Oh. Well, she talks about someone named Benjamin that she plays with all the time and that he's 4 years old". My husband just looked at me like, "whoa". I didn't say anything to them....I'm a bit nervous about who knows because people think people are crazy when they say stuff like that. I'm not even saying that I'm some big time psychic or anything, I just have plenty of times where I can't explain things that happen to me.

The funniest thing that happened recently....neither me nor my husband smoke but my mom does and my dad smoked like a chimney...I kept smelling cigarette smoke in our house. I would be in the bedroom and it was so strong. I would go get my husband, bring him into the room and ask him if he smelled it. He would say no. This went on for weeks and then one night I'm sitting there and smelled it again. I turned to my husband and said, "I can't BELIEVE that you can't smell that smoke" he said, "sorry". So, the next day when I started smelling it again, I took a chance at sounding like an idiot....I said, "Dad....or Grandpa...if that's you, I don't mind if you stay but PLEASE get rid of the smoke smell". It went away almost immediately and I haven't had it again since then.

My husband, always wanting to Scully me said, "Well, you know our neighbors smoke, maybe some of it was coming in through a cracked window or something, we don't smoke so we are sensitive to it" blah, blah, blah :lol:

Anyway, he's a pretty good balance for me to have.
i think that everyone has some type of six sense. i know that when it comes to people i got it bad. for example i can tell if you are a good person or bad person by looking into your eyes or if you touch me. like this one girl at my school, when i first met her when i looked into her eyes i saw fire! when she touched me i got goose bumps and my arm got cold! it turned out i saw right....she is an aweful person
I absolutely believe in God, and the afterlife but Heaven can wait for a while. However I don't necessarily believe in heaven being just sitting on clouds playing harps though. That sounds extremely boring in my opinion. Instead, I think that when we die, our spirits leave our physical bodies behind and we pass into different dimensions and even out of the solar system.

I've always hated fundamentalist Christianity and view it as a sick corruption of Christianity as a whole but I always rejected atheism as well as I've viewed it as a dull lifeless point of view.
Axatullux said:
I absolutely believe in God, and the afterlife but Heaven can wait for a while. However I don't necessarily believe in heaven being just sitting on clouds playing harps though. That sounds extremely boring in my opinion. Instead, I think that when we die, our spirits leave our physical bodies behind and we pass into different dimensions and even out of the solar system.
I believe in "Heaven". Do I think it's a bed of roses? No, I don't. Like you, I just believe it's somewhere that our spirits go after we've passed on. I don't think there's a whole other life style. I mean, where is Heaven? Is it supposed to be above the galaxy, or two feet above our heads? One can only know unless, they've been.. And as far as I know- nobody has. I really am not a spirtual person, which is why I can say one thing and contradict it the next. I believe in spirits, and mediums, and the afterlife, to an extent.

Speaking of dreams about those who have died. I think everyone at one point in their life or another will dream of a family member or friend that has passed on. It's really only natural. I don't think one has some sort of special powers, is pyschic, or is has "ESP". I've dreamt of family members that have died, you know- that have said "I'm doing fine now, I'm really okay!" perhaps it is in our own minds to ease our pain, no matter how long it's been. Giving us closure. I guess sometimes I find it hard to believe that the "afterlife" can come back to us. I suppose it's possible though. But like I've said before, depending on how spirtual you are is on how open you can believe in these sorts of things.

One thing I do not believe in, but am scared to death of is hauntings. I really don't think there is such a thing, but I've heard so many stories- that at night time, when it's pitch black inside, and I'm walking to my bedroom I still get spooked, and run into my room :lol:
^:lol: I do that too. :lol: The worst thing is when you have turned off the lights downstairs, and you have to go upstairs, and there's darkness behind you. :eek: Horrible. I sprint up the stairs, lol. :rolleyes:
I kept smelling cigarette smoke in our house.
After my nana died I could smell her everywhere, so could my Mum. Especially in certain places, like the kitchen door. It went away though. :rolleyes:
I Believe...In like evrything. I have probably Some pretty starnge beliefs, i figure that wehn you die what happens to you is what you believe in. Like if you believe in re-encarnation i suppose you would be re-encarnated, or if you belive in god, i guess you would go to heaven. I dont Believe in hell, the thought of some strange horned man waiting in a world of fire, doesnt really sound very, well believeable. I believe in what sylvia browns book said, that there is no hell, its just that compared to what happens in the afterlife, living might as well be considered "hell"

As for my ghost stories!!

1-When i was proably 11 my mom went to a friends house who had a phsycic and so a bunch of friends were gonna get "readings" when my mom walked in the woman said to her assistant "its her" and smiled. y mom sat down and the woman began to tell ehr that there would be an amzing offer for my dad and that her family the young ones (me and my little sister) fear the basement. And my mo as totally freaked out, next day my dad got offered a job and the phsyic women called and ask if she could come to our house, just to get a "feeling" for free, no all.

Turns out that she went to two corners in our basement that everyone in our hosur was afarid of and said they were "dead corners"
Oh, I have another story. It's a second hand story, so I don't know the details, but basically a while a go a horse had to be put down at a local stables, and that horses stable was empty for a while until someone joined the yard and took the stable. Turned out the new horse would refuse to go in the stable, so had to be put in the field full time, which isn't ideal. So naturally they got a psychic/clearer of ghosts around and she said that the ghost of the horse was still there, so she 'removed' it. They then tried to put the horse into the stable, and it walked straight in. :eek: How strange is that? It's not like you can tell a horse 'It's OK there aren't any ghosts in there any more.' :lol:

I think that's it for my ghosty stories. :rolleyes:
i believe in heaven and hell, but i think that heaven is the place where you would be most happy. hell, is just your worst nightmare that you live over and over again.

i remember i took a quiz on Dante's Inferno and all the levels of hell he travel and according to this test i'm going to Limbo. but when i read the description for Limbo(a grassy plain where unbaptized children, ancient philosophers, and virtuous pagans go). i thought "that seems like my kind of heaven". theres kids, a grassy plain, virtuous people, and philosophers.

weird, huh?
I searched that Dante's Inferno and im going to the second worst hell. (Well i doubt i actually am) but i did have a goodtime laughing at my results, apparently im going to have my feet tickled with fire and be whipped by horned men. (im sorry for thos of u that believe in that stuff) but im sorry the thouhg of tiny horned men just makes me laugh.