Do you believe?


I thought this might make for interesting conversation.

Spirtual or non-spirtual, do you believe in.. "Ghosts" the "After-life," "Haunting," etc.?

You know, like those old tales about The Amityville Horror or that old rumour that Child's Play was based on a true story; even though it was put to rest that it wasn't..

Or perhaps that there are other things that walk among our daily lives?

Maybe those pictures that seem to "capture ghosts" when you see some awkward lighting, or it looks like a faded person standing near the window?

Things like "If you think hard enough, it will come true" ("The Secret" if anyone has read or seen the 'movie' about it)?

Anyway do you believe in those sorts of things?

I wish that there would be an afterlife, but I'm fairly certain that there isn't.

I don't know how else I would elaborate on this, so I'll just say no, I don't believe in anything like that.
Haha, some of you might think I'm crazy but:

I am totally full out believing in re-encarnation. I just am, I do not really know why, I have my reasons, but that is what I believe in.

I also do believe in ghosts. I've heard to many things, and too many weird things have happened. I swear I see shadows against my wall when I have candles lit, and no one will be home. So yes, I do believe all those ghost stories too.
I don't believe in this. When I was younger, I used too. I used to believe that dolls really could move, and talk- that kinda stuff. Now I just.. kind of chuckle about it. Like, I'm on this one website right now about a doll that was possessed by a little girl, and I wonder if the people that make these websites, and do these sorts of things actually believe in it, or are trying to give people laughs- and make money?

I think it's really interesting to know other people's takes on this. I know- my mom believes in that sort of stuff. It's kinda freaky when you begin reading into things so much (Like, one night I spent four hours on an Amityville Horror website) that you almost begin to believe in it and think "Wow.. This could be real" then you fall asleep and walk up the next morning and go "Bogus!"

Anyway, yes- everyone, what are you takes on this "phenomenon"?

CatherineWillows, Ohh, that's creepy! You should share some "scary tales" with us! :lol:

I am totally open-minded to these sorts of things, you know? While I don't exactly believe in it, I'm not very supersticious, I think it's always nice to hear other sides of the fence :)
I think I believe in ghosts and stuff. Or should I call it entities.. or whatever Char likes to call it :cool:

But shortly after my grandma died, she came to visit me. And not in a dream cause I was really awake. She just stood beside my bed. And I knew she was dead but I wasn't scared at all. I felt peacefull. I was 7 when it happened.
For the past few months, my tv turns itself on and off and I just "feel" something. I don't know how to explain, I just feel it. No idea what or how.. I just do.

I don't believe in God. Well, not the God mentioned in the Bible. Lets just say I believe in a higher power. But I do not believe in things like aliens, Bigfoot and the Yeti.
Okay, up until this morning I didn't really believe in anything except You Live. You Die. Than I finished The Lovely Bones By: Alice Sebold and it makes me want to believe that I can talk to the people who are gone out of my life.
I believe in what I can see and touch. I don't believe in God, the afterlife, ghosts, spirits etc. I'd like to believe that there's an afterlife but I don't really think there is. I'm not one of those people who easily believes in stuff - I'm quite skeptical. I think it was the way I was brought up. I was taught not to believe everything I read, heard etc.
i need physical proof before i believe in things. theres supposedly all kinds of haunted places around where i live and i've went there with friends at like midnight because they were convinced something would happen but i tend to burst their bubble with logical explinations execpt for once. theres a burned down church out in the country named 'souls chapel' it was a satanic church before it was burned down and the leader of that church is buried there and no light ever touches the grave. i figured it was like the others and i could just roll my eyes at the frightened friend who drove us out there but when we got there i hadn't ever felt anything as creepy as that in my entire life. nothing really happened, it was just a paralyzing kind of fear. i've been around graveyards at night and it doesn't bother me but there i couldn't even get out of the car. i can't explain it but i tend not to think of it too much because it shakes up my cynical view on things.

my mom believes in ghosts and spirits and things. she's convinced that my grandfather, who passed away last fall, is around and turns on and off lights and things. i don't believe it but i think it has helped her grieving process so i go along with it.
Sometimes I believe in ghosts, but most of the time when I think of dying I think of my life and everything I've ever known just turning into nothing, and I'm just... nothing anymore. It freaks me out more than thoughts of ghosts...

But, my mom said her friend had a ouiji board when she was little, and attracted a ghost that followed her every time she moved. It freaked my mom out so much she stopped visiting her friend all together. I don't have any reason to doubt my mom, so I can't disbelieve in ghosts either.
Gosh, I remember when I was like 10 years old my aunt brought a Ouiji board to our house, and hid it under the couch. I remember peaking under there every night to see if it was still there- I opened it up one time and set it up, and grabbed my 6 year old cousin to play with me... But I got too freaked out and put it away.

Even though I don't really believe in those things, they still scare me.

Just like that old "Bloody Mary" saying.. I remember that when I was like 8 or 9, and we'd all take turns saying it TWICE because we were all scared crapless of saying it three times.
i totally believe in the supernatural. i believe in ghost but the one thing i will never touch is a Ouiji board. the sight of them make me uncomfortable so i'm taking that as a sign not to play with it. i remember watching Sylvia Browne on tv and she said that Ouiji boards open a portal for spirits and things to come into our world. most of the time bad spirits will go to the Ouiji board just to mess with your mind.

so be careful if you play with those things....especially when children are involved. like my mom always says "the devil likes to hurt the innocent"
luvspeed said:
I remember watching Sylvia Browne on tv and she said that Ouiji boards open a portal for spirits and things to come into our world. most of the time bad spirits will go to the Ouiji board just to mess with your mind.

I've seen Sylvia Browne on Montel, I have four of her books.. She's definitely a character, but I don't know wether to actually believe in any of the things she says; solely because she promotes herself way too much.
some of the things she says i can say i believe. like spirit guides. i belive in those because i met mine. :D i also believe what she says about bad spirits and things. :eek: when she talks about the future thats when i tune out. u can never be sure what the future holds for you. ;)
I like to have scientific evidence of things before I believe. Like the theory of evolution. But I like to believe spirits are there watching out for you, there for you to talk to, etc. etc.