Dislike a Ship?

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Re: worst couples !!!!

I don't see the relation of lip gloss on being the worst ship :rolleyes: But you're right, that's your opinion and happy shipping to you too. Oh well then, if that's the case, the worst ships are Hodges and his microscope and Horatio and his shades.

Wow, did I say the worst ship was between Catherine and her lip gloss or was I highlighting one of the reasons I can’t stand her character, which I believe I said contributed partially to my dislike of the ship. Or did you know that and were attempting to throw some clever snide words my way or better yet was my posting too involved for the actual main point to be understood. :rolleyes:

But, yes Hodges should consider maybe trying his luck with a beaker rather than his microscope which can be incredibly fickle and Horatio and his suits would make a whirlwind pair as the shades are quite aloof and ignoring his advances after all. :rolleyes:

Give me a break get over people not enjoying the ships you enjoy, wasn’t the whole point of the thread to state what you feel are the worst ships without your opinion being trounced on by people that favor that ship. Have I come into your thread and dumped grief on you for liking the idea of Catherine and Warrick, no I haven’t. What I did was post a response, stating my opinion, I didn’t come in here trying to win converts to my viewpoint or seeking disdain, but I thank you for the latter, it helps feed into the notion that shippers are hostile and sadly justifies some of the guidelines posted.

Instead of posting a dissertation here on why you love Catherine and Warrick go do it in the thread designated for that discussion.

Re: worst couples !!!!

Vegas - Warrick and Catherine. I admit most of this is my revulsion at all things Catherine. I usually wear sunglasses while watching the show to divert the bright glare off her overly glossed lips. The flirting in the last episode seemed forced, however, before that moment I saw and understood Catherine's attraction to Warrick many times in many episodes. This relationship just seems better in theory than it ever could in actuality, Warrick can't fix what's wrong with Catherine and vice versa. They are two people haunted by their pasts and would inevitably destroy one another with their respective damage.

Lipgloss: I don't always like their lipglosses but you are probably blinded by other lipglosses too considering she's not the only one wearing them. And yeah.. I often don't like them on her or Sara either. Still.. I don't see what this has anything to do with a 'ship. But yeah.. sowwy... I forgot... we cannot have a thread without bringing bashing into it, now, can we? That would be just too respectful and we don't want that.

I completely disagree with your reasoning, I didn't find it forced, I found it odd and unexpected... something that didn't seem to fit in that moment and I think that is what the writers intended with it. After all, he is married.

BUT to actually say something useful and in-topic too, my "worst"... nah, I'll use a better word: non-functional couple must be Grissom and Sara. I feel it very very one sided and Grissom's actions are often misinterpreted by Sara and the 'shippers.

Yep yep.. now come and throw bashing and cursing my way cuz *gasp* I dont like the "holy 'ship".
Re: worst couples !!!!

AngelEyez, I must say that I find your reasoning for disliking GSR very good and clear. Not the usual backstabbing y'know. So respect for that! :cool:
Re: worst couples !!!!

Wow, did I say the worst ship was between Catherine and her lip gloss or was I highlighting one of the reasons I can’t stand her character, which I believe I said contributed partially to my dislike of the ship. Or did you know that and were attempting to throw some clever snide words my way or better yet was my posting too involved for the actual main point to be understood. :rolleyes:


Give me a break get over people not enjoying the ships you enjoy, wasn’t the whole point of the thread to state what you feel are the worst ships without your opinion being trounced on by people that favor that ship. Have I come into your thread and dumped grief on you for liking the idea of Catherine and Warrick, no I haven’t. What I did was post a response, stating my opinion, I didn’t come in here trying to win converts to my viewpoint or seeking disdain, but I thank you for the latter, it helps feed into the notion that shippers are hostile and sadly justifies some of the guidelines posted.

Instead of posting a dissertation here on why you love Catherine and Warrick go do it in the thread designated for that discussion.


Hey Ali... who spit in ur bean curd? :confused: Seems to me that many on here post to defend their ships especially when irrationally attacked (no, i'm not seeing your correlation of lip gloss to anti Yobling). Now I'm compelled to post since u decided to attack an individual instead of an idea.

Who are u to tell someone where to go? I could say the same about u bashing Cath, I do believe there already is a 'worse character' thread.

But silly rabbit, tricks are for kids. You dont vibe with a ship... fine. Since u dont play nice, I wouldnt want to b on one with you anyway. The only snide remarks I saw were yours. If I read correctly, it clearly says that's your opinion and happy shipping to you too So u might want to practice what u preach and expect that people will comment on what's posted or what is the point of a forum???

Oh and maybe, live and let live, like you also stated. I didnt see anyone trying to ram anything down ur throat. I saw someone posting THEIR opinion as u stated doing urself.

Back to what this thread is about...

I couldnt have said it better Angel Eyez. I consider GSR the only 'real' ship I have to say needs to sink. I could always say that Hodges and someone or Ecklie and someone would be the worse since I find them dispicable but I dont consider them actual ships.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Right, first of all reign in the personal attacks right the hell now - and that goes for *all* involved. This is not a thread to attack each other for having a POV. Its a thread, as I've said countless times to the point that I'm sick of the sound of my own voice, to come in, post your opinion, and get out again. If this cannot be done in a grown-up, responsible and rational way, then I will gladly lock the thread and not allow another one to be started. Petty, childish remarks have no place here - they belong in the schoolyard, so keep them there and lets have a little adult behavior, shall we.

So please, can we stop going on the defensive over every little statement, those who cannot take critisism of their ship would be best not dishing it out in the first place, and can we please not take simple statements of opinion and blow them up to ridiculous proportions (JDonne's 'lipgloss' remark was blown up to stupid proportions and taken out of context by some, as far as I can tell...)

I'm sorry if I seem harsh now, but lament and I have had to come in here time and again to pour oil on the troubled waters and frankly, we're a little sick and tired of it.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Sick and tired... we agree on that. Maybe just sick and tired of different things. If only people grasped thread titles maybe these things wouldn't happen. :)
Re: worst couples !!!!

JDonne whoa! chill! there's no need to be hostile. btw, in case you misunderstood, I wasn't just replying on your post in particular, but also to those I've read since page 1. And no, I never did say 'you should ship my ship', nor force anyone to sail with my ships. I was replying to the posts, quite an OT one, about the slim chance of Rick cheating and Cath tolerating it. Besides Ive seen everybody here at one instance dropped by and defended their ships, complete with pictures, articles and scenarios.
Ok to finish this off.. I already posted my worst ships in LV and Miami.. now in New York.. I think the worst ship in New York is Mac-Aiden, because I really just see them as good friends and co-workers and nothing more. im off and i'll go back to my shipments.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Who are u to tell someone where to go? I could say the same about u bashing Cath, I do believe there already is a 'worse character' thread.

Wow ruzila, you rule!! :lol: :lol:
Re: worst couples !!!!

I consider GSR the only 'real' ship I have to say needs to sink.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How did you figure that one out? :eek: :rolleyes:

Althought they aren't exactly 'real' (even with the accents)after all, didn't anyone read the original scripts of Stalker and You've Got Male? Makes you wonder what are TPTB's intentions about Nick and Sara (and please, don't give me the friendship crap :rolleyes: Coz they could have done that with Gil really)
Re: worst couples !!!!

SparklingDiamond, that "friendship crap" is some peoples opinion and it is no more or less valid than your opinion regarding GSR.

The biggest problem with this thread is there seems to be an attitude of "I can put down whatever ship I want because i'm entitled to my own opinion, but no one better put down my ship because I'm right and your wrong" And it's this attitude, held by many posters, that is resulting in the near flaming of other posters that has happened today.

News flash guys, it's a TV show. And people can like whatever ships they like, and you can dislike whatever ships you choose too, but there's really no point in getting all bent out of shape over it. Its all opinion. Its all subjective. The only problem I see is that those opinions are sometimes being expressed with a little too much venom and a little bit too little objectivity.

Now, can I please ask that people do not come in here to 'defend' their ship. If you want to talk about how wonderful your ship is, please do it in your ship thread. And can we keep the debate civilised and rational in here, or if that's too much to ask, lets not have any debate at all, but simply keep it to simple statements of preference and reasons and nothing more. Thank you.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Right, first of all reign in the personal attacks right the hell now - and that goes for *all* involved. This is not a thread to attack each other for having a POV. Its a thread, as I've said countless times to the point that I'm sick of the sound of my own voice, to come in, post your opinion, and get out again. If this cannot be done in a grown-up, responsible and rational way, then I will gladly lock the thread and not allow another one to be started. Petty, childish remarks have no place here - they belong in the schoolyard, so keep them there and lets have a little adult behavior, shall we.

So please, can we stop going on the defensive over every little statement, those who cannot take critisism of their ship would be best not dishing it out in the first place, and can we please not take simple statements of opinion and blow them up to ridiculous proportions (JDonne's 'lipgloss' remark was blown up to stupid proportions and taken out of context by some, as far as I can tell...)

I'm sorry if I seem harsh now, but lament and I have had to come in here time and again to pour oil on the troubled waters and frankly, we're a little sick and tired of it.

Yes, I agree lets discuss our own opinions, NOT whats posted and who posts. Guess its better to b safe than sorry.

I love Sara, I love Grissom.... matter of fact, I love the whole cast with exception to Hodges and Ecklie. So I guess I dont like character bashing. I dont like GSR cuz I dont believe the dynamics make for a good relationship. I actually consider myself a mutlishipper.

I say 'real' ship because I havent heard of anyone really following an Ecklie or Hodges ship. I didnt mean any insult or demean anyone who might ship those. That was ignorance on my part.

I'm all for freedom of speech until it infringes on real people. I wont get into further detail cuz the subject is dropped. But I felt maybe I was wrong about the Hodges Ecklie thing -there might b people who consider them real. I put my faith in the mods and I can take a spankin when necessary.
Re: worst couples !!!!

forensicsgirl, I'm gonna give a wild suggestion here that might upset people, but...
wouldn't it be better to close this thread? Because you are right, you need to come here all the time shush people. And I don't think that's gonna change soon.
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