Dislike a Ship?

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Re: worst couples !!!!

Well I'm a GSR, but I agree that both Grillows and Snickers are possible. Naturally neither will happen ;) but possible...

The problem with this thread is that we're not even arguing worst couples anymore, we're just putting down couples that threaten our favorite ships. I want GSR to sail, but I don't think Snickers or Grillows is the worst ship out there.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Hehe, you send a "plant" to a cow, not someone you apparently have romantic feelings for (considering he totally forgets she's vegetarian and only sends said plant because Cath bugs him to). And I stand by it :p

Bwahahaha! You rock. :D I almost squirted tea out of my nose when I read that! :lol:

I just hate that the writers have her constantly chasing this guy that obviously doesn't want her to catch him. He dates other women and never socializes with her - where's the romance/relationship there?
Re: worst couples !!!!

im a snicker obviously, and i want the ship to sail, but besides that, i still think GSR is the worst, not just because it would mean no snickers.

i just think that it would be the worst thing for sara.
Re: worst couples !!!!

sailing sailing over the horizon sun! *sing sing*

another bad couple? Grissom/Grissom hat.

I love Grissom's straw hat! thats the one you were talking about right? he's a farmer! :lol:
Re: worst couples !!!!

The Lindsey thing has me confused cos there are 2 of them... one on LV the other NY... one is a lil' girl the other a transfer from Montana... PTB PLEASE STOP CONFUSING ME...

Um, I think H & his glasses are kinda weird & it don't last anyway, he's had like 4 or 5 different pairs already! He's so unloyal
Re: worst couples !!!!

Maybe H's glasses and Grissom's hat could get together? Now *theres* a ship I could sail... :lol:

I'm confused over the Lindsay thing too. If the poster meant Cath's daughter then I agree 100% - she's a child and shipping her with anyone at the moment, especially on a show filled with adults, is serious paedophile territory...
Re: worst couples !!!!

I'm confused over the Lindsay thing too. If the poster meant Cath's daughter then I agree 100% - she's a child and shipping her with anyone at the moment, especially on a show filled with adults, is serious paedophile territory...

I agree 100% And that's why i just feel sick at the fact that's there's an actual thread with Linday/Greg. I mean, wait till she's at least 16, which will probably be next year, knowing CBS and their lack of continuity. :rolleyes:
Re: worst couples !!!!

by MissDee: My vote for worst ship is anything involving Lindsay....

Is this Lindsay as in Willows Jnr or Lindsay Montana? Cause I kinda agree with what some people have said about Lindsay(Willows)/Greg. No offense, but that's just disturbing. Don't think 'paedophilia' will look great on our blooming CSI's records, y'know... ;) Now, a crossover ship of Lindsay(Montana)/Greg, on the other hand... :D Hmmm. Could be cute. The Juniors in each team. Swapping war stories...

Anyway, this ain't a thread for 'good potential ships.' Actually find this thread kinda cool (& must be kinda tricky for the mods ;) ). My worst couple... Well, if you're talking about what realistically can happen... I'd say any of the supervisor/subordinate pairing (SO... GSR, Cath/Warrick, H/Cal, Mac/Aiden, Mac/Lindsay, etc). Don't like the unequal power relations there...

And for the record, I think shipping Lindsay Montana is great, *cough*even if it is with someone who I think belongs strictly to Aiden*cough* ;) *blows kisses to tuesdaymorning* No Aiden, but I like Lindsay so far...
Re: worst couples !!!!

im a snicker obviously, and i want the ship to sail, but besides that, i still think GSR is the worst, not just because it would mean no snickers.

Just like mine has nothing to do with GCR. It's just how I feel. Trust me, *I* know how to multiship! ;)
Re: worst couples !!!!

Bwahahaha! You rock. I almost squirted tea out of my nose when I read that!

Glad to be of service :D But seriously, that episode makes me so mad. It's little things like that that makes me think Gil and Sara are the worst couple. It has nothing to do with the fact that I ship Nick and Sara, because I do like Greg and Sara, it's cute, I do like Gil/Cath, Gil/Lady H, Gil/Sophia and so on.

I mean, if he doesn't even acknowledge her as a simple friend, how could anything develop? Not to mention that when Sara is around him, she's most times so down, and depressed, sad, I dunno, that bad feeling. And I hate it, because I really miss the smiling Sara of before. And when she's around Warrick, Greg, Nick specially she's always so happy, and smiling and flirting.

And how Sara keeps chasing after Gil like a kicked puppy makes me insane.

midnightsun you kill me!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: worst couples !!!!

Well, I can certainly think of a LOT of horrible couples, but among those that are actually plausible, my vote goes to Grissom & Sara (and this has nothing to do with my own preferred ship - I felt this way before I even started shipping anyone on this show).

Why? Because of many of the reasons that have already been mentioned in this thread. For me it's definitely not an age thing (their age difference isn't even that huge in my book), but I definitely don't see any romantic chemistry between the two. Yes, Sara's definitely interested, but she's gotten nothing but rejection from Grissom. You'd think she would've moved on by now (and here's hoping she has/will). They both need someone less brooding and someone to bring them out of their shells; someone who makes them see the fun in the world, too. They're definitely not that someone for each other.

IMHO, of course. ;) Shipping is definitely in the eye of the beholder.
Re: worst couples !!!!

Vegas - Warrick and Catherine. I admit most of this is my revulsion at all things Catherine. I usually wear sunglasses while watching the show to divert the bright glare off her overly glossed lips. The flirting in the last episode seemed forced, however, before that moment I saw and understood Catherine's attraction to Warrick many times in many episodes. This relationship just seems better in theory than it ever could in actuality, Warrick can't fix what's wrong with Catherine and vice versa. They are two people haunted by their pasts and would inevitably destroy one another with their respective damage.

MIAMI - Truthfully, I don't watch it enough to have an opinion.

NY - Danny/Lindsay - Again, a character I don't like (Lindsay) but with these two I just don't see it. Some people see the interaction Danny had with Aiden as a brother/sister thing, as an aside if either of my brothers had looked at me the way Danny looked at Aiden at the end of Crimes and Misdemeanor I would have run and told my dad and then made sure they had all the therapy they needed for thinking dirty sexual thoughts about their sister. I think Danny/Lindsay makes a better case for the brother and sister distinction, albeit a sister he hardly seems to notice, like the newness of her has worn off and now she's just stealing all the attention. Danny telling Lindsay to call Mac sir, was stupid teasing of the newbie and something my brothers would do. As far as Danny looking at her, well she is the new girl and he looked but by the lastest episode he seemed over any need to even acknowledge her at all. I think they have had two moments of significant interaction, and neither demonstarted love everlasting or love just for the moment to me.

Re: worst couples !!!!

Vegas - Warrick and Catherine. I usually wear sunglasses while watching the show to divert the bright glare off her overly glossed lips.
They are two people haunted by their pasts and would inevitably destroy one another with their respective damage.
I think it was a bit hard. But it's just my opinion.
Re: worst couples !!!!

I actually agree with JDonne on both (Danny/Lindsay, Cath/Warrick)

I wouldn't go saying Cath/Warrick is the worst couple but it gets close. To me, there wasn't anything there until the day they basically forced it on that episode I never watched. I wouldn't even know there was any kind of c/w thingie going on if people hadn't told me about that episode.
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