Difference between Vegans and Vegetarians??

I'm not sure if this is the right spot to put this because it is not really about CSI but Jorja Fox's name will probably pop up somewhere. ^heh, see it already did!

Okay I'm a little naiive here. What is the difference between vegans and vegetarians? I have heard people comment that they will just stick with being vegetarian because the other is too extreme or something like that.

What is Jorja Fox? I thought she was vegan but I'm not postive on that.

Thanks for any and all responses!

Luv Vanessa and dogs
Vegan is when someone doesn't dairy products as well as not eating anything that is a product of animals or a byproduct. There are different types of vegetarianism: lacto-vegetarians eat dir but not egg and ovo-vegetarians eat all dairy.

This link will help explain more.


Hope this helps! :)
CSIdoglover54 said:
What is Jorja Fox? I thought she was vegan but I'm not postive on that.

Jorja is a vegetarian but she has mentioned in some articles and interviews that she would like to become vegan one day. It would be extremely hard though because you have to give up all dairy products and they are in everything :lol: :p

Soy milk is da bomb though, IMO.
i was a vegetarian for about 4 years and made several attempts to become a vegan but i couldn't do it. i found it really hard to do. no dairy? i already wasn't eating meat but to take cheese away? well thats just impossible for me.
I'm a vegetarian (I'm ovo-lacto, meaning I eat dairy and eggs), and have been for just over a year now. Eventually, I'd like to get down to being lacto-veg, meaning dairy only, and then someday I'd like to be vegan.
eggbe4thechicken said:
^ :lol: Beat you to it quoth! :p

Oh darn!! :lol: :p

I've been a vegetarian for about six months now but I do eat meat occasionally to appease my parents. My mom was kind of freaked out at first when I did it because she was worried about me not getting enough protein/iron :p She wants me to eat it every now and then just to make sure I get enough nurtients.
Can you not just buy the iron and protein suppliments? I have and take one table for B12 levels, and one for everything else i'm missing out on and that keeps me going.
I've been a vegetarian for about 10 years now. Tofu is good with anything since it takes the floavor of what you cook it with. I've also found that different nuts have the same amount of protien in them that most meats do.
dopebabygirl said:
tofu rocks as well

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There's a reason why there is 'please read' :rolleyes:
Thanks guys! I had no idea there were different types of vegetarians. That shows you how much I have researched this. I don't think I would be able to give up dairy and eggs. I wish you guys luck in your aspirations. I want to become vegetarian, lets' see that would be lacto-ovo? after I move out because my parents would raise a fuss about it. My mom grew up on a farm and my dad had two parents who grew up on farmed. The meat runs strong in our family...