Dear Diary **Sandles**

Interesting. Chapter 3 is a bit like an experience I had once, told a girl I loved her. Didn't go so well. :( Can't wait to see what happens next.
Disclaimers in chapter 1 & 2

June 5, 2006
Dear Diary,

Love. Is. Complicated.

Yes, all those words are their own sentence, that’s how complicated it is. And it’s about to get even more complicated (if you can believe that).

Grissom put us on the same case, yet again, even though the whole lab now knows about my confession (though I can’t figure out if it was Nick or Warrick who told).

Seriously, this man is trying to punish me for loving his girlfriend. Why else would he put us on yet another case together? This is the third time since the announcement that he’s done it.

Damn him!

So, the case, well, I don’t even remember what it was about, really. All I can remember is the odd glances Sara and I shared.

Beats me if I know what they meant.

She keeps staring at me – should I look back? Should I keep my eyes on the scene? Gosh, I don’t know. She has that ‘Sara Look,’ as Warrick once put it. Like she’s concentrating so hard that her brain’s gonna explode. Concentrating – on me. I wish I knew what she was going to say in the break room yesterday, but I guess it’ll always be one of those mysteries.

Seriously, I don’t even know how long she stared at me. Probably just a few minutes, but it seemed like 50 gosh darned years!

I can’t take it! Whenever she looks at me, I melt. My heart beats a little faster than normal, and I just want to kiss her.

I should kiss her.

Just one kiss.

I wonder. How would she react? Would she tell him?

Probably. But I don’t care.

The next time I see Sara Sidle, I’m gonna give her a breath-taking kiss she’ll never forget!


((Yes, he will kiss her soon :D))
Wow, I absolutely love it. Sara and Greg, kissing? That's going to be great. Love it! Update soon, please!
:D Another good chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next. I wonder how Sara will react to a kiss?

Sadly, the girl I told I love you to never spoke to me again, so no opportunity for kisses. Gah, I need to stop thinking about it, makes me gloomy. :(
OMG!Greg and Sara kissing!That's so awesome!can't wait for more!
He's gonna kiss her? YAY!!!! :D :D :D I wonder how it's gonna turn out.
Please update soon! It's really cute :D

Awww poor Yummy :( Well that's kinda why I never told my best friend that I'm secretly in love with him. Not sure how he'd react. Afraid he'd do what Sara did and I'm gonna lose a friend :( Yummy, you're definitely not alone *hugs to make you feel better* :)

Funny how you can relate your life to CSI characters :lol:
Yay!!! A Sandle kiss!!! Pleasee update! Its reallyy goood! ;)

Well I did have a crush on my best guy friend, for like 2 years but then I couldnt take it anymore because he said I was the only "trust worthy" girl that he knew so he would always tell me who he liked, and would ask me if he had a chance with them... :( So I was like screw it. This sucks :( I know how you guys feel.
Yeah it really sucks... I'm probably like his little sister *sigh* Everytime he says "I love you, sis." I feel like I wanna scream, 'you mean love me like a sister, or more?' Talking about how frustrating that is :( It's not easy. He's always being so nice that I can't get mad at him... And he's a really great friend, so I don't wanna lose him either.

I feel so much like a loser :lol: One of these days I'd probably be like you, "Oh screw it. I'm damn tired!" :lol:

I wonder if Greg feels the same frustration with Sara. I mean, she never really 'rejects' him, it even seems that she enjoys his flirting too, but never really tell him she loves him either... I know some people view their relationship as more brother-sister type. I wonder if Greg realizes it, like, does she just think of me as a younger brother/friend? Poor Greggo :(

Hmmm somehow I manage to relate my life to CSI again :lol:
YAY!! New chapter. Sorry it's been awhile, school started a couple weeks ago.

June 7, 2006
Dear Diary,

Ladies and Gentlemen: Greg Sanders has kissed Sara Sidle.

[Break Room 6/6/06]
“Hey Sara,” I say as she walks into the room, not looking up from my less than enjoyable magazine. “Hey Greggo, what’s up? What’cha reading?” She questions, seeming genuinely interested in the snooze fest off a magazine that is ‘World Forensics Monthly.’ “Oh, just this forensics magazine is all. Nothing as interesting as what you’re probably ‘focused on’ right now.” Oh darn! I did it again!!! “Alright Greg, we really need to talk about this. What you said the other day, it can’t just disappear.” Man, how I wish it could. “I know, I know. But, you know what? It really doesn’t mean much does it? You’re with Grissom. Where does that leave me? Nowhere.” I knew that all along in my heart, I just never thought I’d actually have the balls to say it to her. “Greg, listen to me. That’s not true and you know it. You’re an amazing man. The best friend I’ve ever had, most likely. And I don’t want you to feel so blue. I hate seeing you like this. Really, I do. Is there anything I can do to help? Anything, you name it.” This is my chance. I move closer to her and notice that she seems to be a little … shaky. “Greg? What exactly are you –” I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. Gosh, she tastes soooo good. And, hey! She’s actually kissing me back!! Should I take it a step further? Too late, she already has, as I feel her tongue … ohhhhhhh God. She’s such an amazing kisser. Not that I expected anything different. I mean, this is Sara Sidle we’re talking about here. Suddenly, she breaks away from me. “Oh, gosh. Oh … We shouldn’t have done that. I gotta, I gotta go.” She rushes out of the break room so fast; I don’t even get a chance to speak.

So, there you have it. Our kiss.

I know she enjoyed it. It was obvious. I think she even might have been blushing when she ran out of that room.

All in all, a very amazing and wonderful experience.

But since she avoided me for the rest of the day, (which is becoming a back and forth type of thing with us) I have no idea what will come of it.

I hope its love.



Ahem, sorry for my reaction above *cough* ;) But that's just so sweet! At the beginning I almost said 'poor Greggo' but then... THE KISS!!! YAY!!!!!!!! :D :D