~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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I used to hate sideburns, I used to hate red hair (got red hair myself), I used to hate pale guys, I used to hate slim guys... and now... I love DC :lol: he's so perfect...
I used to hate sideburns as well! :lol: Since seeing DC I now have a new found love for them. They just look so darn good on him. :devil: :D

Great wallpaper calleighspeedle, thanks for posting. :)
There have been theories that says sideburns makes a person's face look slightly smaller and sharpens the features.. *stares at some pics* Yup, I think DC probably proved that theory true and valid for anyone's future use.. :lol:
That's for the poster pic calleighspeedle. I wish it's bigger though :p

I've always love sideburns on men(but not Elvis' :lol:). There's something about it that makes men look sexier. And DC has the best sideburn. There're 2 things(among all the rest) about him that'll turn my legs into jelly - his sideburn and voice. :eek:
I have to agree with you, I didn't really like sideburns on Elvis. :lol: I think DC can really pull sideburns, they don't look too much or too obvious.(if you know what I mean) :)

Oh my god zippy, I love your banner! :lol:
I don’t know if I can talk about this on this thread :confused:, but have you seen David Caruso photos going for a stroll with his baby?
Antonio seems cute, chubby and quite fair skinned like his dad!
There is also one picture where David is protecting his hatless baby from the sun with his hands. What a careful daddy! Lovely! :)
I apologise in advance if we are not allowed to discuss this kind of private matters...
Aww that's nice to know that DC's a caring and loving dad. But I'm not sure if we can discuss his private life here. Gotta ask Lucy.

Oh my god zippy, I love your banner! :lol:
Thanks Tink :D!
guys i love the character of DC as H but unfortunately i haven't seen any of his other movies :(
djmik21 welcome to DC/HC therad :) hope u will have great time here. we all love DC :D

and it`s true that we don`t have the right to discuss DC private life here..let respected him and his fammily.

moste of the facts are basis on 'yellow' papers..this taboo must be recall in CSI forum rules

and sorry <font color="greenish">Lucy</font> didt` want to take ur job ..
we don`t have the right to discuss DC private life here..let respected him and his fammily.
I understand. Would you like me to erase my message? I don't know how to do that, but I could give it a try...
hey Beca i`m not a Mod....i just reply to zippy post

sorry did`t want to offend u :(

i personally 'break' this rule and have reprimand that way i protect the rest .

don`t worry the Mods did`nt bite by now :D
and hope neve will do it ;)
Hehe. We're not usually the biting type! ;)

We do try to discourage discussion of David's private life, but you didn't do anything wrong Beca, and there's no need to edit your post. :)

When it comes to photos, we don't like to post the type that look like they've been taken without David's permission, as this is an invasion of his privacy.
Pusher said:
hey Beca i`m not a Mod....i just reply to zippy post
sorry did`t want to offend u :(
No need to apologise! ;) I didn’t feel offended at all! I understand we shouldn’t discuss Mr. Caruso’s private life.
By the way... what’s a “Mod”? :confused: Sorry, but I’m new at these things and English is not my origin language...
Moderator = Mod = sheriff in the town look for law

and my English is not my origin language... and u and the rest can see it :) but all guys here is so patiently and favourably :D

trust me :D ur in the right plase for DC/HC lovers :)
Sherrif! :lol: I like that. :D As Pusher said, a Mod is a Moderator. We are here to make sure the board is run in an orderly manner and that our rules are followed properly. We are just normal members, with just a little added responsibility. ;)

We are still very human though, and like to have fun too! :D
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