~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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ooo so it did happened!! but i think like he's already 40 smtg. DUde he's old enough to think!!! I am really dissapointed of him. Coz he is like my idol.
ooo but they even say that DC was the same during CSI
I hope isn't like that
OOO so DC was arrogant during the BLUE days...icic thanks tho for the info but do u think that he is when he first started CSI?
Erm.... NYPD Blue happened 13 years ago.

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i don't really understand this thing could you explain in detail? I'm sorry i had to double post bcos i dun really understand bout this rule
About DC... so he was arrogant during "Blue"... so any news or gossip aobut DC being arrogant or throwing tantrums around the set when CSI FIRST STARTED since it was a hit too? And guys I am proud to say that I am a Malaysian
Peace out!
As I posted in the Horatio thread, the best sources of information are official interviews. Everything else is often just made up nonsense to create scandal. We don't discuss gossip and speculation here for that reason.
Leehom said:
i don't really understand this thing could you explain in detail? I'm sorry i had to double post bcos i dun really understand bout this rule

Hmm. How shall I explain. You click "reply" (or use quick reply) when you post here. So, do not do it again right after you've submitted the first post. Instead, go to see the post you have just posted, and click "edit" in it and you can add what you want to that post.

Because this thing what we call double posting (which means you post a new post right after the another) and it's called spamming and it's against the rules. Now I know you are a newbie, but I hope you understand now.

What comes to that tabloids.

Tabloids = write rumours that are UNTRUE 95%

And I know the website (Kim Delaney) and I know the person who runs the site and I just checked it and saw the articles what you meant and those were all by Enquirer.
They just want to shock people by writing something "shocking" even it is not true.

So when you see articles by (National) Enquirer, you know it's a tabloid paper so you don't have to panic what they write. Ignore, since it's not true. This is a great example about how tabloids work. They took old news and add it to new content and vola, people believe it's true. When it is not.

As Lucy said, we do not talk about those here.

So no, DC hasn't been arrogant or throwing anything in CSIM days. As himself has said, he has learnt from those Blue days and the other actors in CSIM say he is great guy to work with. Same says the people who do the show (like Ann Donahue).
My thing is who cares. Good Grief. The man says he's learned his lesson & I believe he has but , even if he did at the beginning of CSIM again(which I'd never heard anything) who cares? LOL!!!! That's what about 4 yrs. ago? So that's old news. Lets deal with the present & future please. The poor guy gets enough bad publicity(from other sites) and I don't think he needs any from us. Do you?
Besides if we all believed everything we read about celebrities they'd have no fans would they? Ducky's right the Enquirer's nothing but trash. So please don't pay attention to trash like that. Lets just go on doing what we do best, being big fans of David Carusos & rooting for him.
^My thoughts exactly. I mostly care about the present, not the past. I remember when I had to learn what foreign press is tabloids and what are realiable so it takes time when you are not familiar, but once you remember what are tabloids, it's easier to filter what you read.
I heard the same rumor. But I heard that he was like that back in the NYPD Blue days, not CSI Miami. I think that he truly is a good person to work with since people tend to say that he's really a nice guy, and quite the comedian off camera. I wish I could meet him to see what he's like. From what I've seen, he seems like a really nice guy that brings laughter to the set.
ilovegrissom1 said:
I heard the same rumor. But I heard that he was like that back in the NYPD Blue days, not CSI Miami. I think that he truly is a good person to work with since people tend to say that he's really a nice guy, and quite the comedian off camera. I wish I could meet him to see what he's like. From what I've seen, he seems like a really nice guy that brings laughter to the set.
Same here :D!!! I think he is a very friendly person :)
hey in M'sia right now they are just started showing season 4... can you guys tell me which is the most emotional yet exciting episode of season 4? (e.g Horatio starts smooching with Marisol or smtg like that or Horatio express his love to her) But if u ask me i don't think that Horatio exactly loves Marisol but Yelina instead. But who knows...
Just a reminder that this thread is for the discussion of David's other roles outside of CSI:Miami. For questions relating to Horatio, please ask them in the Horatio thread. Thanks. :)
I don't think so. He'll stick with Miami until the end and I'm pretty sure the schedule is so tight that he cannot do movies.
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