~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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Heey Zippy! Good to see you back! I'm glad you enjoyed all the pictures. Luce is still away.

That is another one of those fantasy dream. Ahaha, I am CERTAIN that you woke up angry and mad. :D
I didn't wake up :lol: The dream just disappeared followed by some other dream(s)...don't remember...but I know I didn't wake up yet.
Blimey, made my evening girls, that man really needs to smile more, it warms me right to my toes :lol:

Really funny, I was watching NYPD yesterday and my housemate came in and said "Wow is that Horatio with spikey hair?" I was thinking his he doesn't have spikey hair!!! Then had to explain, in fact it wasn't Horatio but it was DC and in a different program :rolleyes: she went away shaking her head, oh dear my secret is out ;)
A reminder guys...here in the Miami forum we ask that any pics wider that 480px be posted as links. ;) Thanks!
I love Dead Woman Walking!

I followed the link from Ducky's signature and I checked out the 'DC fan encounter' thread. I'm SO SO SOOO envious of the girl who got to meet DC and talked him to for *gasp* :eek: 15 mins!! And I read that he's really nice and friendly. They brought photos for him to autograph and DC went into his trailer to get more :lol: to give them. I'm SO jealous! I will never in my lifetime be able to meet DC and even if I do, I'd already fainted b4 he even notice me being there. :lol:
Oh yeah zippy I did exactly the same thing, and couldn't help being a little jealous too :rolleyes: I really live way too far from LA, I will have to go visit an old friend of mine who lives there, it's been a while since I saw her ;)

The pictures were really funny, it looked like DC was struggling with the cold in LA cause he had the biggest jacket on :lol:

Anyway they were lovely pics, he looked really relaxed and happy :D
Ha! Isn't my signature tempting!? :lol:
Join that forum if you not members already :p0

I will never meet him either... and even if I spotted him I'd probably think "nah, not gonna bother famous people"

Seriously, no matter what GODS they are... I feel like it's harassing and never even go to ask an autograph :lol:
Hey guys, haven't been on for a long while, can't believe I missed the new DC threads. I'm so sorry *hangs head in shame*. Promise to visit more often now to feed my cravings more DC. Anyway here is one of my fav DC pics, I just love his cheeky smile.


Oh I also found this on-line too, dunno if you've this or not

Oh Grissom_Mad welcome back then, it's great to see you.
Love your avvy, have seen it before it makes me smile everytime :D

Ducky I'm with you I think, I'd go for the non-chalent, look and smile approach I think, but then if he came to me I wouldn't say no :lol:
Whenever I go to West Brom football club shop and see the players I try this, they usually nod back and smile it's nice I'm not really an over dramatic type :rolleyes:
Question about Blue eppy. I watched Jumpin' Jack Fleishman yesterday and... did anyone else notice JK had his badge upside down when they were at first crime scene, where that girl was dead?

And what comes to this "what if I met him [doh, DC]" it's just... even I'm a very loud person, I get incredibly shy around people who I don't know, ya know?

Except ones I was in a concert of one of my fave Finnish singers and my friend is HUGE fan and we went to get an autograph (I swear we were only ones under 40 there) because erm... of my two friends and ... he even gave hug to us *blushes* so yeah...
I just like to keep the distance. :lol:
Hi Grissom_Mad! Do visit us often. :D

Footyliz said:
The pictures were really funny, it looked like DC was struggling with the cold in LA cause he had the biggest jacket on :lol:
Yeah North Face! I noticed too and anyway he gained some weight so it made him look even bigger. :lol:

I'm also not the type who'd go ask for an autograph. I wouldn't know what to do with the autograph anyway. Keep it? Stick it on the wall? Then what? And like Ducky, even though I can be loud I'm shy and introverted in the presence of strangers. And if I imagine myself in LA at the set, I'll most probably stand far away gazing and have a camera in my hand but not doing anything with it. Then when it's all over I'll beat myself up wondering why I hadn't taken any photos. If DC sees me and comes up to me...I'll freeze with a grin :D and speak in a limited vocab. of hello, yeah, thanks, yes, no, bye..... :lol:
Oh yeah I'm with both of you, very shy when it comes to strangers, but ridicolously loud otherwise :rolleyes:

I could stand and watch at a distance for hours, I think, and my vocab wouldn't quite be so eloquent, I think it would be urm, ur, oh, ur :eek:

But as we are DC did you see the new article, says he's in it for the long haul, was smiling, very happy today I'm sticking with Miami as long as he is, so sounds good to me ;) lets hope for an uplifting season 5
Yes I did! I read it earlier today and I'm happy to know that he's staying for good. I'm kinda proud that CSI:M is the most watched series coz that means DC gets more famous too but S4 is going downhill...so let's pretend it doesn't exist and look forward to S5. S1, S2, S3, S5... :lol:
OK, you may not like S4 but we are going to see OUR man in a TUX!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm Psyched, I just know you are all gonna BUGOUT when you see him....Talk about HOTNESS!!! OH MY GOSH!!! :eek:

All white...I am hoping for all white!!! :devil: :D

S4 is looking pretty good to me, i just wish they would let the guy be happy with Marisol...or Me for that matter! :devil: :lol:
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