Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Peaches said:
Dutch is being fluffy! :guffaw: what is happening here?
:lol: Well, in the case it was more about something personal than about D/L :p...I do have my fluffy moments D/L wise though, but usually I like those more after a big portion of angst...:cool:

Bella said:
before the end of the season I want Danny to tell Lindsay about what happened with Rikki, Lindsay kick his arse :devil: then tell him to give her space, Danny pine for what he lost with Lindsay (cue puppy dog eyes from SMM), Lindsay realise that she wants to give him a second chance, Danny proves his love to Lindsay (takes a non-threatening bullet for her perhaps ;)) and then they get married in Central Park :guffaw:Too much fluff for you ?
Bella! :eek: *runs to dentist, because of a sudden sugar overdose* That sounds just a little too much to still happen in this season :eek: But I do like the idea of Danny pining over something he thinks he has lost for good...:evil:

Rachel said:
I still hope he admits it and *finger's crossed* everything will work out ok for the 3 people involved... I feel quite bad for Rikki now that the charachters been used like this
Me too...despite everything that has happened I still cannot hate Rikki...I think what she did was perhaps sad and foolish :(, but I'm sure she knows nothing about Lindsay and therefor she is not at all to blame for the D/L situation at the moment...

Cordy said:
I'm still waiting for Liffy to log on and read about that spoiler I've posted. :lol:
Well, unfortunately he's on a trip and won't be back before Sunday or Monday, but he may be able to check his mail and I'm sure many people have already informed him about this...:)

do you guys think that we'll hear Danny tell Lindsay that he's in love with her by the end of the season?
Well, maybe, I don't know, it just seems a bit too soon after what has happened, perhaps when he tells Lindsay about (rest is speculation) Rikki and why he has put a stop to that..."I realized that I was in love with you too"...And if he does I'd prefer (just like when Lindsay said it) the 'in love' over the 'love'...to me there still is a significant difference between the two and the latter just seems completely inapropriate (sp?) right now...:rolleyes:

ilovedanny2 said:
Ok does everyone hate me or something
I'm sure nobody does :), we've all been new here once and we just (since we can not yet PM you :() want to help you before you get any warnings...try to keep in mind not to double post, not to reply to spoilers without spoiler tags and to not quote entire posts...It's great having you and your enthusiasm around :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Bella said:
before the end of the season I want Danny to tell Lindsay about what happened with Rikki, Lindsay kick his arse :devil: then tell him to give her space, Danny pine for what he lost with Lindsay (cue puppy dog eyes from SMM), Lindsay realise that she wants to give him a second chance, Danny proves his love to Lindsay (takes a non-threatening bullet for her perhaps ;)) and then they get married in Central Park :guffaw:Too much fluff for you?
Bella! :eek: *runs to dentist, because of a sudden sugar overdose* That sounds just a little too much to still happen in this season :eek: But I do like the idea of Danny pining over something he thinks he has lost for good...:evil:
If we had the whole 24 eps we could get far with Bella's idea, but since there are only a few eps left, I think it's a bit too much ;) But you're right Dutch, we definitely need to see how Danny feels about it all.

do you guys think that we'll hear Danny tell Lindsay that he's in love with her by the end of the season?
Well, maybe, I don't know, it just seems a bit too soon after what has happened, perhaps when he tells Lindsay about (rest is speculation) Rikki and why he has put a stop to that..."I realized that I was in love with you too"...And if he does I'd prefer (just like when Lindsay said it) the 'in love' over the 'love'...to me there still is a significant difference between the two and the latter just seems completely inapropriate (sp?) right now...:rolleyes:
Pfff, now THAT would be something!

So, can anyone fill me in about what's going to happen in the next eps? Thanks!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

EDIT: Does anyone know where I can watch the D/L Jaws moment? I've tried searching on Youtube, but I cant find it, but I'm probably putting the wrong combo of search words in:confused:.. if anyone could post a YT link or similar, I would be eternally grateful...

*passes round the chocolaty goodness of M&Ms as a bribe...*

*grabs the M&Ms*

I found it for you! But I am not sure if we are allowed to post youtube links...wait...question answered!

Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Hey y'all, I'm a old reader, but a new poster on this board and I came here to get some reassurances about the future of our favorite couple. In reading your comments "SMM" kept coming up and I have no idea what it stands for.

Thanks to anyone who can clue me in!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Bella, my love - opposite of gutter? Quite simple? 'Tis hell! :lol:

Ilovedanny2, angel no one hates you. You will learn to operate these stupid quote & spoiler boxes soon enough! Scroll down to the bottom of the page and it has a box saying vB code is on, click on vB code and it gives you instructions on how they work ;) Stay fluffy! xx

quite frankly deary, I dunno exactly but it involves a school, shooting & rape? Someone correct me if I'm mistaken. Linds apparently has a big part with the rape vic and there may be a little awkward talk with SMM over the whole Lady V incident - for want of a better word. Then allegedly, we've got a basketball date between the two of them in 4.19. For those that will correct me on date - boy & girl who have had sex, go see a game together after one has confessed love = date! Mwah :lol:

Oh, I'd just like to take a moment and thank everyone for jumping on board with my acronyms. SMM = Sexy Man Messer and WH,MM - Well Hello, Miss Monroe. Taken from season 2, Risk cos SMM's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets in that dress. Though in fairness, who's didn't?

*goes back to singing 'Nine in the Afternoon' please do not ask why! Loving Banquet by Bloc Party, bout time!*
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Welcome beerwench1313 (i love your name! ;))

Don't fret, our couple will remain strong...although when writers say there is going to be a bump they should be more clear and say there will be a mountain before their relationship get strong :wtf:

*happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts*
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

You're correct about the two eps - that's all we know thus far :brickwall:...Also in (I believe it's) the ep that starts with the basketball game, LV makes an appearance again, presumably near the end of the ep - to say goodbye? :cool: And both Kirstin@E-online and Ausiello have now more or less confirmed that D/L is not over...we just don't know how TPTB are gonna do it :scream: *stamps feet*

I little D/L acronym dictionary would be great...we already use them for all the eps (NWILL, DoWaR, LRC, etc.), but if there are others that are confusing to people, like LV = Lady Voldemort aka Rikki or TPBT = The powers that be aka the writers of the show, it might come in handy...:)

Welcome beerwench! I guess I will be seeing you a lot in 'The 8-ball' ;), the one and only GutterVille pub...

Peaches said:
Bella, my love - opposite of gutter? Quite simple? 'Tis hell!
LOL, I thought a monastery :guffaw:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Meg! I did? *looks around in a shiftish manner trying to think what we agreed* I'm sure it's all good anyways babes!
Dutch says:LOL, I thought a monastery :guffaw:
There's a difference? :rolleyes: I ought to be stopped.

So I've yet to see next week's promo but let me know what 'our' plans are for our favourite ship?

I would make a dictionary but try as I may, I shan't be able to complete the section on Lady V even though I came up with the concept. It's not her, she has my sympathy but urgh, yeah we'll ignore that part.

If I have however confused anyone else with thoughtless acronyms please let me know and I'll be willing to share my justification. ;)

Yeah, it's the basketball game that features Lady V. No matter what happens, will TPTB please give this poor woman the dignified exit she deserves? If she was some random woman I would be way more harsh! :lol:

Cookies anyone?
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I could of sworn you did peaches but I could be completely wrong...But if you want, I am always up for helping you out with it!

As for next week's promo, I don't remember anything D/L related but it looks like an interesting case so I will tune in faithfully as always!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Why is it that D can sex up the neighbor lady in one epi and in the very next epi casually invite L over for a movie and nary a word is said about him and his thinking abillities but just at the suggestion that L might, maybe, someday consider working things out with D and words like "moron" and "stupid" are already flying.:confused: Yeah, I know she said being involved with a co-worker wasn't a great idea. But you know, people can change their minds ... with time ... and a little persuasion.
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Oh I'm still waiting for Liffy to log on and read about that spoiler I've posted. :lol:

Yeah, where the heck is Liffers anyways? Come on out! *shakes bag of M&Ms and whistles* Here boy! :guffaw:

Am I reading these right? The basketball game thing is for just the two of them? Oh YES!!! *does happy dance* Yes, I gave in and read the spoilers. But boy am I happy I did. This ship is not over! Then again, it never will be. I can't wait to see them together again!

I don't care that Lady V is in it. I have some choice words for her. :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Liffy is away on a trip and will be back at the weekend. Personally I think he timed it just right with there being no new ep this week. Has he finally worked his way into the minds of TPTB? Hmm.... - That would explain a lot hence:

Us lot screaming like a bunch of 12 year old girls! :scream:

Aww, Lady V - if you went for some other guy, (with the expection of Flack cos I'm loving Angell, digressing again I know) we would have been completely fine with you and we sorta understand why you'd wanna get on with SMM, who wouldn't? But you've rocked our ship & yes the fault is SMM but we need you to leave us now and live happily ever after.

Cecilia, you're right it's always gonna be that way though. Everyone judges what someone else should do but when it comes to being faced with the situation themselves - only they know best. :rolleyes:

*Yay Team Fluff* & *Yay Team Nakie DL*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Okay, so I finally took a seat and watched the D/L scenes from RND and LWFM...And the Rikki/Danny scene. And I have to say: it didn't look as HOT as Danny and Lindsay in Snow Day. It looked like it was forced, it wasn't really natural. But hey, that's my opinion. It did make me MAD though...

I read about what some people in other threads were saying about Lindsay's behavior after this (about it being childish), so it made me curious. And after watching, I think I probably would have done the same, although leaving evidence behind wasn't the best of choices.

Lindsay asked Danny to lunch with her and said something about 'my turn', which implies they take lunch more often together which implies they were together...I wouldn't take lunch with somebody I had sex with once unless it was more than sex... So that makes Lindsay's reaction to Danny's behavior totally understandable: I would be upset as well if my boyfriend acted the way Danny did.

And boy, did Danny look shocked after Lindsay's confession! I hope it made him realise what a big mistake he has made. And in the next ep it looked like he tried to be the guy he was before, making fun with Lindsay. And again, I think he looked quote unhappy when Lindsay said it was hard...

And that said, with the spoilers we have so far, I think our ship is going in the right direction. And I also hope TPTB will give Rikki a nice exit. Maybe she can say something to Danny which makes him realise what he has. And maybe she can also 'help' Lindsay to forgive Danny...I don't know exactly how, though.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Okay, so I finally took a seat and watched the D/L scenes from RND and LWFM...And the Rikki/Danny scene. And I have to say: it didn't look as HOT as Danny and Lindsay in Snow Day. It looked like it was forced, it wasn't really natural. But hey, that's my opinion. It did make me MAD though...

I read about what some people in other threads were saying about Lindsay's behavior after this (about it being childish), so it made me curious. And after watching, I think I probably would have done the same, although leaving evidence behind wasn't the best of choices.

Lindsay asked Danny to lunch with her and said something about 'my turn', which implies they take lunch more often together which implies they were together...I wouldn't take lunch with somebody I had sex with once unless it was more than sex... So that makes Lindsay's reaction to Danny's behavior totally understandable: I would be upset as well if my boyfriend acted the way Danny did.

And boy, did Danny look shocked after Lindsay's confession! I hope it made him realise what a big mistake he has made. And in the next ep it looked like he tried to be the guy he was before, making fun with Lindsay. And again, I think he looked quote unhappy when Lindsay said it was hard...

And that said, with the spoilers we have so far, I think our ship is going in the right direction. And I also hope TPTB will give Rikki a nice exit. Maybe she can say something to Danny which makes him realise what he has. And maybe she can also 'help' Lindsay to forgive Danny...I don't know exactly how, though.

OMG I sooooo agree with you!!! When she said.....this is hard.....his expression was of confusion and saddness and I think guilt was thrown in there too.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I read about what some people in other threads were saying about Lindsay's behavior after this (about it being childish), so it made me curious. And after watching, I think I probably would have done the same, although leaving evidence behind wasn't the best of choices.

Lindsay asked Danny to lunch with her and said something about 'my turn', which implies they take lunch more often together which implies they were together...I wouldn't take lunch with somebody I had sex with once unless it was more than sex... So that makes Lindsay's reaction to Danny's behavior totally understandable: I would be upset as well if my boyfriend acted the way Danny did.

I agree with you completely on that. I am not going to say that Lindsay was perfect but when you are in a relationship with someone it is nice to know that they are honest with you and to find out that they haven't been completely honest with you is painful. I think her actions were completely justified in the episode...she was not acting completely childish contrary to what many say. :rolleyes:

I hope the writers give Rikki a nice exit that she deserves. I absolutely DETEST the way the writers have used her, she deserves so much better than this. I was absolutely disgusted with her actions and got sick to the stomach when I saw THAT scene. So does anyone know if the basketball scene is still going on? I heard it might be cut out...
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