Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

^^@ Bella... We dont know if she does go over to Danny's or not; I felt that it was a bit of a cliffie- Linds at a crossroads, so to speak, "will she or wont she go to Danny's?".
We didn't see her go in a particular direction, so she could yet...

I'm confuzzling myself now...
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Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Good evening, y'all!

Ok, I've seen the clips (only once, I will go back to them when 1. My comp plays nice or 2. I steal the laptop :D ) and I think that was really well done - praise to the writers? Whatever next? I'm personally assuming Linds knows something was up, you don't just go, hey my bf* is struggling here through grief so I'm just gonna dump him then ignore all his attempts to talk to me! If she doesn't know, and I'm bleeding well ducking here, I don't know if I want her to know. He knows it was a huge mistake, hell he wouldn't let LV back in his apartment, so I think the only reason for telling her would to be to ease his own guilt. Do we need more angst?

Again, I only watched it once and you know I'm a fluff bunny (Boo! He says Honey! :lol:) but I think he says 'maybe' not 'baby'. I wouldn't be comfortable with 'baby' just yet. I did however see their conversation ending on a positive note - his 'Please' her slightly exasperated smile when she asks him if he knows how hard it is to love him and then his face when there was a knock on his door, (yeah who was he expecting?) then look at the disappointment.

TPTB, thank God you did not ruin this woman - more than you have done btw, killing her kid - WTF? Can this season end with the tiniest hint of angst and not the suicide watch we've all come to know and hate? Optimism rearing it's head again! :guffaw:

*I'm not trying to spark debates of whether or not they were together by using this term so :p

Can someone please pick Liffy up off of the floor over the wet Linds scenes? I can't reach.

Dutch, even more beautiful pics! p.s - 'You're not the boss of me now, you're not the boss of me now, you're not the boss of me now and you're not so big' :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

That is just the picture I wanted Dutch - thank you! They look so good - even going as far as to wear complimentary shades. And they are both nearly smiling :)

So a question for us all - Do you think that Lindsay should have gone to Danny's to talk as he asked at the end of the phonecall?
I think that she was right not to talk to him at the lab as she is more cautious about letting it affect her work, especially after she left evidence out. But I think that she should have agreed to go over and see him. She said her piece (falling in love with you etc etc) so it seems fair that he should get the chance to tell her how he feels and what has happened.

I guess what I am trying to say is that he is making the effort to talk to her and he was quite up front about missing her (aaaawww!) so if she wants to get things resolved (however that may be) then a talk would help. But a talk is one thing, he needs to confess to what has happened and then they need some time apart IMO.

I know cheating is wrong but they have created a storyline where you could understand why Danny did what he did. It was not right and it was definitely not clever, but none of us are perfect and grief is a personal thing which everyone experiences differently. And i am a firm believer in that you cannot truthfully say how you would react in a particular situation until you are actually in it. I just hope that they do not portay Lindsay as a push over who takes Danny back easily.

I can't say whether she was right or wrong. Only she knows how she feels and what she needs. Of course I wanted her to go talk to him. The way he said please tore at my heartstrings. :( I'm actually hoping that the next episode leads in straight from this one and that we do get Lindsay going to his apartment. Okay, she said she had to go and hung up on him but she then stood there looking undecided for a moment before heading for the subway. Maybe she made her mind up to go to his, maybe she made her mind up to go home.

While I don't think Danny has told her about Rikki I think it is possible she suspects something happened. It seems as though she and Danny had very little non work interaction for a few weeks now. I've seen people compare it to when she pushed him away. The difference is that I think it's obvious they have been in a relationship (whatever that means to them), there's a big difference between friends and partners pushing each other away. I also think Lindsay's own issues have probably meant his reactions to her have cut her deep. After all, I don't think she trusts too easily and her reference to losing her best friend in RND and then last night talking about being alone makes me think that Danny has been her only source of real support. Yeah, we could say that makes her not responding to him even more selfish but I think she's just really hurt. And, if she does suspect re. Rikki then actually I think she's doing quite well.

The fact that Danny approached her at work and called her to talk in one episode makes me think he's only just upping his game. He's gonna be a persistent little **** until she gives in. This seems to be the first time he's indicated his feelings for her and maybe she just needs time to process. That's not such a bad idea.

As for tptb I wonder if they're going to forget the whole Rikki thing in terms of D/L. I actually think from their perspective it was good not having Lindsay running off to see Danny after his interaction with Rikki. It allowed us to see Danny alone and actually facing up to his grief in a way we haven't seen yet. It made the goodbye with Rikki more poignant, not necessarily because of her, more because of Ruben. His face when she told him to say goodbye was so cresfallen. When she mentioned there being too many memories he looked crushed, as though he was remembering Ruben. I think it was a good development, it allowed us to see Danny not trying to make himself feel better. If Lindsay had turned up it would have detracted from that.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Well, being as it will be concluded next week we might just see a "Part Duex" of the pool table incident. But, let's get a bed this time guys. They are so much more comfortable. I liked how they did Rikki. I am proud of them for that.

But you guys know, she is a striking woman. Don't hate me, but she was really pretty last night. Her hair looked real good. Anyway.

I think thing with them two will be great. I have to say, I like the picture Linds had on her IPhone. That was too cute.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I liked the episode!

I'm glad that Danny got to talk to Lindsay for a little while. Even though he never told her about Rikki, it does show that their love is reciprocated.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

So, do you think that the season will end on this note? I hope not. I just don't want Danny to suffer all summer. I would love a simple little scene where he asks her to meet him somewhere (a park, restaurant, etc.) and she shows up and their eyes meet. I would also love a scene where she asked Flack or Hawkes how Danny seemed to be doing, if they thought he was taking care of himself, or something to show that, even though she feels she can't handle a relationship with him, she still cares about him.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

OMG Natty - I just spotted your avvie!!!!! That is fabulous :guffaw:

Thanks, After the episode finished I just couldnt resist :guffaw:

When he told Rikki that what they did was bad, I believe that was the first time when he really admitted that to himself too...
We can always assume of course, but from what we've seen especially in this season I feel that Danny was not sure about her feelings and Lindsay was thinking that it was obvious that they were together...it was just one major case of mis-communication

Even though I hate to admit it....I beleive that Danny wasnt sure what was happening with him and Lindsay either. With past girlfriends like 'Cindy' (You can only imagine what she looks like!!) I dont think that Danny had ever been in this position before. It just seems to e that he's always sort of been (I dont know how to put this)....in control of his relationships. Before he could 'bail out' and just not answer calls etc but with Lindsay he cant do that and with what he felt for her and seeing her each day was the worst punishment for him- if that makes sense!

Oh yeh and the sun is great here in Britain too my family and friends are really jelous because i've tanned very well in twos days without even sunbathing :guffaw:

I think that with the last look at Rueban's funeral notice, there was a sense of finality about it
Thats what I thought. It was still in full view in his apartment not stored away. He seemed to have it in reaching distance which to me emphasised the fact of how much Rueban's death haunts him. But hopefully now that'll all change and Danny can move on, keeping the happy memories he has of Rueban in the back of his mind.

Do you think we might be (getting) back, people?
It would be nice if we get back our ship back on track but I definitely want a few things cleared up first. But I think that we have made a step in the right direction which is a good start after the angst.[/quote]
Yep. I think that this ship will start sailing once again but I don't want thie thing sorted out before next season. I just think it needs time and plus how many episodes are left, 2? I reckon they need a few banter/angst scenes before the end of the season but then say 3/4 episode next seson we get real proof that they are back together but no sew please- maybe later! I just think the whole thing wuld be spoiled by another SD scene......maybe they finally get that Basketball date :D

And more rambling thoughts regarding last nights episode
Peanuts, popcorn, poison (or whatever the words were) :guffaw: Danny cracks me up and he managed to get a smile out of Lindsay :)
Best quote ever :guffaw:I've actually lost count of how many times i've watched it....thats definatly being put on my YT :lol:

What the hell is going on with Danny's hair ???? Did Lindsay steal his hair products out of spite?
Oh god Danny hair.....Thats all I could look at in somescenes :lol:

i liked their scenes. it shows their hope but that obstacle, that bump is still in the way. once the figure themselves out and figure each other out they can somewhat get back to the way they were before the bump.
In my opinion the bump was Rikki and with Rikki gone the bumps gone and every thing is back on the straight and narrow :p And they just have to keep repairing the bonds they broke.

^^@ Bella... We dont know if she does go over to Danny's or not; I felt that it was a bit of a cliffie- Linds at a crossroads, so to speak, "will she or wont she go to Danny's?".
We didn't see her go in a particular direction, so she could yet..
Erm I loved how the writer's did this and in my opinion after another little rain walk she decided t go to see Danny. Rain walks help me to think (Like someone else said us Brits should know :guffaw:) and im sure thats what Lindsay was doing before Danny called her, in my opinion.

That took me a while and if I dont press save i'll be here all day.....trust me to come on here, I'll be late soon :guffaw:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I only got to see part of the episode on Wednesday so Ill just comment on what I saw.

D/L seems to be in good standing. I have high hopes for our ship, especially now that there's nothing in their way *cough* Rikki *cough*.

Now on to the Linds cab or no cab cliffhanger. I really hope she went to Danny's. That would show us that their relationship is strong again because she felt she could go to him in her time of need. Aww fluffy.

What the hell is going on with Danny's hair ???? Did Lindsay steal his hair products out of spite?
He's cute no matter what! Im sure Linds doesnt care :thumbsup:

Thats all for tonight guys, sorry I was MIA for a while.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

^^@ Bella... We dont know if she does go over to Danny's or not; I felt that it was a bit of a cliffie- Linds at a crossroads, so to speak, "will she or wont she go to Danny's?".
We didn't see her go in a particular direction, so she could yet..
Erm I loved how the writer's did this and in my opinion after another little rain walk she decided t go to see Danny. Rain walks help me to think

I liked what they did too, I just thought it semed like a lil bit of a cliffie (not a full cliffhanger) as too whether or not Linds will or wont go over.
But I dunno, I haven't seen the full eppy yet:rolleyes:

I thought they way they departed Ricki was nice- lil corny, but dignified. And they both agreed that while at the time it might have felt good, it probably really wasn't helping matters for either of them. I think by saying it was "bad" they are admittin it wasn't healthy, and probably would have been self destructive.
As I mentioned last night, at this stage I'm almost glad Lindsay doesn't (appear) to know; I think Danny needed to come to his conclusion on his own.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Hi guys!

I just saw the D/L moments on YT and I have to say: I'm indeed glad it was Flack and Danny going to the basketball game together. It was so obvious that D/L are a couple! Flack said it: You should piss Lindsay off more often. He wouldn't have said that if he thought they were just friends.

I liked it too that Danny tried to end things with Rikki. And I think she's given a great goodbye: moving somewhere else to start over...Not very surprising, but very understandable. I just don't think Lindsay knows about D/R...And maybe he thinks he doesn't have to tell her now Rikki's gone... :(

Lindsay was smiling during her conversation over the phone with Danny, a sign that things will be OK, IMO. But I think she did a great job by not rushing to him when he asked her...let him sweat!

So, I'm back to resting now....34 1/2 weeks pregnant and the doctors think my baby could come soon... That makes you very nervous! :D

See you!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

It's the iPhone which I have and it is completely awesome! And yes it is AT&T, most annoying service ever!

Lindsay sure takes great pictures of the goofball! :D It shows me who the real child of the lab is :lol:

Oh sweet!!! I think Lindsay and I are going to be twins. I just don't know if i want to get the 8 or 16 gb one.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

I also think Lindsay's own issues have probably meant his reactions to her have cut her deep. After all, I don't think she trusts too easily and her reference to losing her best friend in RND and then last night talking about being alone makes me think that Danny has been her only source of real support. Yeah, we could say that makes her not responding to him even more selfish but I think she's just really hurt.
I agree that her reactions may be seen as selfish but I think the writers wanted to show that Danny had become distant from her. Which in turn explains that Lindsay felt that he had pushed her away. i think that she feels hurt that she cannot help him because he helped her during the court case back in Montana. You do want to be there for those that you love. It must be hard to see someone hurting without being able to help them and I don't think that Lindsay would have reacted this way unless they had been in a relationship. AndI know that does not make her reaction right but you cannot help the way you feel. I think it could also to be to do with the fact that she felt that Danny wasn't invested in their relationshp, which made her hurt even more. But that is just my opinion, I am getting confused with it all at the moment :lol:

As for the possible cliffie of whether or not Lindsay went to Danny's apartment, I don't think that I can cope with anymore ambiguity about our ship. If she had gone, I would like to think that the writers would have shown it. Even if it was just a shot of him opening his door to her. So for now I don't think that she went.... I think :lol:

So, I'm back to resting now....34 1/2 weeks pregnant and the doctors think my baby could come soon... That makes you very nervous! :D
I am sure that the doctor would prescribe lots of fluffy DL episodes to watch ! Take care of yourself and keep us posted :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

So a question for us all - Do you think that Lindsay should have gone to Danny's to talk as he asked at the end of the phonecall?

Tbh I would have because i think he was instigating more than just talking hehe. Though to be honest i guessed she went straight home its one of those moments when as much as you want to run round there you head won't let you. I think she needed to think about what she actually wants cos as much as she doesnt want to loose him i think part of her thinks she'll just get hurt again if they go back to it.

Tho Flacks comment i do agree with what someone said that he assumed it was more than just friends.

I'm hoping though its the start of friends again if nothing.

Its confused me as to the supposed "montana" incident which happens with hawkes cos from the ep i took that things would be on the mend but obviously its still distant which is just pissy to be honest.... i thought we wer on track.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

Cecilia asked:
He says: "What about the sugar?" and then she says "You're a sweet man, you keep it!"

And that's what really made me like Rikki and why I cannot feel bad about her...even though she is going through the worst kind of grief there is, she still tries to make Danny not feel guilty and help him move on too...

Because of the fact that Lindsay is in love with Danny and Danny clearly feels strongly about Lindsay too, it would have mades thing horribly awkward, but I do think that Lindsay and Rikki could've helped the other in so many ways and would've gotten along pretty well...

Bella asked
Does anyone have a picture of the two of them talking to the popcorn guy?
Something like this?:

They do look great together *sigh*

My God they do look great together!!

Well they will get back together....there is gonna be a point where we will see Lindsay maybe staring at him and him staring at her and.....oh man a moment where they both meet and close the distance between each other and a million I'm sorry's from Danny and a million I missed you's from Lindsay and then i'm hoping......both of them say.....I love you at the same time.

Now wouldn't that be nice!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let

God that is a great picture. She has that look ya know. Men like that look. My hubby thinks she is just the stuff. Anyway, hey, how are you guys getting the caps. I had a place, and it stopped posting. So, now I don't have a place. I can't find caps anywhere.
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