Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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*Mo skips into the thread, carrying her own special brand of umbrella that will not only keep out nasty weather (especially for you Aud) but also protects against "bumps"!* Happy Tuesday my dears!! :D

Aud wub, I adore you...have I said that lately? :lol: You are just too cute and I am going to be lazy and not put my replies to all your boxes in boxes myself...so I will just say that I totally agree with you on each of those, especially the last one and rock on! :D

I am excited to see our eppy Wednesday because if I remember right I believe Pam Veasey wrote it...and that always gives me hope for D/L...she will forever be our hero and I'm hoping very much that she will prove yet again just why she is our hero this week! (*Hint, hint Pam...lots of shippy loveliess please!!*)

Alright, off to work I go...*Mo passes out her "special" umbrella's as she skips away to her bubble...and then shimmers away in a fluffy haze!* :D
Hey guys, long time no see, How are my DL buddies:!: :D

Do you realise how long it takes to catch up on this thread-you write like wild fire! :lol: But I love the DL advent calender :D

Right doe anyone else agree that before you first see the mother, Lindsay says 'Just tell me where he is?' Or do you still think thats the mother speaking??
Good Lord it is Tuesday already and 2 weeks till Christmas!! And a new eppy this week - it's all happening!

Mer giggled
What scent would an 8-ball be?
Well I don't know why but it is an apple fragrance :p Every DL shipper car should have one!

Mo - what a fab picture of our couple :D , i can see why you chose it :p swoon!!!!! Is anyone posting one for Tuesday? I would if I could :lol:

Good God - I won't be able to cope with a crying Danny! It breaks my heart when he cried in front of Mac when his brother was injured :(. Glad there is no DL hints in the promo although i have to believe that we will get some sort of couple interaction between them this week such as the comforting scene already discussd.If not, I give up! If they are in a relationship, which we all know that they are, it would be very odd not to show them coping with the situation. I think Lindsay would be very supportive of Danny and she would not be afraid to show her concern in front of her colleagues
****Bella runs off to hopefully find the promo for the new eppy on the t'internet****

Edited cos I found the promo.....
Omigod - it is going to be a dramatic episode. Tissues at the ready methinks. It is possible that lindsay comes to the morgue to see Danny? It seems as if Danny finds out who the child is and has to be restrained and then Lindsay walks into the room. Maybe Mac calls her to calm Danny down????
^ Bella, when you pm me the link to a pic you like for today, I'm more than willing to post it for you :)

I think it's gonna be all Danny-drama in this ep and I agree that we at least need to see that Lindsay is there for him...Natty I think it's the mother that we hear asking about her son :(...And the part of the promo that was discussed before and where it looked like Danny turns Lindsay away, to me looks like Danny is walking out of the morgue when Mac and Lindsay enter and Lindsay just starts staring at the child's dead body (memories?)


auda[/b]'s first box]For someone who's ignoring the bump you did write quite an essay about it :p...But I think you're right, the-thing-we-are-ignoring probably happens in 4x13 when Danny is still struggling with his feelings and starts pushing people away...So 4x11 (and maybe 4x12 :confused:) may have some moments were Lindsay's reaching out to him, but I think it will be more about Danny (sounds a lot like Lindsay's season 3 story)

Mo txs for the info about Pam Veasay, I hope this time she did remember that D/L are together :rolleyes:

*Opens her umbrella and flies off*

^ LOL this page looks like it's boxing day already :D
Hello! Just a quick post before bringing my kid to bed:

A crying Danny....it sounded like he's so hurt...And it's definitely Lindsay asking 'tell me where he is'. Shall we finally get some D/L action? I'm so curious!

And if Danny is the jealous type: O yeah! He wouldn't want others to know, but he sure is! ;)
Hello everyone :)

it feels like Christmas already with all the boxes. Im tempted but will resist, partly because its too much to read and partly because Im too tired to really care (at the moment, I will care tomorrow)

I hope you dont mind if I post the advent pic for 11th of december cause the epi just aired here


and it was their first shared on-screen meal. and we really need a second one *hint hint*

Im off to bed, see you tomorrow
^^ Dutch - will send you a PM - cheers chick :)

I thought it was lindsay saying the last one but line, then the boy's mum asks Danny where her son is? It definitely sounds like Lindsay anyway. I will just have to watch it again to make sure.
bug food, carly!! :p "delicious" choice. bugs aren't my personal favorite meal, but hey, i'm not judging DL! *giggles* i would have taken the pizza with the rest of the team!

fun food question: would you join DL and eat bugs? or join the rest of the team and eat pizza?

:rolleyes: i have nothing to do but wait now. i could think about it all day and freak out ... :lol: . but i shall not. :rolleyes: well, it's written, done. let's go with it. i'm hoping PV shall pull through and give us some good DL moments. i agree with Mo and Auda, can we just erase the bump? what bump? see, it's already working!

Auda, your little scenario was too funny! :D

stuffy, what are you doing now? putting up pretty new white sails? or putting cookies into the engine? your evil twin is taking some time to relax! :cool: we need to make him work! :p
I thought it was Lindsay that said'tell me where he is'. Of course, I'll watch it and it will be totally different. As long as Lindsay is concerned and other people know she is, I am okay.

I can't wait for this weeks episode. It's not getting here soon enough. Maybe they could throw a smidge of DL in it.

Angel, I would have to go with pizza. I am not into insects or anything other that chicken really.
Maybe they could throw a smidge of DL in it.

What say I send TPTB a big basket of my DL cookies? *nudges Angel* Fire up those ovens, matey! We've got a big batch of DL cookies to bake :D

Just under 24 hours everyone! Y'all ready for this episode?

stuffy, what are you doing now? putting up pretty new white sails? or putting cookies into the engine? your evil twin is taking some time to relax! we need to make him work!

*waves as she munches on a cookie whilst hoisting up the new sails* Ahoy there messmate! Don't ye fret now - I've got lots of work for Liffy upon his return ;)

would you join DL and eat bugs? or join the rest of the team and eat pizza?

*giggles* Why, bugs of course! Okay so they're not the tastiest of dishes (least to me anyways. LOL.) but it means that I get to spend time with my beloved DL.
Thanks you guys for answering my questions. They are definately dating although it is not official. A couple people on the team do know about them, but they didn't tell them. I get it, it makes a lot of sense now. Thanks xxAnGeLheArtZ, I love that quote.

Happy Birthday 1CSIMfan.
Auda, you and your spoilers crack me up!!
As much as I don't want to see a bump (if this will even be the bump *no bump!*) a bump would necessitate acknowledging that there is a relationship TO bump. Make sense? I would be glad for that. I imagine this is going to be a very sad and tragic storyline for all of our characters, but I think the PTB made a good decision when they gave the main involvement to Danny's character. Carmine is such a great actor, and he does really well with the dramatic parts. We're talking Emmy material here. I hope that TPTB will allow a glimpse into our ship, but I look forward to these eps (especially 4x11) regardless!

Mo, I found Lynny's pic!! And get this, I got the pic from someone on LJ... who is also a DL fan! Fate wants Lynn to be a fluffy DL fan!

*Mer pwns Lynny!*
Okay, happy thoughts! happy thoughts!

Go to the "Fan Fiction" thread and read "Do I Have To Love Him?" fic!

Don't worry! It's fluff!

*Put in the "fan fiction" thread because Fanfiction is acting up again** :(
Mo, I found Lynny's pic!! And get this, I got the pic from someone on LJ... who is also a DL fan! Fate wants Lynn to be a fluffy DL fan!

*Mer pwns Lynny!*

Okay,I will admit, that she found the pic, but I will NOT admit to her pwning me! I'll be a fluffy dl when you find the other ones, hows that?? But I do get rights to occasional angst, got it?
When I find the other ones? *sigh* Mo, I might need your help on that one. :lol: I'm not sure about the whole angsty thing... how about 75% fluffy and 25% flungsty?

Heehee, for the fluffy DL fic Lynny is going to write I requested that she put mistletoe in.
'Tis the season, and all. :devil:

Now that brings up a question for y'all... Do you think the lab would have mistletoe at their christmas party, or would that be too unprofessional for the workplace? If they did have it, would Danny and Lindsay make use of it?
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