Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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i'm a big danny adn lindsay fan...ooo...they r sooo cute 2gether...i was wonderin where i can get great clips and pics of the two....
Thank you guys for the welcome back! :)

As bad as it sounds, I don't ever think that I have ever had a dream about Danny and Lindsay. Maybe one day! :)
Moriel21 i love the 1st pic you posted of Lindsay yesterday. i love her cheeks she has the cutest cheeks and her smile is adorable in that pic.

with the whole holding hands bit... i think it's just to really get the point across on the way D/L feel about each other. just the way they're holding hands so comfortably even in COTD tells they have something going on.

i don't know if this ever came up as a question on here but: what do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?

i think D/L work b/c of a few reasons: they're the youngest couple on the CSI shows (if they stick to the actors real ages), they're opposite but so right for each other and make the other all sweet and happy, and anyone watching any one of D/L's scenes whether they've never watched the show and only saw a scene with them for the first time knows there's something between them. the looks, lack of personal space, and all the cute flirting is a give away.
and i had a good D/L dream last night: danny and lindsay went to a press conference. lindsay smiled as danny was happily listening. she held his hand and they sat quietly. danny even nuzzled lindsay and she nuzzled him back. lindsay kissed danny on the cheek and he squeezed their joined hands. oh squee!
Lucky you! I want to have a D/L dream...hopefully soon :lol:

I have some work to do but I dropped by to check in and say Howdy to all out new D/L-igans.
Long-time listener, first-time caller ... oops. :lol:

what do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?
They know the worst about each other, yet they still support each other. "Hell and back" is no problem for them, because they've already endured hell. They're bonded beyond physical attraction. Yes, they're having hot sex, but that's not central to their relationship or their characters. That's what makes them work so well, IMO.
Welcome any newbies or first time D/L posters. Lynny is my angsty 'kiddo' that likes to pretend she doesn't ship fluffy D/L. She's a country girl that has a whole 'messa critters'. La La, her puppy, is a D/L shipper. :p

what do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?
Awesome question. I have to agree with what our lovely PE (who needs to come around more often) added. Their relationship goes beyond physical or sexual attraction. Anyone can be shallow and go for mere attraction, but a true relationship has many layers, many dimensions. They are more than just the usual 'opposites attract' or country girl meets city boy. In fact, I'd actually say that they aren't really 'opposites'. On the surface they may seem different, even come from different backgrounds, but they are really more alike that most people give them credit for. They are two whole pieces of life's puzzle that connect together perfectly. Also they are infamously cute. :D

Later. :cool:
Hi all my shippy dears and darlings! *Mo paddles her way into the thread...having taken to "driving" a rowboat instead of a car seeing as how half of her state is currently under at least 5 feet of rushing water!* How are we all this fine Tuesday evening? Wishing we got a new eppy tomorrow night? Yeah I know I sure am! Not that I don't mind watching SOoH of course, but since I own it on DVD now...I really want some new D/L to obsess over! :lol: Plus the PTB owe us dang it...we deserve some new hand-holding or smex or glances or kisses or something dang it!! *Mo raises her picket sign with her Fluffy Twin again..."Give us our fluff, no more angsty stuff!!" * :lol:

What do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?
To which Pretty Eyes replied:
They know the worst about each other, yet they still support each other. "Hell and back" is no problem for them, because they've already endured hell. They're bonded beyond physical attraction. Yes, they're having hot sex, but that's not central to their relationship or their characters. That's what makes them work so well, IMO.
Ohhhhh what makes them work so well as a couple? Wow do you have an hour or so....at the very least? :lol: YOu think I'm kidding... ;) I have to say I really agree with both PE (who definitely does need to pop in more!) and my darling Fluffy Twin Aud, these two work well because they fit on many levels. It's not just that they are cute together, or that they are attracted to eachother, or even that they work closely with eachother often. All of those are factors...but they don't make up the whole, they have a respect and care and concern for eachother, they have mutual morals and views of the world and how best it works, they can laugh together, and they know that they can trust eachother with their very lives. They are comfortable with eachother and yet challenge eachother every step of the way. They can tease eachother mercilessly, yet they will defend eachother passionately, almost as passionately as they make out! :devil: ;) Heehee! :D

I liked what you said Aud wub, I think like you said they are more alike than anyone thinks! And this line...
They are two whole pieces of life's puzzle that connect together perfectly.
is beautiful and so very true of D/L! ;) *Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin and giggles!*

Okay my people, I'm off to get ready for bed, I'm a bit tired today! :p But I will be back tomorrow...hope you all have a lovely evening! ;)

*Mo grins and grabbing her paddles, just in case, shimmers giddily away in her fluffy bubble...keeping the faith as always!* :D
LOL :lol: What's with all the crazy D/L dreams...I want one too... :(

MTC asked:
What do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?
Ooh that's a great question and I like all the answers that already have been given... :)

I think their attraction goes way beyond the surface...If it was just about mere physical attraction it would've been over in a heartbeat; fortunately it's not :)...They are comfortable even when they're not talking...just being around the other makes them feel 'at home'...They know what moves the other, what makes him/her sad or happy...They're stronger toghether; more complete...

And so much more, but it's hard to put it in words exactly...

I'm off...busy day... :)
Happy Hump Day every one :)

no new epi today but we can still look forward to next week

What do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?

they can be themselves around each other. they dont have to pretend. they have things in common and in other they complement each other. they genuinely care for each other - as friends and more. and then there is the obvious atraction of course

can I post the advent Pic for 5 of December ? yes? well, here it is:


Ive just seen it yesterday and it was such a sweet scene. and it was kinda their first date too :)

have a beautiful day
Carolina, what episode is that totally cute D/L pic from?

What do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?
I think a big part of it is their sense of humor. I love when they joke back and forth. :D

Happy Hump Day!
Its Stuck with you

and you are right. they are really funny and the banter is one of the things I love most about them
Good morning! *Mo strolls in, carrying coffee and tea and freshly baked scones for everyone!* Happy Hump Day to y'all! Bummer it's not a new eppy day, but at least we got a good rerun tonight, that's good! :D I swear no matter how many times I watch this eppy tonight...(Sleight Out of Hand) the part where Danny walks into the courtroom and she sees him and they gaze at eachother for that deliciously long moment before he sits down...that never fails to totally make me *Squeee!* and then *Sigh!* It's just so sweet and supportive and romantic...and You're a good man Danny Messer! :D

Carly I love that pic you posted, that whole scene at the end of SoY is still a favorite classic D/L moment of mine, their smiles alone are SO adorable...and you can tell already that they are definitely interested in eachother! ;) In that pic of yours it almost looks like they're holding hands too... :D Clearly I need to see some actual D/L hand holding, cuz apparently I'm obsessed with it and seeing it everywhere! :lol:

just being around the other makes them feel 'at home'.
Dutch hon, I love the way you said that, it's so true! They are eachother's home...it totally makes me think of a song..."It feels like home to me, feels like home to me...Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from.
And it feels like home to me, feels like home to me, Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong."
Awwww! :D

Okay Hump day or not I still have to go to work, my bosses didn't take well to my petition that we make "Hump Day" a weekly holiday and have it off...silly people! :lol: So have a wonderful day today my shippy buddies and I'll see y'all later! :D

*Mo grins and waving shimmers off in her fluffy bubble of love...picket signs at the ready just in case!* ;)
Mo my darling, I'm so sorry. I meant to reply to your post about my dad, but I completely forgot. So, thank you for your support *huggles* he's doing alright. Not 100%, but alright :)

the part where Danny walks into the courtroom and she sees him and they gaze at eachother

Not to sound like a broken record, but when my mom and I were watching that episode way back in February, she said, "Awwwwwww." when he walked in. I just giggled insanely and had a huge grin plastered on my face :D

What do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?

To add what you all have said so beautifully...they are each other's lobster (hehe). "He's her lobster!" Okay, Friends references aside...they complete each other. As I have stated before (broken record again :p), both have been through tramautic events and have troubled pasts. Both have also lost someone dear to them (Lindsay with her friends, Danny with Aiden and possibly Louie *nudges TPTB and winks at them*) I believe that this fact alone makes them so perfect for each other. Both have faced obstacles and adversity, and they can find strength in each other because they have been in that position. Lindsay has taught Danny the power of patience and love, and in turn he has shown her courage and hope. They are each other's pillar of strength and support.

Curses, if it wasn't for my two exams tomorrow, I'd watch SOOH tonight. Ah well - that's what my S3 DVD's are for! :D
MTC asked
what do you guys think makes Danny and Lindsay work so well as a couple?
ooh, that is a tricky question. I know that they make a great couple but it is hard to put it into words. I love that they became really good friends first, banter developed into flirty banter which started the ball rolling. then came the ansgt of NWILL and LRC. I think that they are opposite and alike in many ways. To put it simply....they rock :D :D

I am glad that everyone is loving the advent calendar :D I love today's piccy Carolina. I like Lindsay's short hair but the last few pictures have made me realise that I prefer her with long curly hair :) I love their interaction in this eppy .. the start of something wonderful

Mo without the snow said
and you can tell already that they are definitely interested in eachother! In that pic of yours it almost looks like they're holding hands too...
It does look like that :eek: :eek: :eek: as if her fingers are resting on his hand??
OK, ok. I can take a hint. I'll be around more. I've been helping my friend with his masters thesis on developing relationships through the internet. ;) It's been revealing to him, and he's got a boatload of info. :D

I like the DL advent calendar. It's a nice touch for the holidays.

To add what you all have said so beautifully...they are each other's lobster (hehe). "He's her lobster!"
Stuffy, that was bad! :lol: I think they do complete parts of each other; we all have people who do that. However, I think the Danny and Lindsay characters reflect real people in that each of us must be independent as we possibly can be.
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