Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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*comes in and can hear pins drop* Wow everybody must be having just as much of an action-packed weekend as I had... :D

Bella said:
I'd like to see the gang out at a bar, with some guy hitting on Lindsay and Danny trying not to freak out
That would be cute, Danny trying to remain his calm and Lindsay - knowing how he gets - just keeps smiling at the guy... :)

I think when any of us refers to Lindsay's 'old self', we mean the way she was in season 2 :)

I agree with auda though, that it's not progress to go back to your past and stick there, but I think in Lindsay's case it was a good thing that she has faced her past, fought it and won :D; it made her stronger and did not make her the same person as before, but a new and improved version of that person. So there still is the funny and fluffy season 2 Lindsay, but there's also the Lindsay that has learned to trust people from season 3; we now have to wait and see what season 4 will add to that :cool:

He asked her if she loved him a little bit and she said 'no'. She said she 'loved him a lot
auda that may be a very nice line when they ever get to the point where they openly (and that means on screen PTB! :p) declare their love for each other...a great reference to LRC that shows that in the end it all worked out... :D

Jen said:
I'm here, I'm simply too tired to post anything...Just a few weeks and then the first three months are over. Yay! Did you mean Marco Borsato??
I'm glad you're still around and yes I meant "Rood", every time I see Lindsay in that belt or Danny in that shirt that annoying song gets stuck in my head :rolleyes:

auda I love the avvie :lol:
I could make another post groaning about the lack of D/L this season, but what would the point be? I like the way Lindsay has been acting this season, and yes, as Audacity said, we wouldn't want her to revert to season 3 Lindsay, but the Lindsay character from Season 2 is who we do want to see again. Gaelen is right on that point, I think Lindsay is back and better than ever. I thought she was a lot of fun in "Commuted Sentences". I could stand to see a lot more of interaction between the two of them like that.

And Danny, I think he's shown a lot of growth since the first season, also. To be honest, I didn't like him much in Season one. I'm not projecting any fantasies of Danny on to the D/L relationship(I'm a Flack girl, myself, lol). He has shown a lot more depth of character as the season's have progressed, and a lot of that has to do with the D/L relationship. D/L does not define either of them. Personally, and I'm not being a MarySue here, any guy that flew across the country to support me in my time of need, is indeed a keeper. And as for Lindsay, I wasn't fond of her in season 3, when she stood Danny up. But at least through all of this, it showed they did have feelings for one another. I could whine about the lack of D/L that has been shown, but has been mentioned, this is not the Danny/Lindsay show. I can be happy with what I see. I have no expectations, because it's easier not to be disappointed that way. And anyone who assumes that a ship I like is who I am would be sadly disappointed to learn that I am not projecting any fantasies on to my ship.

Sorry for my ramble here, everyone. It's been quiet in here today, and I just had some things to put down. Like Gaelen, I may edit later.

Oh, and on a personal note, yesterday was the first anniversary of when I began posting on Talk. Granted, it was in the D/L soundtrack thread, and it took me two more days to post in this thread(Nov.19 is my anniversary for this thread), I can't believe a year has passed. Funny how time flies when you are having fun!
*Stuffy bounds into the thread, excited to be back with all her lovely gals and guy*

Weeeee!!!!! I'm back :D although I had a great time in Ottawa, I dearly missed all of you *hugs and kisses*

Angel m'dear, thankee kindly for watching Liffy - I hope he didn't cause any trouble? :lol:

*pokes head in on discussion*

I think Lindsay is already back to her S2 mode. She's perky and there's a fresh new light in her eyes. I'm keeping this short 'cause excellent points have already been made.

catey hun, I totally agree with you. Danny has greatly changed from S1. He was good in that season, but I find him more mature now than he was back then. I give Lindsay this credit, because I firmly believe she opened his eyes and made him see things in a different way (as I believe he did the same for her).

any guy that flew across the country to support me in my time of need, is indeed a keeper.

Definitely :D

Oooooooo - purty new avvies and banners everyone! Very nice :)

Just because - *sprays everyone with the fluffy pink fog* :D
Well hello my loves! *Mo skips into the thread after a very productive and busy, but fun weekend!* I'd sing but I'm a bit tired, even with all the sleep I got! Did I mention I had Danny over for a bit this weekend...Lol, Linds let me borrow him while she caught a double to buy him an extra special Christmas present and so I got to keep him busy and entertain him so he didn't wonder where she was...made for a fun weekend, but now I'm a bit tired! ;) :devil: :lol: Anyway! Hi...missed you all...how's the thread doing? Anybody need pink smoke? Wait is that a yes I hear? Swell! *Mo giggles and sprays the whole thread with a heavy dose of fluffy pink fog!* :D

Gutter king with the great ideas Liffer-diffy said:
Although they aren't necessarily working together on a case, wouldn't it be great if we saw Lindsay pass through the hallway or something and Danny smiles and winks at her? I mean, they can still show that the two happen to work in the same building right? I think it'd be sweet if we see them smile each other through the glass.
Awwwww, yeah I totally love that idea! That is totally something that would fit into the show too...I mean heck PTB if you can give us Snow Day and all it's "Hello HOTNESS on the pool table" lovliness, then you can sure as heck give D/L a wink and a smile as she passes him in the lab, or as they pass in the elevator or at the door or at Mac's office...or something, come on! That would be really totally cute bud, I like that idea! :D Now PTB please at the least give us something like that! Although I'll take something like Snow Day again too...if you're really taking requests! :lol:

Bud with the halo Angel winked:
naughty lil Mo! what do you put in your coffee?
Who me? Naughty? Lol...yeah won't even attempt to deny it! What can I say, D/L just brings out the most lovely naughty thoughts in me! ;) Heehee! :D And as for my coffee....why I just put in a dollup of pink fog! ;) Does the trick every time! :lol:

Gutter king with the naughty mind Lifferific grinned:
I bet you Mac won some pool on whether Linds has got the resident New Yorker smitten over her charm
I know right I can totally see Mac grinning and taking bets on how soon Linds won him over! :lol: And by the way, I totally think Mac knows...in all my vid making, I've noticed that Mac is there for several of their cute shippy moments (think "Risk") and I swear he knows they are together! I'm just waiting for him to tease them a little and make them blush, which would be fabulous!

My Queen of the tulips bud Dutch drooled:
Mo I do love those shirts, but can I just say: Trapped! (I know not an actual shirt, but still…*swoons*)
Awwww right see, but we were judging on actual shirts...cuz if you bring in other things...then yeah Trapped, or Cool Hunter playing handball! Or hello hot chested shirtless love of my life and the one I will always drool over pic of him half nekkid in the locker room talking to Hawkes! Yummy! :devil: Dang Linds is a lucky woman getting to see all the yumminess every night! I am so jealous... :lol: If we're going purely on shirts though...still gotta go with the red shirt! ;)

Oh, and Mo txs for answering my question…I didn’t realize that it was that ep next week…should be some potential there…
Yup, yup...no prob and yeah I can't wait to see our next eppy and see what kind hopefully cute D/L moments we will get! Please PTB...it'd be perfect! :D :D

Cute shippy dear with the pretty name Bella giggled:
You could be the CSI NY writer and wardrobe assistant. Imagine the scene in his trailer ..... "No, Carmine, I think you need to try on this red tee as well... hmmm, may be not, try this one on" whilst drooling over him as he tried on numerous outfits
Ohhhhh dear, dear, dear...*Mo loses her power of speech for a second as she pictures the amazing possiblity of actually having such an fabulous perfect job as that...* Lol, I think that would be the most amazing and most unproductive job I would ever have on this earth! :lol: Carmine would never get out of his trailer, if I had the power to make him undress at will like that, oh babe...I'd never let him stay clothed! :devil: :lol: Did I mention yet how lucky Linds is? :lol: Not that he's got it bad...the woman is freaking gorgeous as well...*Mo sighs...* Our ship SOOO rocks! :D

My darling Fluffy Twin Aud wub said:
Agrees with Dutch about seeing more visible results of their love. Zuiker has always been known for giving people hints---everything's connected, right? But I'd love to see something a little more deep, emotional between them. We know it exists.
Hello my wub! :D Yeah Zuiker is good at the hints, some are better than others...some you have to read into a little more (which let's face it, we're awesome at doing! :lol: ) I agree with you too though, I wouldn't mind something a little deeper and more emotional between them...which is the single, sole, only reason I would be slightly okay with a bump possiblity! (Don't worry Aud babes, I am not switching to the dark side here! ;) ) I do not want a crappy nothing makes sense "bump" but if it will result in the revelation of something deeper and stronger and sweeter between them I could possibly be convinced that the "bump" was an okay thing, ya know! :D

Our fashionista across the sea Dutch nodded:
but I think in Lindsay's case it was a good thing that she has faced her past, fought it and won ; it made her stronger and did not make her the same person as before, but a new and improved version of that person. So there still is the funny and fluffy season 2 Lindsay, but there's also the Lindsay that has learned to trust people from season 3; we now have to wait and see what season 4 will add to that
Yeah, Dutch I completely agree...I didn't necessarily like that Linds had to go through what she went through, but I am very glad she did. The only way to move on with life and really be able to enjoy it is to put the past to rest, to learn from it, accept it and grow from it and move on and I really do believe that Linds has done that! And yeah like you said, I think she is stronger for winning over her past, and yeah she's different but an okay different, not a bad different...she is...more confident now, but in a quieter, more centered kind of way now. Like she knows who she is and is confident in that finally. I loved her in Season 2, she was cute and fun and sweet...she was all confidence and answers...but in the "new kid out to prove herself" kind of way...then she went through Season 3 and we got to see the deeper side to her, the sad "my life is not near as perfect as you would think just by looking at me" Linds, and now in Season 4...we see her I would say at her most real...this is her more centered, more free...this is the real her, or the most real her we've seen I'd say...and I LOVE it! :D I am totally excited to see what the rest of this season holds for both Danny and Lindsay...I think we will see a lot more character development for both of them and I am totally excited for it! :D

Okay now that this is WAY too long... :lol: I'm off to get myself some sugar! (No not Danny this time, I mean the real "dessert" kind! ;) ) :lol:

*Mo giggles and waving, shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
i had this horrible dream that D/L broke up and the show continued without addressing them ever again! what a nightmare!! :( :( i woke up frowning. can i have a hug?

i LOVE your dream much better, Auda!! :)
and cate-girl, what you said about danny flying across the country --> it makes me swoon! lindsay in season 2 was fun and witty as she is in season 4. season 3 was just a little intense for her. i never saw season 1 danny, so i cannot comment. danny being with lindsay, i feel, has made him grown. in fact, i think they have both progressed with one another.

2 questions:
(1) if you had to make a presentation for a group of people who have never seen Danny/Lindsay, and you wanted to convince them they are a beautiful couple to use as an icon, which 5 episodes would you pick to win over their approval? list them in order of presentation.
(2) do you think danny has a folder in his email account labelled "montana" or "lindsay?" do you think it's filled with 100s of read emails from her? :p

[start rant] danny and the boy's mom: strictly compassion from one human being to another in times of crisis would be good; any advances that hint something attractive and/or passionate, all bets are off for me. [/end rant] [start next rant]the "storming out" and all those bad words from the spoilers must have triggered my nightmare. ahh! :( plz, TPTB, work this out better and reasonably. don't let this be the one time we assume everything's going to be okay, but it turns out not to be. a mountain out of a mole hill is what i'm hoping i'm making this.[/end next rant] *breathes*

is there any D/L in this one? if not, i can wait. if so, i shall be rushing through turkey and shopping on friday to get home! :lol:

*runs off into DLicious Bakery because i hear there is going to be a pre-show to all the goodies being made here for the upcoming holiday season*
i had this horrible dream that D/L broke up and the show continued without addressing them ever again! what a nightmare!! i woke up frowning. can i have a hug?

*tackles Angel and gives her a great big bear hug before showering her with the fluffy pink fog*

(1) if you had to make a presentation for a group of people who have never seen Danny/Lindsay, and you wanted to convince them they are a beautiful couple to use as an icon, which 5 episodes would you pick to win over their approval? list them in order of presentation.

-Stealing Home
-Not What It Looks Like
-Sleight Out Of Hand
-Snow Day
-Commuted Sentences

^^Because they are significant to the relationship :D

(2) do you think danny has a folder in his email account labelled "montana" or "lindsay?" do you think it's filled with 100s of read emails from her?

*giggles* Probably, though I'm betting he calls it "Montana".

danny being with lindsay, i feel, has made him grown. in fact, i think they have both progressed with one another.

I found that in S3 Lindsay seemed very skittish at times, like she was afraid of something. I think Danny opened her eyes to a new light and made her realize that it's alright to take that leap of courage. I tend to mention that in my fics, because I believe it's true: Lindsay has changed because of Danny and vice versa.
switch_to_nights said:
y'all want csi-caps.com they have loads of pictures from every epi of all three csi's :)

I did not see caps from that eppy over there. I looked at 2 websites for pics - I am making the banner - and I could not find any.
my buddy who has returned and who gave me warm feelings with her loving tackle said: I tend to mention that in my fics, because I believe it's true: Lindsay has changed because of Danny and vice versa.
and i like that. mmhmm. :) excellent choices in 5 episodes, my dear. heehee. welcome back from your little trip. oh danny...i'm imagining him and a "montana" folder on his email account. :lol: he probably reads those emails over and over. i bet he has some that date back to season 2 time. :p

hi, CSI_Kat, Carmine_lover, and switch_to_nights. D/L caps rock :cool:! i use csi-caps too. learningtofall.bruisedsoul.net has some good D/L stuff too. ;)

*ETA:* congrats, catie-girl!! 1 year :D
(1) if you had to make a presentation for a group of people who have never seen Danny/Lindsay, and you wanted to convince them they are a beautiful couple to use as an icon, which 5 episodes would you pick to win over their approval? list them in order of presentation.
Stuck on You
Live or Let Die
Not What It Looks Like
Sleight Out of Hand
Snow Day

BTW, I still say ya'll are putting something in your pink fog. :p
BTW, I still say ya'll are putting something in your pink fog.

*sprays PE with the fog* Now why would you say that dear? :p

Ahhhh fudge - I totally forget about SOY and LRLD. Yes, I know...bad Stuffy. Very bad.

Is anyone else hoping to get a reference to TDDWP on Wednesday night? Maybe have a scene with Danny and Mac at the alter again and Mac says something like, "So Danny, I guess it did happen to you." and sneak a glance at Lindsay (is DL even working together in this eppy? lol). Just a little reference to that S1 episode :D
catie said:
And as for Lindsay, I wasn't fond of her in season 3, when she stood Danny up. But at least through all of this, it showed they did have feelings for one another.
That's a great way to look at it; made me realize that although I still don't like their hallway discussion :(, but I guess it showed a new side of Danny. We got to see that he had matured enough AND cared enough about Lindsay to actually try and talk about his/their feelings :); it had been worse if he had acted like he didn't care at all that she stood him up...

Mo said:
we see her I would say at her most real...this is her more centered, more free...this is the real her, or the most real her we've seen I'd say...and I LOVE it! I am totally excited to see what the rest of this season holds for both Danny and Lindsay...I think we will see a lot more character development for both of them and I am totally excited for it!
I hope you're right and that we actually get a lot of development for each of them separate and for them as a couple. They've both come a long way to get to this point and I think it would be great to see what happens next... :D

Oh and about the shirts...I don't know which ep it was :rolleyes:, but Danny once wore a light blue, kinda shiny shirt that I absolutely adored on him...does any one who's better with remembering stuff like that know what I mean? :)

Dearest Angel, are you giving us assignments now? :p Kidding great questions sweety :)....well let's see...five eps and in order to make a great presentation...hmmm...:

#1 - Zoo York
* Because all first meetings are important
#2 - Run Silent, Run Deep
* 'Normal' flirting and bantering between colleagues suddenly turns to something more serious and they both realize it.
#3 - Love Run Cold
* First time they ever expres their feelings for each other.
#4 - Sleight out of Hand
* "Go with your instincts!" Danny does something he has never done before for any other girl and Lindsay finally learns to trust.
#5 - Snow Day
* Both ready and willing to take the next step in their relationship and both are "glad it happened"

And I'm sure he has a folder named "Montana" with all the little mails, notes and stuff that he wants to remember.

switch_to_nights, Carmine_lover and CSI_Kat there are no caps of SD on CSI-caps (yet), if you are more specific about which scenes you'd like caps from, I'm sure we can help you! Here are the ones (not the best quality) that I have :):

Stuffy[/b]]I don't think they're working together this week, but some little reference to that Mac/Danny conversation would be great!

*hugs Angel and offers her tiara* :D stay positive! ;)

PE there's some great stuff in the pink fog, just don't try to fight it :D
Hey! Sorry I ain't posted in a while, been busy. I've been lurking tho, keeping up! :lol:

My five eps would be: Zoo York, Stealing Home, Love Runs Cold, Sleight Out Of Hand and Snow Day. I agree RSRD would be a good one too, and Commuted Sentences.

Love the caps, Dutch! Snow Day never fails to make me SQUEEE!!! :lol:

About the shirts, Danny wore a light blue shirt in the Suicide Girls episode, can't remember the ep name tho. Is that the one you're referring to?

It's a shame DL aren't working together in this eppy, but a reference to the Mac/Danny wedding convo would be awesome! :D I would so pay to see that? Hint, hint, TPTB! :lol:

Later guys, PSG xxx *hugs for everyone*
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