Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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great red-theme explanation by caps, dutch! i liked that little lecture. we should have a red party, even though i look horrible in red. we are going to spending lots of time at the 8 ball, at least i will. i could use a visit in RL.

stuffy said: When the "boyfriend" kissed the victim's hand, there was a faraway look in Danny's eyes. Seems to me he was thinking of Lindsay there.
^^^ mmmhmm. very much so. the true boyfriend = danny, the true girlfriend = lindsay :) it's love, love, love. can you even imagine danny's reaction if lindsay had been shot at bar (say at a girls night out)?

even though we haven't had intimate scenes (grrr i want these!), don't you love how danny's love for lindsay is being shown to the audience in a different way (at least it's something!)?
-the scene that look in danny's eyes in last night's episode (thanks, stuffy)
-danny calming lindsay down in Boo ("honey")
-the line about standing up the the woman you love. (sorry i forgot the exact quote!)

heehee, nice banner, bella!
hi rad! :D
where's Mo and her "lurvey" comments? :D
and mr. cousin?

i have one of those rice necklaces that lindsay processed! :D im always afraid of dropping it or breaking it.

my thoughts are there, stuffy. *huggles*

*passes out coffee, tea, and cake since it's shower-y here...bleh*
Loves the pictures dutch :D you're our offical Cap Supplier. I have one question though: why is Lindsay/Anna wearing that big belt around her waist? Just curious ;)

Lindsay/Anna is so beautiful :) she rocks.

Stuffy, again such terrible news…they’re in my thoughts *hugs*

Thanks hun *hugs back*

Alright me hearties, I bid ye all a fond farewell. Tomorrow morning I'm off to a hockey tournament for the weekend, and I'll be back either late Sunday afternoon or night. Hopefully night, 'cause that means we made it to the finals. So hold the fort down whilst I'm gone and I'll see you all later! Angel, remember what I told you at DLC ;) that likkle rascal Liffy can be quite the troublemaker.

Cheers shipmates xx
I'm back guys!

I had to take a couple of days off from posting, My great aunt passed away on Tuesday morning. I was on the way to work when I found out. She wil be missed.

I taped "Buzzkill" last night and although there were not any d/l scenes, the hotness of Danny was satisfying :).

He looked very tired last night, maybe Lindsay's keeping him up too late! :)
i ddint really like last night episode but i had a smile on my face when Danny said Boom cause its the thread title!
*Mo rides in on a magnificent stallion, singing beautifully..."I need a hero! I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night! He’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be fast, And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight! I need a hero! I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light, He’s gotta be sure, And it’s gotta be soon, And he’s gotta be larger than life!" Yeah I just heard that song on tv and I just love it! :lol: As for the magnificent stallion...well we are talking about Danny in here right...? ;) "Hello Gutter!" :devil: :devil: :lol:

Yeah clearly I have been inhaling WAY too much fluffy pink fog...then again you can never have too much fluff! :lol:

Shipper with the halo Angel grinned:
who else wanted the last scene to be: a D/L scene where danny full-body hugs lindsay without saying any words; lindsay having read up on his case, embraces him tightly.
Ohhh *Mo raises her hand!* Me, me, me! I would have loved that, that would have been so sweet and a perfect ending to what was an otherwise fairly good, but not great eppy...it would have been the push to perfection! Good idea there Angel! ;)

Stuffy wuffy fluffy swooned:
Good grief, Danny in a bulletproof vest is just too yummy! *drools*
Thank you! I mean seriously by itself it's just a black vest, a bit chunky likely to make most other people look a little extra bulky...but put one on Danny (or even Linds for that matter) and the thing suddenly turns into a fashion acccessory! :devil:

So Lindsay totally rocked in this episode. Her "where are you going?" to the murderer (whose name escapes me at the moment) was so tough. Tough Montana rocks!
Tough Montana totally rocks, I definitely agree! :lol: She may be small but she's all dynamite, I'd be terrified to go against her, I'm probably a good 5 inches taller than she is, but I am 100% sure she could kick my butt and not even break a sweat! :lol: She is one tough cookie when she wants to be and it's fabulously fun to see! :D

Fluffy shipper with the pretty name Bella drooled:
Danny is looking lovely but nothing beats the green tee from LRC
Mmmmm, while I most definitely do have a great deal of appreciation for the green t-shirt in LRC (oh yeah baby! :devil: ) I think Bella, that him in the red shirt from last night just might actually beat out the green one as the hottest shirt he's worn! :devil: *Mo drools just thinking about it!* ;)

The one across the sea who loves shoes more than Carrie Bradshaw Dutch grinned:
And I think that after Danny's initial shock we will be treated to the famous ‘that’s-my-girl’ grin from DoWaR…and it would be great for some funny and ambiguous ‘riding’ jokes…
Lol, Dutch you rock! I can so totally see that happening! He'd stare in a shock and then everyone would start chattering in amazement and he'd just stand there with that gorgeous grin, knowing she's all his! And yeah as soon as the shock wore off...I can totally see the "riding" jokes starting...especially from Flack, you can see he stepping over beside Danny and as they both watch Linds gallop away, Flack would lean over and just loud enough for Danny to hear, would say..."So Messer, you teach her to ride like that?" :devil: :lol:

Yay for more caps...thanks for those Dutch babes! Mmmm, so D/L can't be together physically in the eppy, so they wear matching clothes! :lol: Nice catch there with both of them wearing red, Dutch! :D They SO clearly got dressed together that morning! ;)

Can any one tell what was in the promo that made Mo say there could be good D/L potential? Please?
Dutch[/b] babes...]Babes, the whole eppy is about a wedding in Central park and if it were me writing that eppy, I would say the whole eppy is one giant possiblity for amazing D/L moments! Wedding...love...it's like a plethora of D/L possibilities! :lol: I don't know anything specifically, I am just hoping that they do have some D/L moments since it seems like one could be woven in quite nicely and very easily! ;)
Fluffy wuffy hockey-luffing Stuffy said:
Tomorrow morning I'm off to a hockey tournament for the weekend
You playing, or going to watch your other hockey playing boyfriend babes? ;) Heehee! :D

Angsty babes Vexxy said:
I had to take a couple of days off from posting, My great aunt passed away on Tuesday morning
Awww, I'm sorry honey...you doing okay? You have my sympathies, as does your teammate Stuffy hon.

Okay my darlings, I'm off to get ready for bed and then to watch CSI:LV tonight...Sara's last eppy...*tears, big ones!* :( At least I have D/L love to keep me happy and fluffy, and Danny in that red shirt will do wonders for my dreams tonight, I'll tell ya that for dang sure! :devil: :lol:

Night dearies! :D *Mo waves and shimmers off, humming to herself as she breathes pink fog in her fluffy bubbles!*
^^^ BOOM! :lol:

yes, stuffy, dutch is our screen-captress! :cool: i will heed your words (*eyes cousin*)...good luck on the game!
vex, sorry to hear about your great aunt :( . my condolences.

i was watching the DL parts of Super Men. lindsay's reaction to danny's fake proposal was adorable. and danny just said what was right in his heart. :) messer, we know you're not kidding. :p other lines were: "call me" (did you see how QUICKLY danny turned his head?!) and "but we tore up the hotel room" (oh, that could imply so much).

does anyone have a total count of the times (and the episodes) danny has asked lindsay to lunch or to get food?

where is everyone today?? *skips around gutterville* oh hi Mo!
Lol, Hi Angel hon! ;) Heehee!

Mmmm, yeah ya know I don't know the exact number of times Danny has asked Linds for food or lunch, but it is a pretty big number...the boy is always hungry...(and yeah I did mean the double meaning in that! :devil: :lol: )

I LOVE that D/L moment in Super Men, that was classic D/L right there..."I might ask you to marry me..." *Sigh, swoon, giggle!* Love it! :D
Hmm...I thought this week's episode was mediocre. For some reason there was just something wrong with the pace of it - felt like I was being jerked around a little. And there was no D/L at all :(

Danny was sleepy and partly annoyed through most of the episode, I don't think he likes being lied to at all. And I think a part of him went out to the guy when they were in the ambulance, asking himself what he'd do if Lindsay was in the same situation, lying infront of him clinging to life. I think that connection was what made him so angry that he'd been duped the whole time.

Oh but we know he had Lindsay the entire time through :)

Although they aren't necessarily working together on a case, wouldn't it be great if we saw Lindsay pass through the hallway or something and Danny smiles and winks at her? I mean, they can still show that the two happen to work in the same building right? :D I think it'd be sweet if we see them smile each other through the glass.

Cuzzy said:
-i was hoping for a Cool Hunter-like scene where lindsay pulls danny from his case
I had a little scene about that in my head last night. Maybe Linds asks Danny for help in recontruction on her case and Danny, as always, readily accepts, provided he gets something out of it. Maybe he can get her to promise him she'd spend the night at his place after a Messer-home-cooked dinner :) Prime opportunity for Danny to show off his baking skills. :lol:

Islandgirl said:
Am I the only one who's been disappointed by the lack of Danny/Lindsey intimacy so far this season? Given the season finale last May, I thought we'd be seeing a bit more of them "together" this season. Not every ep, certainly, but more than we've had thus far.
Oh I think they're just pacing themselves. I like the small bits and pieces that we've had so far, and like we've discussed before, they won't be doing anything inappropriate on duty, which leaves their relationship going on outside of work. Since it's a crime show, it's rare that they do focus on anything outside the crimelab and scene. We'll just have to wait and see with that the writers have come up with. I think we'll be surprised, they haven't failed us yet.

Mo drooled:
Danny in RED, Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhh baby...that is my new favorite color on him!
Oh Linds just looks just as smoking in red! Now imagine that deep crimson...as a floor length, figure-hugging dress :eek: It would be illegal!! Danny, being the good cop would rip it off in a heartbeat :devil:

Cuzzy said:
can you even imagine danny's reaction if lindsay had been shot at bar (say at a girls night out)?
Danny'd be SO pissed off with whoever did it, they better know how to hide good. He'd also be pissed off with whoever it was that informed him that his girl's been shot and he'd run off to the hospital before the call even ended. He'd fight with the nurse about the visiting hours, glare at her until she falls to pieces and sit by his love, holding her hand, falling asleep, forgetting where he was and rolling off the chair, waking up to a smirking Lindsay trying to hold in the laughter. :) He'd then kiss her and tell her she scared the crap out of him, and they'd resume the kissing and fade to black as Danny falls off his chair once again. :D

Twinny-Stuffy-wub said:
Angel, remember what I told you at DLC that likkle rascal Liffy can be quite the troublemaker.
Twinny and Cuzzy are conspiring against me behind my back! I feel wanted :p As in...the wanted list sense :lol:

Veggie said:
i ddint really like last night episode but i had a smile on my face when Danny said Boom cause its the thread title!
I felt that the cases were jerky, well actually we were the ones being jerked around. But I think Carmine did a great job when Danny found out it was the boyfriend, he was probably thinking whilst he was daydreaming about Lindsay, the guy was sitting right across from him. Probably made him feel a wee bit stupid. Poor guy, Linds can make him feel all better when they go out for dinner :D
Mo who loves making vids: but it is a pretty big number...the boy is always hungry...(and yeah I did mean the double meaning in that! :devil: :lol: )
naughty lil Mo! what do you put in your coffee? :p

and now enter Cousin Liffer's part of the post:
Danny'd be SO pissed off with whoever did it, they better know how to hide good. He'd also be pissed off with whoever it was that informed him that his girl's been shot and he'd run off to the hospital before the call even ended. He'd fight with the nurse about the visiting hours, glare at her until she falls to pieces and sit by his love, holding her hand, falling asleep, forgetting where he was and rolling off the chair, waking up to a smirking Lindsay trying to hold in the laughter. He'd then kiss her and tell her she scared the crap out of him, and they'd resume the kissing and fade to black as Danny falls off his chair once again.
hmm am i watching the D/L show written by the one and only male shipper, Gutter King? i'd like to give it a rating: 10! :D

a wink from danny to lindsay would have been NICE! ;) or an eyebrow-raise, giggle-snort, and such.

Twinny and Cuzzy are conspiring against me behind my back! I feel wanted As in...the wanted list sense
:lol: i was given strict instructions to watch over you! *eyes cousin and jots some notes down* cue the mysterious music.
^I could have done so much better, but I was in a rush. But just a heads up, I am planning a fic where Lindsay ends up in the hospital :) Just need to finish off some loose ends and I'm hoping to start "production" of the best piece my muse has EVER planted into my head :)

I'm hoping that we get more of the old season 2 D/L scenes in the next few weeks. Lindsay looks like she's going back to her old self, and like you've all said, rocks ass! A nice little teasy scene between Danny and Lindsay would be great. Personally, I think the teasing between the two of them shows more love than the cliche bouquet of flowers and long heartfelts soliloquys. They're more natural with one another and don't particularly go out of their way to display their attraction and love. They were just meant to be :)

But yeah, I think something light and funny fits their relationship more than a serious heart-to-heart "I love you" over a big candle light dinner. I'd rather see them fight for the last piece of pizza :) Or they exchange the love yous while he's spooning her some ice cream or something that's naturally part of their daily lives.

It's something I like about d/l, they don't need some big scene for people to see the attraction between them. I bet you Mac won some pool on whether Linds has got the resident New Yorker smitten over her charm :) It's either Mac or Sid, but I have no doubt that those two know their colleagues are simply perfect for each other.

I'm going to go dunk my head in cold water to get rid of this giddyness. Yay for the pink fog!
^ Wow, you’re really getting inspired by that pink stuff! :eek: I wish my muse would pay me a visit again…I have some great ideas (no, I have not abandoned them Angel :)), but I cannot get them written the way I want to… :(

Angel said:
we should have a red party, even though i look horrible in red.
That would be fun :), and you can always do like Lindsay and wear a big red belt and maybe add some red boots and a red bag for fashion's sake :D

Because of the red theme in the ep I can't get this Dutch song out of my head...you know which one I mean Jen! Where are you btw?

don't you love how danny's love for lindsay is being shown to the audience in a different way (at least it's something!)?
It’s just too bad that besides us faithful and really perceptive shippers :p nobody is really noticing those little hints…psst PTB you need to give those people a little more visible hints :D; and we won’t mind either ;)

Stuffy asked:
I have one question though: why is Lindsay/Anna wearing that big belt around her waist? Just curious
I just got the weird sensation you were thinking very naughty things :devil:, whilst I just think she saw Danny in red and couldn’t resist to go with a matching outfit… :D*whistles innocently*

Bella, Mo I do love those shirts, but can I just say: Trapped! :D (I know not an actual shirt, but still…*swoons*)

Oh, and Mo txs for answering my question…I didn’t realize that it was that ep next week…should be some potential there… ;)

Angel Danny’s certainly hungry almost always and I think it’s about time that Lindsay’s gonna do something to satisfy his appetite again :devil:…preferably on screen… :)

Liffy said:
Since it's a crime show, it's rare that they do focus on anything outside the crimelab and scene.
Well yes, but I think that instead of Stella and Drew it would’ve been great to see Danny and Lindsay have a similar date on a location like that… :)

Vex sorry to hear about your great aunt… :(
Woohoo - its the weekend! And it is getting so close to Christmas. I love this time of year.... cos I have an excuse to go shopping!

As for the red vs green vs nekkid :devil: Danny debate, I'm sticking with the green tee shirt (plus the sexy sunglasses - swoon!).

Mo - there are some pictures up of ep 13 or 14 in the spoiler thread and I think Mr Messer may be in red again :D It looks reddy/brown on my pc. You could be the CSI NY writer and wardrobe assistant. Imagine the scene in his trailer ..... "No, Carmine, I think you need to try on this red tee as well... hmmm, may be not, try this one on" whilst drooling over him as he tried on numerous outfits :eek:

Anyway enough about Danny's clothers (or lack of clothes as preferred by Dutch :devil:), I love the ideas being tossed around for a danny/Lindsay scene... I think an offhand comment or gesture would make us all happy without turning it into a total love-fest. I'd like to see the gang out at a bar, with some guy hitting on Lindsay and Danny trying not to freak out :lol:

Stuffy and Vex - I hope you guys holding up ok.
dutch_treat said:
Because of the red theme in the ep I can't get this Dutch song out of my head...you know which one I mean Jen! Where are you btw?
I'm here, I'm simply too tired to post anything...Just a few weeks and then the first three months are over. Yay! Did you mean Marco Borsato??
..."I might ask you to marry me..." *Sigh, swoon, giggle!* Love it!
Dude, you just don't know how sexy he was saying that line. :devil:

I know all of you are liking that Lindsay is getting back to her 'old self', but I don't necsessarily see that as growth. Hey, hear me out here!! While I totally love the fluffy, fun Lindsay coming back---I'm all for that---but last year we saw what a person can become when they go back to the past. I don't want Lindsay nor Danny going back to their 'old selves'. That's not progress. It's cool to have some positive aspects of their 'old self' come back, but I'd love to see them grow and become even better. Growth is life; going back is death. But if we truly love them, we have to love them at all moments---even the moments that are full of warts or when they act like dorks. :(

I want to see them a better version of themselves, even more so than before.

Agrees with Dutch about seeing more visible results of their love. Zuiker has always been known for giving people hints---everything's connected, right? But I'd love to see something a little more deep, emotional between them. We know it exists. ;)

Okay, here's my dream from last night. What's up with D/L shipper dreams? It's like they are so apart of us. Anyway.......

Danny and Lindsay were talking to a suspect in my dream and the male suspect put his hand on Lindsay leg. Then Danny slammed him up against the wall and nearly pounded his brains out...I can't remember if it was Flack----maybe Hammerback??? :lol:----but someone stopped him from killing the guy. Anyway, when Lindsay confronted him about his behavior he told her very nervously it was because 'she didn't belong to that guy' or something like that. Then he told her he was totally in love with her. He asked her if she loved him a little bit and she said 'no'. She said she 'loved him a lot'. Okay, corny but sweet.

Later. :cool:
Auda said:
I totally love the fluffy, fun Lindsay coming back---I'm all for that---but last year we saw what a person can become when they go back to the past. I don't want Lindsay nor Danny going back to their 'old selves'. That's not progress.
I think you're absolutely right on that note, but Lindsay still has to get to the point at which she was before in order to surpass it - does she not? She lost some of her spark when her past began to intrude on her life but that whole ordeal remains as a part of her life; the standing Danny up, Montana, the trial, the near kiss. It all ultimately serves to make her better as we've seen so far. She's obviously not falling into depression or anything (the only reason she'd go into depression was if Danny refused to cook dinner one night :eek: - that's all I can think of).

Oh and I do so love having D/L dreams, whether it be dirty or simply stained :) Either way they tend to leave me all goey and sporting a reluctance to rejoin RL. Welcome to the dream world - stay a while, we have d/l smex! :D

Edited to actually make sense :p
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