Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Hey I missed you!! :D I can't believe we are on page 9 and i've only posted a few times but I love to come and have a good long look every so often! BUt studys and RL do get in the way :lol:

Kiss you say? Well I'm watching the British re-run of the nearly-kiss ep!! Just watching the daydream scene, isn't Danny's so cute when Lindsay smiles at him :)
^^^Hey, I dont intentionally mean to write novel length posts okay, they just appear out of thin air :lol: And besides, you can never shut me up when it comes to D/L anyway. :)

Dutch sweetheart, I know what you mean about the-bump-we-do-not-want. If, like you say, it was scheduled to come into place mid season, I would expect it to be resolved in the episodes following, i.e. the second half of the season, unless it was resolved immediately in the same episode or the one after. Although a big bump is unlikely solved in the same episode, we don't know how big it's going to be, or rather, how small it's going to be.

Remember that PV said "skip". Not "leap" or big unavoidable lengty jump. It's just a skip = small and probably one scene that we may not like which they'll make up for with another smexy scene. I'm not worried, whatever happens, if it's pushed back to next season, we know the worst is over and it can only get better after that :)

If Danny did something wrong, it's not SO bad spending months trying to figure out how he's going to say sorry :devil: No naughty thoughts there - I swear! *whistles innocently*

You know, as much as I really want them to kiss again, this time I want it to be a short peck. Not the making out we got in the finale (which god knows was impeccably amazing) but a small kiss just symbolises a more natural and relaxed relationship between two people. It's not like they're letting out vast amounts of emotion but rather just being able to show their affections whenever they're together. A small peck on the lips, a wink here and there, some laughter would be great for DL. It's not icredibly glaring and I think it fits them more. But if the writers prefer to give us some smexy scenes, by all means I'm game! :devil:

-So we have out own D/L dictionary now? Nice. :D I have an entry: "Condom Spray: latex that Lindsay sprays onto Danny for shared amusement" :lol:
I'd like to see kissing. Jest like everyone else does. Or I'd like to see them at least doing something nice together outside of the work place. We all know they've got great at work chemistry, but all we really know about outside of work is that they can get just about anything done on a pool table. Wouldn't anyone else like to know what else they can get it done on? So many surfaces, so little time!

It's so good to be posting in here again, why was I gone for so long!
Hello my peeps! I am TIRED tonight :p But it's all good cuz D/L never fails to make me smile...just like y'all in here!

Dutch yay that you liked the vid...I'm pretty proud of the timing, it's fun! :D D/L has had so many fun moments, it's really totally fun to make these vids and get to watch and rewatch and memorize all those moments...as if I needed to spend more time obsessing over these two! :rolleyes: :lol: Good times! :D

I have a theory on the "Love handles"...I like the she's just using it as an excuse to call him "love" theory Liffer :D but what I thought of was that his "love handles" are the part of Danny she holds onto when he's loving :devil: her! Gah and I am SOOOO in the Gutter! :devil: :devil:

Rad Hi babes! :D Yeah you can't leave again! You have to stay! :D And I likes your avie, that was a cute moment! ;)

Not sure what's up for us tomorrow night...here's hoping that the "we don't know what's up" approach means we get something good like last week! :D *Fingers crossed!* :D
Mornin' all! It's Wednesday again which means it's HUMP DAY!! Hopefully our lack of any D/L news means we're going to get some nice little scenes tonight!

^Mo sweetheart! Your little love handles theory was naughty! :lol: I had hot little mental images of that all night long. Unfortunately, none of them fell below rated M :eek: So can't share :devil:

It would be totally awesome to hear them say they love each other though I don't think they're ready for it right now. Maybe after something bad happens to one of them and they both realise they can't live without the other (not that I want anything bad to happen to either of them - but often enough it takes a big jolt to make you realise what you have).

I still can't get the image of Linds holding on to his love handles out of my head. :p

Rad, sweetheart, we know they can get it done on any surface so long as there's ample space for them to do their thing :devil: It would be fun to see them in a pool together though! Hehehe...they can go skinny-dipping together. Or they can have fun in a bathtub or jacuzzi together. That would be totally hawt. :lol:

I think I'm going to go now before I pass out from heat stroke. :p
Not only is it Hump day but I have the day off work :D lucky lucky me! A day off in the middle of the week is like skipping school, or my very own snow day :lol: Now I should be trying to make my pile of ironing disappear but .......

Natty said:

Kiss you say? Well I'm watching the British re-run of the nearly-kiss ep!! Just watching the daydream scene, isn't Danny's so cute when Lindsay smiles at him

I recorded that episode and skipped right to the end of episode for the nearly kiss :D :D It is one of those scenes that I never get sick of watching. Damn those photographers for interupting the kiss :mad: Its the 'buffalo burgers' quote next week!!

Mo - love the new video :D You are so addicted :devil:
*Mo dances into the thread, singing her own words to some song..."Happy, Happy Hump Day, Happy, Happy Hump Day, with a Boom and a Bang and an 'Oh Hot Dang!' Happy, Happy Hump Day!" :lol:

Happy Hump Day! Hello my lovelies, how are you all this fine Hump Day morning? I'm a bit cold myself, seeing as how it's like an icicle outside, but that's okay...now if only it would snow...then I could be as lucky as Bella and have the day off! :lol: (Nice Bella!)

Lol, Liff I knew you would appreciate my love handles theory! :devil: And I can just imagine the "images" in that lovely naughty brain of yours...probably cuz the same type of images were in my brain as well! ;) Awwwww smexy D/L, what would we do without you?! :devil: :lol:

I really do want to hear them say "I love you"...whether it's a big dramatic moment after one of them is almost hurt or even something sweet and really simple...like we could see Linds on the phone coming out of her apartment and she could lock the door and be talking and go, "Yeah I'll be there in about 20 minutes.....love you too....bye" And hang up and then call Stella or Hawkes and go "Hey Stella/Sheldon, I just got off the phone with Danny, they need both us to come in, I'm on my way, so meet us there."
Wouldn't that rock, that'd be real casual, and would even almost be case related and it would take all of 10 seconds if that, and her saying "TOO" would mean Danny said it first and.....Squeeeeeee! I would LOVE that! :lol:

Thanks for the vid compliment Bella! ;) I am SO addicted, heehee...but it's a blast so it's all good! :D

Okay y'all so I think I said this before, but new writer tonight for the eppy...first time writing for the franchise, so here's hoping the initiation goes well! What better way to start your career than to please the D/L shipper fan base, right? Here's hoping! :D :D

Okay I'm off to work now...Bella I'm totally jealous of you getting to stay home...lucky! Alright y'all have a swell day and I'll see y'all tonight...for another edition of the D/L show...I mean, awww heck we all know it's that! :lol:

*Mo waves, giggles and shimmers off in a cloud of pink fog and fluffy bubbles!* :D
like we could see Linds on the phone coming out of her apartment and she could lock the door and be talking and go, "Yeah I'll be there in about 20 minutes.....love you too....bye" And hang up and then call Stella or Hawkes and go "Hey Stella/Sheldon, I just got off the phone with Danny, they need both us to come in, I'm on my way, so meet us there."

Dear TPTB:

Perhaps you should hire Mo to help write the episodes. Just something to think about ;)

Love always,
Stuffy xx

Mo wubs, I watched your vid and it absolutely rocked!! Fantastic song and it really fit the clips you used *huggles*

Alright me hearties, enjoy the episode tonight. Here's hoping for some DL action :D
^Mo babes, I like your idea of us just hearing a reply from one of them. They way you described it didn't take alot of attention at all since the scene wasn't technically dedicated to them. It would be great if we got that scene :)

It would be sweet if per chance someone on Danny's end heard him say, "Love you, Montana" first and they can raise their eyebrows and he'd be all red and blushing. I see a hasty exit :lol: Oh Danny...you crack us up when you don't even mean to.

Yeah, new writer tonight :devil: here's hoping they pass initiation! I had a flashback to Some Buried Bones. We need to find a blood-filled ink pen. You must appease the D/L fanbase :) no easy way to acceptance than that. (No easier way to get a day dedicated to you either :lol: )

*Liff skips around the thread, spreading the pink fog
wherever he goes*

My mind is never clean...its interesting that way :lol:
Basically knew it was Wednesday to day, but I forgot it was WEDNESDAY, the night where three of my shows are on back to back to back. Love it. :lol: Hopefully we get something shippy tonight, I haven't read spoilers or anything, so I'm basically walking into the eppy blind-folded, but hey that's half the fun, rightLiff? Err, you're still Spoiler free, aren't you, lol.

Danny and Lindsay: Getting anything done on any surface.

*whistles innocently*
Happy Hump Day everyone! :)

Liffy said:
A small peck on the lips, a wink here and there, some laughter would be great for DL. It's not icredibly glaring and I think it fits them more. But if the writers prefer to give us some smexy scenes, by all means I'm game!
Yeah, that does sound like them! The more we talk about little kisses, I keep coming up with more and more scenes that could've been so much better...remember in YODO when Danny catches up with Lindsay when she's about to enter the elevator he calls her, why didn't she just answer: "What's wrong Danny? Forgot to give me a kiss?" and then wink at him :D.....or he could've joined her in the elevator... :cool:

Rad said:
Wouldn't anyone else like to know what else they can get it done on?
*raises hand* just rewatched CS - have you guys seen the table in that conference room... :devil:

And Rad it is good to have you posting in here again... :D

Mo said:
what I thought of was that his "love handles" are the part of Danny she holds onto when he's loving her!
Well, blonde moment :rolleyes:, but I always thought that the reason those little annoying lumps of fat :mad: had such a cute name was because of their smexy usefulness :devil:...*sigh* now I'm having M-rated visions too... :p

Oooh, that telephone "I love you" conversation sounds like such a great idea...they won't even be in the same scene together and still D/L shippers all over the world would squee their hearts out :lol:...and of course Danny would be the one who gets overheard.. :rolleyes:.

Bella said:
...the nearly kiss...It is one of those scenes that I never get sick of watching
Yeah, that scene is great, and so silly, but everytime I watch I keep hoping that maybe this time those reporters will not interfere... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

*leaves, but not before she puts on her 'Miss Optimistic November 2007'-tiara and starts to think happy thoughts about tonight's ep* :) We all know little - good sign!
^Yep Rad I'm still spoiler free. Not knowing what's coming up next is definately half the fun if not more!

You know, along with all that smexy scenes of D/L together, I think it would be nice to see them in bed - minus the naughtyness :lol: - if that's even possible. Danny can get called in so he has to grudgingly try and get up and he's saying sorry to Linds that he has to go and she just replies, "Will you GO already? I'm trying to sleep!" :lol: He'd just glare at her before realising she's kidding and he'd spend another...oh...I'd say 20 minutes or so trying to leave :devil:

Entirely off topic there - my point was for us to see a scene of them in bed together and one of them wishing the other safe and a short peck and "I love you" before the other disappears off for work :) My dirty mind took over again.

"What's wrong Danny? Forgot to give me a kiss?" and then wink at him .....or he could've joined her in the elevator...
I think they made up for that with the image of utter glee on her face when she says "We got the car?" :lol: She just looked so cute right there and they were both like bickering kids the entire episode :lol: They were so meant for each other.

Yeah, that scene is great, and so silly, but everytime I watch I keep hoping that maybe this time those reporters will not interfere...
Darn them reporters! They can stalk celebs all they want but leave our D/L alone! They're so intruding on our space here! :mad:


Okay so I'm listening to really loud dance music right now, as opposed to my usual tunes (all depends on my strange moods), and I can't help but picture Danny and Linds at a nightclub. Can you guys imagine how HOT that scene would be? They'd be totally over, around, under each other until they both collapsed the way home onto their bed. :devil: Mmm...I'm sure all that heat pressed up against each other can lead to something more productive and "fun". :) Like pool. They could have a game of pool at 4am. That way they have a reason when they wake up on top of it the next morning. :D
*Stuffy bounds into the thread, holding a big platter of M&M cookies - because you can't go wrong with M&M cookies*

have you guys seen the table in that conference room...

*gigglesnort* BWAHAHAHAHA. Oh dutch, you'll be the death of me. Although that table would be a rather fitting place for them...hehe :devil: *evil chuckle*

Yay!! Rad's back! *hugs and a daisy*

scene of them in bed together and one of them wishing the other safe and a short peck and "I love you" before the other disappears off for work

*has melted into a puddle of goo* How sweet would that be? Definitely "awww" moment :D

*whistles nonchalantly*

Their Daughter - Chapter 7
Hi gang, I'm here with my weekly report!
Unfortunately, no D/L interaction this week, but two intriguing cases, although I think the involvement of the one killer was pretty obvious. Nice work between Lindsay and Stella, they work well together. We get two "Booms" out of Danny tonight(his new catchphrase apparently) and he works a case with Hawkes, Mac and Angell. We get Danny in a kevlar vest and we get angry Danny when he realizes he's been duped by the so-called boyfriend. All in all, a good, action packed episode. Not maybe the best, but very interesting cases tonight.
*Mo giggles her way into the thread, passing out freshly baked gingerbread cookies as she twirls...* Yay for a new eppy, yay for a new eppy...yay for the love and yay for D/L and yay for my shippy buds and just...YAY! :lol: *Mo takes another deep breath of pink fog and giggles some more!*

Fluffy Stuffy proposed:
Dear TPTB:
Perhaps you should hire Mo to help write the episodes. Just something to think about
Love always, Stuffy xx
Dear PTB,
I would be very very willing to help you write the episodes...in fact I would do it for a fraction of the price your currents writers ask and I know plenty of other brilliant writers who would come along for the ride with me!
Like my Stuffy said...just an idea! ;)
Mo :D

Mo wubs, I watched your vid and it absolutely rocked!! Fantastic song and it really fit the clips you used *huggles*
Awww thanks honey bun, I am pretty proud of it! :lol: Seriously I have to stop pimping myself...but I just wubs it! :D Really I owe it all to D/L, they are just so perfect that they inspire my muse all the time...I am hopelessly addicted to them! ;)

Gutter bud Liffericious grinned:
Mo babes, I like your idea of us just hearing a reply from one of them. They way you described it didn't take alot of attention at all since the scene wasn't technically dedicated to them. It would be great if we got that scene
I know right! It would be all of a few short seconds, but it would let us all know exactly what we know...that D/L is really and truly as in love as we KNOW they are! Seriously though, that's what lots of our best moments have been...smaller scenes, glances, winks, grins...that last about 10 seconds or so...but it would still be perfect and adorable and shippy and just, yay! :D

It would be sweet if per chance someone on Danny's end heard him say, "Love you, Montana" first and they can raise their eyebrows and he'd be all red and blushing. I see a hasty exit Oh Danny...you crack us up when you don't even mean to.
I would LOVE that! I could totally see Hawkes being the one who sees that for some reason, him or Stella...and they could be walking into D/L's office to share a piece of evidence with Danny and he could be looking at his computer and not see them and then he'd hang up the phone after saying that, and see them standing inside the door with their eyebrow's raised and huge grins on their faces and he'd get totally red and start stammering...awwwww, yeah I could totally see that happening Liff, I like it! :D

The one who now that she is back cannot ever leave again ;) Rad said:
Hopefully we get something shippy tonight, I haven't read spoilers or anything, so I'm basically walking into the eppy blind-folded
Yeah but that's how we went into last week's eppy and look what we got last week...so maybe there is something to this SF, not knowing anything deal...not that I could ever stay SF, but still if it meant we got great D/L every week...then I might actually be tempted! :D Did that make any sense? :lol: All that to say, yeah I agree...I hope we get some good D/L tonight too and I don't know what we're heading into either! ;)

Cute angsty Rad said:
Wouldn't anyone else like to know what else they can get it done on?
And then my Gutter Queen bud across the sea Dutch replied...
*raises hand* just rewatched CS - have you guys seen the table in that conference room...
Ohhhhhh Dutch, you make me grin and fill my mind with naughty naughty thoughts...I love it! ;) Heehee! And uh yeah, by the way...I know the conference table and I am pretty sure D/L would LOVE to initiate said table as soon as they can....late shift, everyone gone from the lab except D/L... :devil: Mmmmmm! ;)

Gutter king Lifferiffic winked:
Danny can get called in so he has to grudgingly try and get up and he's saying sorry to Linds that he has to go and she just replies, "Will you GO already? I'm trying to sleep!" He'd just glare at her before realising she's kidding and he'd spend another...oh...I'd say 20 minutes or so trying to leave
Yeah you are totally coming with me to write for CBS...heehee, I love that idea! I could totally see Linds teasing him like that, and Danny would pout for a sec and then when he saw she was teasing him, he'd totally jump on her and tickle her wide awake before kissing her senseless and becoming very late after all! :devil:

Awwww all this talk of cute scenes, I really really want another cute D/L scene! I want a kiss, tickle, tease, "love you"....come on PTB please?!! Catey my Spoiler Queen darling...thanks for the info! ;)

Alright peeps...I'm outta here for a bit, but I'll be back, no worries! ;)
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