Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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*Tiptoes in carefully trying not to run into the daggers* Scary!! No Angst!! None. And there isn't going to be a bump, remember? We say so. :p :p :p

And Mo’s question about the old b/w movies
I don’t know many b/w movies, so this is kinda hard to answer, but I did see the original “Wizard of Oz” once and I think Lindsay loves this and I can imagine Danny seeing himself as one of the heroes Errol Flyn is playing (I recall Robin Hood and some pirate movie).
Too bad you're not into b&w movies, Dutch. They rock!!

Moooooooooooooooooooo!! How did you know to ask this question? And you know about swashbucklers too!! Most Flynn movies were in color---glorious technicolor---I could see Danny wanting to be like the wicked, wicked Flynn or the dashing Tyrone Power. I don't see Lindsay being into Casablanca or Gone With the Wind or anything like that---that's for emotional sh**s like Danny and me. :lol: But she would definitely like something with Gary Cooper. He was from Montana!! I could see Linds and Danny renting Pride of the Yankees. If not, they could always rent Here Comes Mr. Jordan (boxing movie) or something with Bogart like The Big Sleep. Warm yet socially important movies like Talk of the Town and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town might tickle their fancy. And then to prove he's even more macho, Danny might rent some tough guy movies like the original Scarface or a tough war movie. Other than that, I don't really see them being 'totally' into old movies---maybe an evening or two of the oldies---but I see them liking modern films. I'd probably have to force them to sit down with me and watch a Kelly or Astaire movie. Okay, I'm a classic movie nerd; even my mommy doesn't get it. :eek: :lol: :eek:

As far as the snow....Lindsay loves the snow I agree. I think Danny would bitch about it being cold; I bet he actually likes it though. His heart would melt as soon as Linds showed 'pouty' face and asked him 'pweeeeeeeeease'. Then they could have a glorious snowball fight. Danny would ask that Montana not use the slingshot. :cool:

Hey, I wonder where Rad is as well. :(
Rad my love! Where are you???

Wow, I basically suck at life. Last week was Homecoming week, and I'm a senior in HS this year, so I was all into it, so that's my lame excuse for not checking in here for like oh., EVER. I'm sorry guys. But I did watch the eppy las week, and it was amazing, I smiled the entire time they were demonstrating the shooting stuff. That was amazing, brilliant perhaps. Wat to go PTB. I was sort of skimming spoilers, and I don't know what to make of them, so I'm gonna leave it at that.

Now that Homecoming is over and my volleyball season is over, I will try my hardest to keep up the pace in here, this is the first time I've been in here in a while, so long that the first unread post my computer let me see was from page 4. Like I said, I suck at life. DL is rather important though, so I suppose I'll start volunteering more time to their thread and my DL shipping friends!
I that to say thank you , Stuffy and Mo for all the pink fog! I am a little late on thanking you guys but better late than never! :)

As far as Old Movies go, I can see Lindsay into "Gone With the Wind". Even though it's in color, it's timeless and I can see some snuggling on the couch.

Well.....Maybe for an hour, than I can see Danny pouting the movie is too long and he'll find ways to distract Lindsay. :)
Well, as far as the pink fog goes, alot of people think we are smoking something not entirely legal here, guys! Anyway, I have a question for you all. Do you think Danny would ever take Lindsay on one of those Central Park carriage rides? A Christmas proposal taking place there? It's getting to be that time of year, and, not that they are getting engaged or anything, do you think the two of them would do something like that, the carriage ride? Or, is that only something a tourist would do? Just like to get everyone's thoughts on it. Trying to be original here, ya know. And I'm so with you guys, a sweet moment, where he takes her hand and kisses it would be lovely.

And, as for whether they love snow or not, after watching Commuted Sentences, I think Lindsay would be the kind of girl who would either
1: throw snowballs at Danny or
2: Dump it down the back of his neck.
Either resulting in him tackling her and them both falling to the ground in an embrace.
Okay I have like two seconds to pop in here, I'm like way multi-tasking here but I had to pop in...cuz you's all are my people and I can't not say hi to y'all! :lol: So...Hi! :D

Aud my wub!!! Hiya honey bunny Fluffy Twin! *Snuggles!* I knew to ask that question because I knew it would get you in here, cuz I know you like them swashbucklers! :lol: Heehee! ;) We are SOOO twins by the way, I LOVE Kelly and Astaire movies! :D Rock on! :D

Rad!! Yay you popped back in here, hi babes! :D

And Vexxy you're welcome for the pink fog, anytime anywhere! :D

Ohhhh great question with the carriage ride Catey mmmm, I think that would be totally adorable, to see them in the horse and carriage around Central Park...I think Linds would tease Danny about how cheesy it was, but secretly she would be thrilled by it and I think he would know that and just grin and wink at her as he sat back and held her under the stars....everyone together now...Awwwww! :D And I would LOVE if he proposed that way...oh goodness would that be sweet and adorable and romantic!

Lol, and yeah I see Linds being the kind of girl who would sneak up on Danny and dump snow down his back and then she'd run away giggling, only to be chased by a teasing Mr. Messer who'd tackle her and take her to the ground, kissing her as they fell! :D And again....Awwwwww! :lol:

Stuffy hon, loved your "I missed you" scenario...anything involving Danny giving Linds flowers is totally perfect and sweet in my book! I would love to see that hon! :D

And I hate to pimp myself yet again...but I will :lol: I just finished my 6th shippy vid...this one is for D/L again and it just might be my favorite one I've made yet! *Mo grins modestly and shrugs happily!* It's uploading now so check out my Youtube account (Moriel21) and let me know what y'all think! :D It's to Keith Urban's "Making Memories of Us"! :D

Okay time for bed for me...night my darling lovely shippers, I'll be back tomorrow! :D

*Mo waves tiredly and shimmers sleepily off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
hello and good morning every one

The scene in Commuted Senses was nice, but I can't help but think they would have done that in their teasing mode even before they were dating.
You’re right I was thinking about that the other day too. I loved the whole re-enacting scene in CS, but it was just a longer and slightly more intimate version of the hand-lock-hold scene in CotD

although I agree that it wasnt different that they usual teasing but the non-verbal stuff was different. they stayed close to each other for way longer then necessary and I cant see Lindsay being that physical with him in S2. or pinching his "love handles" (whatever it may be)

Since we're on the topic of discussing what scenes we want to see...I wouldn't mind one at the end of an episode (say that they didn't see each other or there was a tiny scene) where Danny randomly appears at Lindsay's front door holding a bouquet of flowers and he says, "I missed you today."

squee flowers are always a good idea. and it would be even sweeter if it was a bouquet of daisies

Catey, I love the carriage idea. it would be a nice birthday present IMHO. because its probably what usually only tourist do and Lindsay is not a tourist. or something you do with your significant other. and she now has him. she would so tease him if he did it but she would be secretly thrilled. and he would see right through her act.

I truly and firmly belive that the strike will end by the end of the year and we get a full season.

have a fluffy day :)

*Carly leaves the thread chanting under her breath kiss! Kiss! KISS! KISS! *
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but I don't like the carriage ride in central park idea. Sorry, it's too corny! Snowball fight, however, TOTALLY!
*Mo comes in and joins Carly chanting and stomping out a fine rhythm...Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, KISS!*

Good morning shippy buddies! How are you this fine morning? Yay for Tuesday...mostly because that makes tomorrow Hump Day and new eppy day and I'm excited for this one! I've caught a couple promo's now and all I've seen are Stella scenes and models in big people-sized champagne flutes...(hope that's not too much info for you SF's! ;) ) So we'll see what D/L gets tomorrow...for some reason I have high hopes again, no idea why ;) *coughlastweekcough!* :lol: So yeah we'll see what we get...

Lol, Carmeena yeah the carriage ride idea is corny and fairly touristy, but I think that's why it works...the only way I see D/L doing it, is if both of them are teasing the other about it...Linds would tease Danny for having lived in the city all his life and never having ridden in a carriage, even in a cheesy attempt to impress a date, and Danny would tease Linds about how he couldn't believe she wanted to something so tourist-y and wasn't she the country girl anyway who'd been around horses all her life, so why'd she need a carriage ride anyway? :lol: But of course they'd both still go and secretly love it! :D See it could work without being cheesy...it's all about knowing it's cheesy and laughing at it, while still enjoying it! Kind of like how I am all the time! ;) :lol:

Anyway...okey doke, gotta head off to work! Have a swell Tuesday my people and I will catch y'all this fine evening!

*Mo grins, waves and shimmers off in her fluffy pink fog filled bubble!*

Oh and P.s. :lol: Have I mentioned I LOVE my new video I made...I don't think I can link to it...but it's pretty cool! (Okay I'm done now! :rolleyes: :lol: )
i like long weekends.

good friend dutch observed: And about Danny's "too low" did he mean that it was low of her to suggest he has love handles or was it because she was pinching him in the 'wrong' place...
does it look like i would know if danny has love handles? :p only lindsay would know if danny has love handles! she's seen it all. ;) :devil: *notes what ya said to veggie and nods with a teeny smile*

dutch said more: Now I just have to find a Danny-Messer-look-alike-colleague...
pool table! :lol: silly remark. danny-messer-look-alike colleague, where are you?? we want you to play with dutch! maybe he'll be the next new hire. ;)

sidlewannabee, good! ;) *giggles* danny and lindsay ARE lurve (as good ol' Liffers always says). they make us giggle, laugh, imagine, grin at, and sometimes wish we had a piece of. :)

welcome, carmeena!

stuffy explained in the best way:The pink fog is a mysterious substance that floats around Gutterville, the official home of DL fans. It can enter one's house at any time and turn them into fluffies. Also, several of us carry around special tanks filled with the fog, including Mo, Liffy (Gaelen), and myself. At times when we receive less-than-happy spoilers regarding our ship, we like to spray everyone with the fluffy pink fog. It makes them think happy thoughts...and if someone isn't thinking happy thoughts about our ship, we give 'em a big dosage of the stuff.
:lol: and here i never thought i'd see "pink fog" defined: this one has to go in the DL dictionary with the other words like "squee" or "teh sects"

catie-girl, spreading your word in pretty blue boxes! kissing on the job would be definitely un-professional and very against my PDA stance. but like Cuz said, something on the way out of the locker room. or even a ever-so-teeny peck on the cheek on the way out of the office to the field. i still want that sweet kiss on the lips sometime on a dinner date or that LUNCH that danny's always wanted with his montana!

my SWEET cousin who cannot hold back his tongue said: It's a fog - that's pink and stimulates sexual desires when in direct contact
errrmmm...*bats eyes* of course cousin here would offer himself for FREE to write. no side offerings, k?

team fluff member Mo announced: So I came to a decision this morning...well a couple really, first off...we should make every day either Wednesday or Saturday as a general rule, so we get a new eppy like every other day and then we get to sleep in the morning after and be lazy and squee about all the D/L we got in our new eppy! Which brings me to the second decision I made, to ensure that we get all that lovely D/L every week...now that the writers are on strike we should all storm the CBS offices and install ourselves as the new CSI:NY writers...they could pay us all quite decently from the money they would have paid the writers I'm sure and we'll get plenty of D/L to make us happy forever....so who's with me?!
point 1: lazy Saturday (what about those of us who work on Saturdays??), cookies, D/L, and squee-ing! i'm all for it!
point 2: writers on strike? DL shippers are the next in line to start scribing!
your scenario in a little blue box: *bounces a little off my seat happily*
your black and white movie question: i can see D/L at a drive-in with a good old b/w movie.
snow or no snow question: i like catie-girl's scenario with the throwing snowballs AND dumping it down danny's back (all by lindsay of course! she's got quite an arm.)

paying us a nice visit dani said: Now every guy is thinking that he wants a job where he can hold his girl any time like that
a little embrace from the sweetie during work hours wouldn't be that bad... :D but it would have to be cleverly placed as if it were part of our job!

pucker up, danny-boy. get ready, miss monroe. i want my next D/L kiss!
Dutch said:
I don't think you're being negative, but rather realistic. We've already seen 7 eps and there's no sign of a deepening of the relationship let alone a 'bump'. So the latter was probably meant to be somewhere half-season and since that will now probably be the end of the season I fear that our bump may end up to be a D/L cliff hanger
I really hope it doesn't come to that. I don't know how I'd survive on a cliffhanger with their happiness on the line. Wait...what am I saying? *Liff looks around confused* Why am I even contemplating on the future of their happiness together? Whatever it is, they're so going to work through it and be happy with each other :) Like Aud says, NO ANGST! (unless I have aforementioned info that a happy ending is coming my way :D )

Carly I like that idea of the hand kiss. I’d love to see Danny do something so chivalrous. Maybe when they pull up at the lab, he helps her out of the car and simply kisses her hand *sighs* leaving her completely stunned on the sidewalk.
I don't know why but I just can't see Danny kissing her hand unless they're together spooned on the couch and he starts from the hand up north. I dunno - it's a chivalrous act but I just can't see him opening the door and kissing her hand. I can see him opening the door and dramatically bowing just to make her roll her eyes at him, but I think he'd rather kiss her lips than her hands :devil: He'll take as much as he gets considering they're working together time is limited. Are danny and lindsay work partners? I dont see much point in that since they inter-weave the office interaction all the time. *shrugs*

I loved the whole re-enacting scene in CS, but it was just a longer and slightly more intimate version of the hand-lock-hold scene in CotD.
I felt that too - they definately stayed together longer than needed, which is sweet :D I know if they didn't have a "thing" (=love) between them, they could've gotten that scene done in 5 seconds (max). The fact that they took a looong time and she poked his love handles and leans in closer with his lips barely legal from her neck *ahem* It's LURVE!!

Where is my Cuzzy?...........CUZZY!

I’m joining you then, that was all I knew about last week’s ep too, but just because we had been surprised before when we did not know a lot about an ep made me quite optimistic…and it paid off *thinks happy thoughts again*…perhaps we can have Lindsay whack Danny (like Liffy has been hoping for, for so long ) and then have her kiss the sore spot…
Being spoiler free has its advantages! :D But I do love the thought of Lindsay whacking Danny on the head, and he'd be rubbin' the spot and frownin' and poutin' and she'd giggle and kiss him and he'd forget all about that bump on his head. :lol: Oh her kisses can heal all his pain :devil: It's no wonder they're both always in tip top shape. They've got healing kisses.

Mo’s question about the old b/w movies
OH I love the idea of them watching old movies together. They can watch Talk of the Town and Linds would be all interested whilst Danny gets bored and tries to "entertain" himself and she's constantly thwapping his wandering hands away before finally giving in since his lips seems to have miraculously latched on to her neck and compared to the movie, he wins every time. :D

Stuffy-wub said:
I wasn't implying that you were being negative Liffy, and I'm sorry if my post came across that way.
Oh no, that's alright, I'm just saying that the thought flowing through my mind was less than positive at the time. (thank goodness that's now over) :D

I wouldn't mind one at the end of an episode (say that they didn't see each other or there was a tiny scene) where Danny randomly appears at Lindsay's front door holding a bouquet of flowers and he says, "I missed you today."
He'll start of by kissing her first! (I think I'm obsessed with the thought of them making out - hee!) and along with the flowers he'll be carrying dinner since he's too lazy to go back to his apartment to eat alone :D Yup - there'll be "I missed you" kisses all night long :devil:

Aud stated:
Scary!! No Angst!! None. And there isn't going to be a bump, remember? We say so.

Danny would ask that Montana not use the slingshot.
He will then proceed to asking if he can borrow it :D

It's nice to see you back Rad! We missed you.

Catey said:
Well, as far as the pink fog goes, alot of people think we are smoking something not entirely legal here, guys!
For once in their lives people are getting things right :devil: hehehe. Who said it was legal? :lol: (It's D/L prescripted)

And, as for whether they love snow or not, after watching Commuted Sentences, I think Lindsay would be the kind of girl who would either
1: throw snowballs at Danny or
2: Dump it down the back of his neck.
Either resulting in him tackling her and them both falling to the ground in an embrace.
They can make snow angels! Well...Lindsay can and Danny can just sit there staring at her like she's crazy. He don't like it cold. He likes it Hawt :devil:

Anyway, I have a question for you all. Do you think Danny would ever take Lindsay on one of those Central Park carriage rides?
The only reason I can think of as to why Danny would want to take Linds on a carriage ride is to prove her wrong. Or Lindsay makes him tag along to prove him wrong. I think they'd rather walk together through central park, and like y'all have said, it's far too touristy. Unless Lindsay asks him to take her and do somethin' REAL touristy cos she wants to feel like a tourist- then I could see that happen. They could always make out in that thing :D The horses wouldn't mind - I know I dont.

Carly said:
they stayed close to each other for way longer then necessary and I cant see Lindsay being that physical with him in S2. or pinching his "love handles" (whatever it may be)
It's a layer of fat. Dont think Danny has'em :lol: More teasing! :devil: That was the cutest scene ever and we got to see Linds say "love" with Danny wrapped around her :D It's jumping a bit but what do I care? :lol:

Carmeena said:
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but I don't like the carriage ride in central park idea. Sorry, it's too corny! Snowball fight, however, TOTALLY!
Yay to the snowball fight! I like the thought of them dumping snow all over each other before running inside to warm up, wrapped around each other with a cup of hot chocolate and marshmellows.

Cuzzy said:
only lindsay would know if danny has love handles! she's seen it all.
Technically we've seen Danny's torso twice. Once lying down, and once standing up. He don't got none, she's just looking for opportunity to touch him :devil:

i still want that sweet kiss on the lips sometime on a dinner date or that LUNCH that danny's always wanted with his montana!
I think we'll get that sometime :) (hopefully this season - depending on how long it lasts). I dont think the gazillion times danny asked Lindsay to go out and have a bite with him was just being nice. He totally wants to take her out for lunch :D

team fluff member Mo announced: So I came to a decision this morning...well a couple really, first off...we should make every day either Wednesday or Saturday as a general rule, so we get a new eppy like every other day and then we get to sleep in the morning after and be lazy and squee about all the D/L we got in our new eppy! Which brings me to the second decision I made, to ensure that we get all that lovely D/L every week...now that the writers are on strike we should all storm the CBS offices and install ourselves as the new CSI:NY writers...they could pay us all quite decently from the money they would have paid the writers I'm sure and we'll get plenty of D/L to make us happy forever....so who's with me?!
There was a channel here where I am that used to show CSI:NY every night for promotion. It went from S1 straight through to S2. For 22 straight days I got a daily dose of danny, lindsay and D/L!! It was love. We so need a "Channel CSI" :D I'd so pay for that. Actually, we need a channel "D/L" I'd pay for that too! :D
Well hello everyone! Did you miss me? ;)

Gaelen said:
Dutch said:
I don't think you're being negative, but rather realistic. We've already seen 7 eps and there's no sign of a deepening of the relationship let alone a 'bump'. So the latter was probably meant to be somewhere half-season and since that will now probably be the end of the season I fear that our bump may end up to be a D/L cliff hanger
I really hope it doesn't come to that. I don't know how I'd survive on a cliffhanger with their happiness on the line.
Seriously, if they do that they'd lose a lot of viewers. Last season was already pretty Danny and Lindsay central, and to make a big thing of it again this season...Nah...I don't think it'll happen.

I loved the whole re-enacting scene in CS, but it was just a longer and slightly more intimate version of the hand-lock-hold scene in CotD.
I felt that too - they definately stayed together longer than needed, which is sweet :D I know if they didn't have a "thing" (=love) between them, they could've gotten that scene done in 5 seconds (max). The fact that they took a looong time and she poked his love handles and leans in closer with his lips barely legal from her neck *ahem* It's LURVE!!
It was different though...In CotD they were clearly uncomfortable with the feelings that came along with the hand-holding-thing. Now they weren't, in fact, Lindsay didn't hesitate to tease Danny a little and Danny wasn't looking for an explanation, he just said to her it was 'too low'. It just seemed to me they're much more relaxed when they are together.

Catey said:
Well, as far as the pink fog goes, alot of people think we are smoking something not entirely legal here, guys!
Well Catey, I live in Holland and I'm sure you can smoke the pink fog anywhere you like here :D

Anyway, I have a question for you all. Do you think Danny would ever take Lindsay on one of those Central Park carriage rides?
I have a hard time believing they do that, but that's just maybe me...I absolutely don't like horses, let alone horse carriage-rides....I do see them walking through Central Park!

What's up for us tomorrow??
How do you know Liffy has been in the thread? Easy - you just search for a novel-length post :p

Seriously, if they do that they'd lose a lot of viewers.

I agree. DL isn't the show, but it's a big part of it - if they were to mess it up, I think they would lose a lot of viewers. Like it or not, the DL relationship plays an important role in the show.

Last season was already pretty Danny and Lindsay central, and to make a big thing of it again this season

Is it too much to ask for one season of DL happiness? Honestly TPTB :p you already gave them two seasons of angst (okay so S2 wasn't as angsty as S3, but they weren't together and there was Tanglewood and Aiden's murder) - can't you just leave 'em alone for a while and let them be happy?

*inhales the pink fog* That's better :D

That was the cutest scene ever and we got to see Linds say "love" with Danny wrapped around her

Ooooo, nice catch Liffy!! Now all TPTB need to do is add an "I" and a "you" and we're ready to roll.

Actually, we need a channel "D/L" I'd pay for that too!

Good grief, if a DL channel actually existed I don't think I'd move off the couch.

this one has to go in the DL dictionary with the other words like "squee" or "teh sects"

How many entries do we have now? Squee, Moo, Boom, teh secks, fluffy pink fog...there has to be more *taps finger on chin thoughtfully*

I'm sick. Again. I need some Danny luvin' :)

ETA: Aaaand I forgot 'canon' in the DL Dictionary. Silly me.

Thanks for the well-wishes JenP! *hugs*
Twice in one night?? That's not me...Well, maybe it's just 'cause I'm feeling better and maybe it's because Liff has made me an awesome banner! Thanks!

dl_shipper34 said:
Seriously, if they do that they'd lose a lot of viewers.
I agree. DL isn't the show, but it's a big part of it - if they were to mess it up, I think they would lose a lot of viewers. Like it or not, the DL relationship plays an important role in the show.
Oh, they certainly do! :D And I like it! I would like to see a lot of Danny and Lindsay, but realistically, it's not the right thing for this show.

Last season was already pretty Danny and Lindsay central, and to make a big thing of it again this season
Is it too much to ask for one season of DL happiness? Honestly TPTB :p you already gave them two seasons of angst (okay so S2 wasn't as angsty as S3, but they weren't together and there was Tanglewood and Aiden's murder) - can't you just leave 'em alone for a while and let them be happy?

And I hope you'll feel better soon, Stuffy!
Ok so I only have time for a quick post but wanted to join in the shippy chanting:

Kiss kiss kiss kiss!!

I will take any kind of kiss for our lovely couple - hand, forehead :D, cheek, lips :devil: I am not fussy, any kiss will do! I will send positive thoughts across the pond...

And as for the DL lingo - what about flungst?
auda said:
Too bad you're not into b&w movies, Dutch. They rock!!
I believe you, but I just haven’t seen that many :eek:. But since everyone’s talking about snow, aren’t “White Christmas” and “It’s a wonderful life” b&w movies? I liked those and I can just imagine D/L going to Montana in December and watch those cuddled up in front of a fire placem while snowed-in in a cabin…and again...aaawww :D

Catie asked:
Do you think Danny would ever take Lindsay on one of those Central Park carriage rides?
Well I think that’s a little too sweet for my taste and I think Lindsay’s too down-to-earth for something like that and Danny would never suggest it :)

Mo said:
Linds would tease Danny for having lived in the city all his life and never having ridden in a carriage, even in a cheesy attempt to impress a date, and Danny would tease Linds about how he couldn't believe she wanted to something so tourist-y and wasn't she the country girl anyway who'd been around horses all her life, so why'd she need a carriage ride anyway?
That’s the only way I could imagine them ending up in a carriage – teasing each other :D, but I still don’t think I like to see it, I’d prefer the walk through the park and the snow ball fight too... :D

sweet Angel said:
does it look like i would know if danny has love handles? only lindsay would know if danny has love handles! she's seen it all.
No dear, you don’t know :p, but wouldn’t you like to ;)…Lindsay’s one lucky girl…

danny-messer-look-alike colleague, where are you?? we want you to play with dutch! maybe he'll be the next new hire.
Yes where are you? I want you to play with me too :devil:…My company’s doing great at the moment so we may need some new people soon…and the girl at P&O is a good friend so you’ll never know. ;)

Liffy said:
I don't know how I'd survive on a cliffhanger with their happiness on the line. Wait...what am I saying? *Liff looks around confused* Why am I even contemplating on the future of their happiness together? Whatever it is, they're so going to work through it and be happy with each other Like Aud says, NO ANGST!
Hey! I’m not saying I like the idea, :( but I was just pointing out that if the bump was meant to be somewhere mid-season, we now (because of the strike :( – sorry Liffy) see them go up the bump and we may have to wait a while before they go over and leave it behind them again… :D ... But if this season ends up being cut short I prefer NO ANGST too... :eek:

we got to see Linds say "love" with Danny wrapped around her It's jumping a bit but what do I care?
Aaah great observation :D…she did say “love” only she was clever enough to hide it in a complete sentence…She was not teasing him about his ‘love handles’, she was being inventive…calling him ‘love’ without him noticing… :D

Jen said:
Well Catey, I live in Holland and I'm sure you can smoke the pink fog anywhere you like here
:lol: :lol:I was thinking the exact same thing (as long as we don’t sell it, we’ll be fine ;))…oh, and I did miss you! :) (And all those who've returned :))

Stuffy said:
How many entries do we have now? Squee, Moo, Boom, teh secks, fluffy pink fog...there has to be more *taps finger on chin thoughtfully* ETA: Aaaand I forgot 'canon' in the DL Dictionary
LOL D/L dictionary :lol:…Well like Bella said, flungsty has to be in there just like fluffies, angsties and ‘playing pool’ :D

Mo loved the vid! I like you're timing "Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard" when Danny says "Da!" - Awesome! :)
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