Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Congratulations to all D/L shippers :D. Yay, we have a new thread..Love the banner!

1)What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?
I'm going with Mo on this one. Danny's double take when he sees Linday in that dress. That was a squee moment for me :D

2)When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
RSRD. That scene where they are looking at each other, I thought that was an intense moment for them that was going to go beyond just teasing and flirting.

3) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?
I would love for them to have twins, a boy and a girl. Awww that would be picture perfect.

Hope tonight's episode will have some D/L moments.Happy viewing...Catch up with you guys tomorrow.
Hi guys! Congrats on the new thread! Yay!

Liff, you made a great thread-opening! Did you know we entered here almost the same time? I saw you entered during thread #16 - Da! And I did too. :D

Well, Mo, I'll try and answer your questions.
1.) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?

:lol: That just has to be right in the beginning! The scenes in Zoo York were great! And I loved Youngblood...'You done?' and 'Waiting on you.' :lol:

2.) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
I could see from the very beginning there was 'something' between them. The moment I realized it could go further was when Sid said 'he calls you that 'cause he's got a crush on you'....and then Lindsay blushed! Pretty obvious, don't you think? But I also agree with Mo, Dutch and all the others that the scene from RSRD was a clear one too, very nicely done.

3.) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?
That has to be a girl! And although I like the hilarious scenes that has to give us, I don't think Danny could handle twins...right? :p A boy would be fine too, by the way...I'm not so demanding :p

Tonight I'll see SD...tonight I'll see SD! ;)
1.) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?
-I was not actually a D/L fan from the begining but their reationship grew on me but now thinking about it i would have to say that the loved the moement when Danny first introduced himself.

2.) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
-I totally agree with JenP on this one. You could tell that their was something between them from the begining and Sid's comment about the name Montana just made it all so much clear to us all.

3.) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?
-It definatly has to be a girl. I think Danny would make a great dad and it would be so cute of how protective he would be of his little princess
Wow, I really should be checking this thread/forum a bit more often ... new thread already?! :eek: Anyway, I like the title! :)

I'm happy to see that it has been a discussion about the posting in this forum and to be more specific why people don't post in ny so often. Sorry to see that the thread was locked before I had a chance to say something. But I think that my opinions were said anyway; just not by me but by somebody else. I really like what you NinaM said, especially ...
I may be a Lindsay fan but let's say I don't like Flack (I do like him,have to state that though, I actually like all characters on NY) when I see a post of someone saying they like Flack, I hardly go in there and tell them, yeah well Lindsay was awesome in this epi and yeah oh by the way Flack sucked
What's the point in that? But I think that it has something to do with the fact that I'm not taking this show as serious as many others do. For me the show is not for real, but the actors are.

I know, totally off-topic but I feel more confident posting my opinons in this thread than somewhere else.

On to the d/l! :)
Moriel21 said:
1.) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?
Walrus documentary! :lol: I thought that it was quite "interesting" that Linds only made a remark about watching the video to Danny, when it was three guys watching. :devil:

2.) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
Sid's famous line: "He calls you that because he's got a crush on you."

3.) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins? :D
Sorry, no children! At least not on the show. But if I had to choose, I would say twins (even though I'm godmom to twins).

And congratulations JenP!
Just a shout out to all the newbies in this thread - please post more! I know we're abit...naughty
sometimes but we'd love to hear your input too!

So yes, do post more!

Carly said:
finally I infected someone with my wish
Haha ^But what you said was true. We did get alot of invitations here and there, but unfortunately we didn't get anything else after that.

The closest we got to a date was when they went out to watch Mac play in "Stuck On You" and she ordered him a beer :D


It'd be great if we had some kind of interrupted date scene or something, and Danny'd be all irritated cos he didn't get to finish his dinner :p and walk his Montana home.

Hmm...it seems to be that there's a universal understanding here of Danny being a great dad :D But Lindsay had a thing with mothers, any chance that what she went through may affect her views on being a mother?

And anothing thing, it would be great to see Lindsay having moved on from her previous problems. Give her a case with a grieving mother and or murdered teenage girls so she can prove how she's moved on and can lean on Danny for support.

"Good morning, good morning! We've talked the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you and you and you and you!" :D *Mo pops into the thread, singing happily for all to hear!*

Happy Hump Day! Awww I love Wednesday's not only do they give me an extra reason to be naughty ("hump" day :devil: ) but they bring us yet another fab eppy with our favorite couple! :D Speaking of which, I'm fairly sure we get some kind of scene tonight...yeah? My finger's are crossed! :D

Oh and I was looking through the spoilers the TvGuide posts every week and there was a Danny/Lindsay question..."Do you have any sweeps/spoiler news for us Danny/Lindsay fans?" And the writer said Nope, and at first I was disappointed, cuz I love spoilers...but then I thought, "but hey, no news can be good news! No news means not news of the impending bump we (me especially :lol: ) are not looking forward to! ;)

Yay for everyone answering my questions, it's always fun to look back at the moments that made us love this ship...and I figured those were easier than like "What was your favorite moment?" cuz I always have the hardest time with that question! I can't choose! :lol: Too many favs! I like that almost everyone thought RSRD was their turning point though...that eppy was just so full of love really...it still makes me happy! :D

Alright time for me to head off to work...bah humbug! :lol: Awww well, y'all have fun in here today and I'll be back later! ;)

*Mo grabs her coffee and shimmers away in her happily secure fluffy bubble!* :D
aww, i never said goodbye to #19! i'll miss ya! ;) HELLO #20...BOOM! i got my choice too. psst. welcome, cara!

GREAT opening, Cuzzy, with animation and flashy stuff. :p silly boy!

oooh questions!
1.) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?
Cool Hunter with the carry-me across the roof!

2.) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
that THEY realized it: i agree, RSRD; although in ZY, i think they realized there was potential!
that I realized it: Cool Hunter

3.) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?
do you have to ask? baby girl! :) even though baby boys are oh-so-huggable (like my Cuz's OWEN :cool: ) ! but since it's tv, TWINS! twin boy and girl, either born first. they'd be the messer twins: double the trouble, but double the love.

but i decided to put it here just in case: danny and lindsay characters won't be on Second Life.

i need some D/L on-screen now! although the pressies above are helping... :D
Just a shout out to all the newbies in this thread - please post more!

We're just a bunch of sweetie pies!

What's this now? More questions from our very lovely Mo? :D Yay!!

1) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?
'Zoo York' where they looked at each other from across the table. Danny held his gaze for a few more seconds after Lindsay turned her head down, and he kept looking at her. I found that hilarious, as well as later on in the episode where he's doing something and he keeps looking over at her across the hallway :lol:

2) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
I think it was kinda over a few episodes. I started to notice that after CH, the glances were more meaningful and there were different hints in their tones. I think in RSRD where Lindsay gives him the DNA results was a very significant moment for them, because she went to him first, not Mac. And then of course there's the staring-at-each-other-through-the-office-glass scene (aka dutch's favourite scene).

However, I think I'm going to go with teh hug in NWILL, because to me this is where Lindsay allows a little light through her barriers. She grabbed his shoulders after he pulled back to make sure she was alright, and to me that was a huge moment. She let her guard down for that split second, and it was enough to let Danny inside.

3) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?
I'm just gonna jump the gun here and say a girl, only because I can really picture them with a beautiful daughter. But as dutch said, I'm not thinking about that just yet ;)
I loved the opening. It was different than what we've had before.

Mo's questions:

1) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?
I liked when they went to Cozy's, not a date, but as close as we've gotten, yet.

2) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??
I think they realized it in City of the Dolls, like Catie said.

3) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?
I think they should have a girl. I think that since I had all boys my favorite couple should get to have a girl.

Liff, I am with Catie, since you like 4 year olds take mine for a few hours.
So happy to see thread#20 opened, may it be as much fun as it's predecessors!
1) The first D&L moment I loved has to be at the tiger cage, you just had to love Danny trying to get one over on the new girl, he soon learned she wasn't going to let him mess with her!
2)I think Danny's moment came in Stuck on you, the disappointment on his face when he realised it wasn't a date..aaah! I agree Lindsay's was when Sid said Danny had a crush on her.
3)Babies..hmmm,I'm not sure but I do know whichever, or how ever many, they'd definitely be loved by both their parents!
Bella dances into the the new thread and stuffs a handful of M&Ms into her mouth

Italics and a quote box?? I am on fire now :lol: Happy new thread everyone! liffy - that is an adorable picture with all the great scenes from the new season.

1.) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?

2.) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??

3.) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?

1. I seem to recall wondering if anyone else had noticed the tension between Danny and Lindsay. i did not expect to find a new ship in CSI:NY. My favourite defining moment has to be the one with where danny carried lindsay across the rooftop. It gave me hope that i was not imagining things :lol:

2.I do like 'the look' in RSRD which someone has posted already. That look speaks volumes!!!!

3.I would love for it to be a baby girl!

Anyway, i am still catching up on the old thread so will be back later :)
Congrats on the new thread everyone!!!!!!

1. The first moment I remember loving was actually in Stuck on You when Danny met Lindsay at Cozy's jazz bar. I remember the look on Danny's face when he found out Mac played there and Lindsay figured it out. Danny seemed to have a look of pride in her at that point that I didn't see before. It was like "there is definitely more to THIS country girl than meets the eye!!!!"

2. RSRD was the episode where it seemed that thier frindship was deepening into something more.

3. I agree with the earlier comments about wanting to wait a while before thinking about them with children. They should be together just the two of them for a while before children come into the picture. When they do, I would like to see boy/girl twins or a girl then a boy. Don't shoot me on this theory, but I think that if they had a boy first, Danny would tend to bond with that son. But when a girl would come along, she might tend to get ingored in favor of a son. I HOPE that I would be WRONG on that one!! But I think he would treat them more fairly if they were twins of a girl were born first. Lindsay on the other hand, would be the mother and would treat them equally no matter what!!
*runs in spraying everyone with strawberry syrup* :p

Carly said:
I finally saw the walruss-vidieo scene and it was so squee-worthy. she practicly ignored Sheldon & Adam and adrressed only Danny. it almost felt like they were alone in the room
Great catch! :) I never realized that, but it's true. She doesn't ask "who's 30th b-day footage is that?", but she was so focused on finally having the change to tease Danny, that she hardly noticed the other two. :cool:

I remember this pic, that Liffy posted, so well:

When I first saw it, I hadn't seen SOY yet and I totally thought they were holding hands :eek: :rolleyes:...I agree with those who said we need to see another date. Lindsay still owes him and us :) one. And it could be just lunch or perhaps dinner and this time they can actually hold hands. And although it would be cruel to interrupt them before they get their desserts :devil: ,pissed off Danny will be fun to watch :)

Stuffy said:
However, I think I'm going to go with teh hug in NWILL, because to me this is where Lindsay allows a little light through her barriers. She grabbed his shoulders after he pulled back to make sure she was alright, and to me that was a huge moment. She let her guard down for that split second, and it was enough to let Danny inside.
*huggles Stuffy* :D I really like your explanation of that scene (my #2 btw :)). She was trying so hard to not let anyone get close to her. Even right before that scene when she's putting on the vest and he's trying to convince her not to go in:



She's so determined to not let her feelings take over and he's so worried. :( And when the smoke clears and he calls her name it was as if, for a moment, they were the only two people in the room and nothing mattered except holding each other. :)

sherry said:
I think Danny's moment came in Stuck on you, the disappointment on his face when he realised it wasn't a date..aaah!
Yeah, he didn't hide that very well...but who can blame him?...he's looking forward to a hot date and he gets to watch his boss play bass... :rolleyes:


Off topic I know (sorry 1CSIMfan), but I'd also just like to add that it's great to see so many new names in here...some of you may have been lurking for a while and although that probably means you all know we don't bite (at least not that hard ;)) it is still not easy to gather the courage to actually post. Just remember we have all been there and it's not just fun for you to join, but it's great for us too to read other people's preferences and opinions :)

So all lurkers join the fun and feel free to whack us (and especially Liffy :p) with the meter or to try and break it with :devil: us and of course to expand the population of GutterVille :D
1.) What was the first D/L moment you remember loving?

For me it has to be ZY. That is when I first started watching.

2.) When do you think was the first moment they realized it was more than teasing betwen them??

RSRD was the moment that I thought that it was more than just teasing. Especially when she handed him those results.

3.) Do you want D/L to have a boy or girl first...or twins?

I would love a little Danny Messer first. I could just imagine that cheeky grin and everone commenting on how much like his father he is. Then a couple (maybe more)years later, a little Montana. Big bro would be all protective of his little sister.

*giggles* In our imaginations they are holding hands dutch ;)

Thankee kindly for those lurvely pictures m'dear! They're so meaningful. His eyes are full of emotion and worry - I know he speaks in this scene, but after she explains her reason for going in, he remains silent because his eyes convey everything he's feeling at that particular moment - and hers are full of determination. She was willing to give her life to save the hostage. That in itself is bravery :D

New eppy tonight! It better be good considering all the hype it's gotten over the last few weeks. Some DL scenes would be nice *cough*.

I'm just saying :p
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