Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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an answer to miss dani’s wedding question
i see both: either a small INTIMATE wedding with very close family and friends (about 50 or less people) or a large wedding (banquet hall and all with all the friends of the family and long-distance cousins). small beautiful wedding in Montana. perhaps one in the backyard of the Monroe abode. riding off in a motorcycle with the cans dragging on the dirt road…ah into the night as they celebrate.

you bet your few words set off our guttery minds, dutchy. :lol: yes, stuffy, i think my dearest cuzzy has rubbed off on us or sprinkled some guttery dust which mixed with the pink cloud. ya know, dutch, the “under the sink” story could be written sort of angsty (for all you flangsty or angsty fans out there!)…

im glad nurse danny healed ya, vex, just in time (a week away) for the premiere too!

nice to see you stopping in, abby! are you and dani real sisters or thread/board sisters?? and homemade food sounds delicious right now...danny loves lindsay's cooking and vice versa. ;)

psst. the church, my dear, DWC, is st. patrick’s cathedral. it’s a few streets away from your m&m world ;) and a wheatfield wedding? my mind went straight to the gutter…you don’t even want to know!

chelle-belle sends her wub as usual. :)
im glad nurse danny healed ya, vex, just in time (a week away) for the premiere too!

Vex m'dear, sounds like you and Danny had a good time :devil: glad to hear he made you feel better. Our cowboy can do that ;)

So I'm just poppin' in to promote my newest ficcy :lol: dedicated to all of you here, and special credit goes to Abby *huggles*

A Sweet Surprise
Is a flangsty different from a flungsty? I thought we were flungsties, the mix of angst and fluff. Have we changed?

Anyway, I will have seen the premiere by this time next week(It's good to have a satellite dish), so will be here to start my weekly updates of the episode before it airs for most. I cannot wait to see the new episodes, and I pray that we at least have some lovely D/L moments in the premiere. I'll take a hand holding scene, it doesn't have to be overt. Anyway, keep singing Mo, you are keeping me entertained as we slowly make our way to the new season!
dl_shipper34 said:
im glad nurse danny healed ya, vex, just in time (a week away) for the premiere too!

Vex m'dear, sounds like you and Danny had a good time :devil: glad to hear he made you feel better. Our cowboy can do that ;)

Who else is "sick" in this thread? I can pass him along to you but be gentle with him. :devil:

Only 1 more week left! I am going to watch "Snow Day" again to see the the promo after the episode and of course, to see our sqeeing moments! :)
Vex, I'm just coming off 2 weeks of being sick. Yes, Danny is very busy in this thread right now, comforting all of us sick people. It does make a terrible time a whole lot better, doesn't it?
Uh, I'm sick *coughcough*. See? Okay, well maybe not... I just want Danny. :devil: Speaking of which...

I am watching Snow Day and I just saw the pool table scene, and I kid you not, I still squeed like it was the first time! I LOVE THIS SHOW! Exactly a week to go till the season four premiere.

Work has kept me busy this week, but I hope to post a challenge tomorrow night!
Hey Kids!

Ah it's been so long! What's up?! 1 week and counting till season premier!

Yay for Danny in a harness... Will Lindsay join him? That's pretty kinky... not gonna lie!

This is what i get from D/L deprivation!!
"Love is in the Air, every sight and every sound! Love is in the Air, everywhere I look around!" :D *Mo giggles and waltzes into the thread, quite happy with herself and the world in general this fine evening!*
Good evening my shippy dears! In honor of our fabulous new season, the awesomely HOT "Snow Day" eppy this evening, and well just cuz y'all are awesome...I went ahead and wrote that "Under the Sink" ficcie, y'all wanted me to finish from that scenario I started...it's fun...so let me know what you think! :D Do It Yourself!

Shippy dear Abby asked:
How do you think that Danny and Lindsay like to have breakfast?
Okay clearly I am extra deep in the Gutter this evening cuz my first response that question..."they like to have breakfast on eachother! :devil: " :lol: Yeah after that answer, I'd say either Danny brings Linds breakfast in bed, or Linds wakes up and starts making pancakes in just Danny's shirt and he wakes up alone and wanders out to the kitchen, loving seeing her in just his shirt, humming to herself as she flips yummy pancakes! :D

Cutie pie Fluffy Stuffy wuffy grinned:
Dearest Mo, S3 comes out on DVD in three weeks (October 9th) so afer that you won't have to worry about taping it. I'm having my own NY/DL marathon that day (thank goodness for five-hour breaks!)
Yeah thank goodness those DVD's come out soon, I am dying to have those in my possession! I want to watch all the lovely D/L scenes over and over and...well I already do that, but in the crystal clear clarity of the DVD's it's WAY better! :D

They do love each other, regardless of what others say, and maybe the words will be spoken this season. Who can tell? But I know that before the show draws its final curtain, those three words will be spoken by them both.
Stuffy I melted a little just reading you say that! I couldn't agree more my dear! They do indeed love eachother, they already say it every day in the looks they give eachother and the way they look out for eachother and respect eachother, now it's only a matter of time until they say the actual words! And I know I will be melting in a huge puddle of fluffy pink goo when they finally say those words! I cannot wait!

Spoiler queen extraordinaire Catey promised:
so will be here to start my weekly updates of the episode before it airs for most.
Yay! *Mo does her happy dance!* I must say I'm equal parts jealous and thankful that you get to see these eppy's that much earlier than the rest of us...I am jealous cuz as I'm on the West Coast, I'm the last to see the eppy...but on the flip side, because I'm on the West Coast I love that you get to see the eppy's so much sooner, cuz it means I don't have to wait until it airs to know whether or not we got a good scene and just how "good" it really is! I am excited to start that fun game again! :D

Mer-bear I'm so glad to have back giggled:
I am watching Snow Day and I just saw the pool table scene, and I kid you not, I still squeed like it was the first time! I LOVE THIS SHOW!
I know hon, I'm totally with you! I've been so excited all day to watch this eppy again! (Not that I haven't watched the scenes many times...but still having it air is different somehow! Plus now I have a way bigger tv so D/L will be that much hotter! :devil: ) I've been squeeing just thinking about it...I still am so glad that the PTB gave us that hot scene, it's amazing and fabulous of them! Thank you Pam Veasey! :D

Naughty D/L buddy Kate winked:
Yay for Danny in a harness... Will Lindsay join him? That's pretty kinky... not gonna lie!
Lol, Kate!! You are naughty! I love it! :devil: :lol: And yeah D/L in a harness...now that's an image I won't be able to get out of my head anytime soon...and that's fine by me! ;) Heehee! :lol: What it is about D/L that brings out the naughtiness in us I am not quite sure, but whatever it is, I love it! Bring on the heat baby, bring on the smex! :devil:

Okay now it's time for me to finish my laundry so I'm all ready to sit down and drool over "Snow Day"! :D Enjoy my ficcie ditty, let me know what you think, and enjoy "SD"! And remember....ONE WEEK!!

*Mo giggles, and tosses bags of M&M's to all her buddies before shimmering away in her smuffy pink bubble!* :D

ETA: SD is starting...*Squee!!* Okay question...Who thinks they'll have new starting credits for Season 4? (I bet 10$ we finally do...!) Ohhh...hot scene coming...gotta go! :devil:
Good afternoon! Wow! :eek: Only 6 days left for our premiere! And I do think that there will finally be complete new opening credits - just a feeling, but I think it's time they change the old one... :rolleyes:

catey said:
Is a flangsty different from a flungsty? I thought we were flungsties, the mix of angst and fluff. Have we changed?
I don't know. I thought I was a flungsty too (and not a flangsty :confused:) :D...I love those little angsty moments that give the fluffy a little something extra...

pray that we at least have some lovely D/L moments in the premiere. I'll take a hand holding scene, it doesn't have to be overt.
That would be great to start the season with :)...just a little touch or look. Just something that shows the world that they're still together... :D

Naughty D/L buddy Kate winked:
Yay for Danny in a harness... Will Lindsay join him? That's pretty kinky... not gonna lie!
Lol, Kate!! You are naughty! I love it! And yeah D/L in a harness...now that's an image I won't be able to get out of my head anytime soon...and that's fine by me! Heehee! What it is about D/L that brings out the naughtiness in us I am not quite sure, but whatever it is, I love it! Bring on the heat baby, bring on the smex!
Oh, oh, the things that are going through my head right now :devil:...you were so right Mo I cannot try and act all innocent anymore :cool:...D/L just brings out the guttery side in everyone here :lol:...no matter what we discuss it always ends up quite naughty... ;)

angel said:
ya know, dutch, the “under the sink” story could be written sort of angsty (for all you flangsty or angsty fans out there!)…
Well after reading Mo's fun AND hot version I cannot make it angsty anymore ;), but I already have an idea in my head for a new story...it's about something we've discussed here and I think it will be a little angsty... :D

But first there's another update for my current story:
On Wings of Love - Ch. 3 Girls on the Beach :)
*[/b]Stuffy[/b] skips into the thread, holding a big plate of muffins, bagels, oranges, apples, and juice for her fellow buddies*

Good....afternoon everyone! It just turned 12:00 here :lol: how are we all doing this fine Thursday? Hope everyone enjoyed SD last night - I had practice so I "missed" it :(

DL in a harness? Good grief :lol: makes me think back to PWM where those two people did the bungie jump off the bridge. Erm...*watches mind fall into gutter*

Psst...Liffy wubs where are you?? Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Mo hun, *fans self* after reading her fic. it felt like a very hot/close skin-skin scene from a comical movie; i like plumber danny. but he’s more yummier with DIY lindsay. i think i just dove right into the gutter again. hot. danny and lindsay…whooo.

dutchy, keep ‘em coming!

alright, thats it, all ya sick shippers, report to the D/L Hospital so Nurse Danny can make his rounds. pick a bed, any bed. whoa, i just realized how naughty that came out to be.

have a lollipop to feel better, big sister catey, i hope your boxes are just resting up. ;)

how was the SD rerun last night? i bet: still beautiful and HAWT as ever. stuffy, i missed the details you told me about. :mad:

i think they might change the credits, it’s about time…but who knows, it might remain the same. classic/traditional.

cuzzy, come out of hiding. i miss you.

*plays a game of pool with stuffy at D/L cottage…shhh we snuck in!*
Hi guys! Just 6 days now! It's coming so close, I'm wondering if we make it into thread #20... :confused:

dutch_treat said:
catey said:
Is a flangsty different from a flungsty? I thought we were flungsties, the mix of angst and fluff. Have we changed?
I don't know. I thought I was a flungsty too (and not a flangsty :confused:) :D...I love those little angsty moments that give the fluffy a little something extra...
Oops, my fault! I thought I had it OK with my 'flangsty' thing, but it had to be a 'flungsty'. But hey, I can see a difference in there....Flangsty means a combination of angst and fluff, but slightly more to the angsty-side, while flungsty is a combination going towards the fluffy side more....or something like that! And in that case, I'm actually more of flangsty :D

See you later, gotta read a lot of ficcies!
I was watching the finale last night and my dad was tlaking to me at the start of the eppy and then I saw Danny and Linds on the pool table and he asked me a question and I comletely ignored him, and he was like calling my name. And I just watched our favorite couple in theat pool table. It was fab.
Hey my dears! *Mo limps into the thread, a bit beaten up from her soccer game, but mostly no worse for wear!* How are y'al this fine evening? :D It's fairly late here and I am worn out from a long day and lovely soccer game in the rain! (Fun times! :lol: ) Hey speaking of soccer...I know we discussed D/L being football fans...but do any of you think that D/L would be futebol fans? :D Just curious! :D

And yeah Dutch hon I think they'll have new credits too...*fingers and toes crossed!* I really really want them to! It's about time! :D

Thanks for all your swell reviews on my little under the sink, ficcie! You all rock! Oh and the "DIY" idea/quote in there came from the question JenP asked earlier in the thread...I wanted to make sure I said that, since I forgot to add it in my Author's Note of ficcie! :D

Catey babes, thanks for the link...but when I click on it it doesn't work....sad day! Cuz I want to read good D/L stuff! :D

I just want to say before I head off to sleep...I LOVE how fun and naughty we are in here...it makes me happy! And ya know what makes me even happier? The fact that our premiere is only 5 days, 22 hours, 29 minutes away! :D :D

Okay I'm off to sleep...night my dears! I'll catch y'all tomorrow! Yay that it's Friday tomorrow...SWEET!

*Mo waves and slips off to wrap herself up in her fuzzy blanket in her fluffy bubble!* :D
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