Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Ok, it's just alittle easy to lose track of what I'm saying that's all sometimes....hmm.....anyways....

I have several Danny and Lindsay moments on my computer, at the moment, which I don't think have been posted here, but I have to go soon, so I won't have time to post it.

I can't wait till NY comes back on in Australia, I am just dying over here! :( lol

Ok, I think that's three lines? I've been practicing :)
^^ Oooh, what season are you waiting for? PM or Gmail me and I can get you some episodes.




He's so smitten with her!
Wow..new Thread!! Awesome ;)

So, i'll join the party with my favorite quote:

Danny: Montana. See a view like this? Huh? Beats the wheat field, no?
Lindsay: Have you ever even seen a wheat field?
Danny: What's to see? It's just wheat.

Omg, i shipper the two so much, it hurts :D
This is copied from tv.com forums. They're talking about events according to the air dates and such. You guys will catch on. I thought it was so cute!!
1 year, 3 months, 1 week and 2 days since….
He said “How ya doin’” and her nickname turned a state into a term of endearment.

1 year, 1 month, 4 weeks and 1 day since….
One perfect moment confirmed that they were a perfect fit.

11 months, 3 weeks and 5 days since….
“Well hello, Miss. Monroe” and the famous double take.

11 months and 3 weeks since….
Rough Sects and their first “date” which made Cozy’s more than just a jazz club, not to mention a historical landmark.

11 months, 1 week and 6 days since….
Danny swept Lindsay off her feet. “Make track, Cowboy.”

10 months, 3 weeks and 2 days since….
One breath taking conversation with the words ‘attractive’ and ‘phone sex’.

10 months, 1 week and 4 days since….
The famous, we-wish-it-were-real marriage proposal and we found out the way to Danny’s heart is football.

10 months and 2 days since….
Lindsay showed Danny how much she cares by standing by him.

9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days since….
Danny wastes no time running after Lindsay to make sure she’s okay.

9 months, 2 weeks and 4 days since….
Sid’s revelation.

9 months and 4 days since…
The ride we’ll never forget…and Mac’s all-knowing look.

3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days since…
Over-protective Danny, the hug, the revival of “kiddo” and the day we became CANON.

3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days since…
The honest but heartbreaking conversation.

3 months and 4 days since…..
Danny proves he’s there for Lindsay and takes a slap for her…oh yeah, and realizes he’s whipped.

And here's a cute picture!

Oh and I've created a new livejournal community for Danny/Lindsay fanfiction. It's:
I've got about 30 members right now and would love more! Thanks, guys!
Moriel21 said:

Allie!! HI HON!!!Nice to see you back in here! We've missed ya 'round here! :D You should pop in more often! ;)

I will try more often mo..i missed you guys too.!

Edited to add the "/" so the rest of the post doesn't go into the quote box and because I can now see the YouTube link is in the signature and not in the post.
^^ Awww, we've all you guys so much! Hope to see you around. Just drop by for a message once in a while!!

I have a nice scenario for you guys.
(Danny calls Lindsay and leaves a message)
Danny: Hey, Lindsay... It's me I kind of miss you and I'm sort of glad that you can't pick up right now or--or I'll stop myself to say this, but-- I love you. (pauses)Call me... or when you get back. Bye.

A few minutes later, he opens his wallet and then slips out the photo at New Years', of which she's leaning on him and they're both grinning from ear to ear. Flack took it. :) He looks at it and smiles vaguely, putting it back.
Yay new thread *throws confetti*

I like that TV.com thing :) Cute.

Is it this week that Lindsay leaves? If that's the case, I soooo hope we get a DL scene. I'm gonna miss the chance to have one 'till Anna comes back.
Hey I´m Sarah and I´m German
I love M&M sooooooooo much
I´m so addicted to them
& sorry for my bad English
@UnspokenHope=Hey Ela *kiss*
I hope it isn´t just a Shipper-Wish
Hello all! Wow what a great first page! :) I love all those pic's and quotes...they are great to keep our hopes up! :p And Rad that avvie is great!
it might be a good idea to have our “D/L Shipper Ep Guide” on page 1
Great idea mercy! In the next threads (and I just know there will be many, many more) :D we'll just have to have the previous thread names and the updated ep guide.
And that wallpaper, D/L bubbles! Awwww Dutch I love it! It's like my fluffy bubble...heehee!
I knew you'd like it Mo! ;)
and then Danny...oh dear Lord, the clothes that man wears!
And don't forget (as if we could :rolleyes:) the 'clothes' he doesn't wear... :devil:
Unfortunately this is indeed the week in which Lindsay leaves...but we are all still hoping for a little D/L suprise :)...so be sure not to miss it!
kissme that scenario is so cute, but I would really like him to look into her eyes when he finally says that... :D

And welcome SleepingBeauty!
Hi y'alls.....I haven't been on in hours which is unusual for me I know, I'm ususally on all the time, I have one D/L piccie for you!!!!!!!


It's small, but just look at it.......THE HUG!! this is my favorite pic that I have and the only one that I dont think has been posted yet lol. Happy D/L love seems to be everywhere for me today lol.

The Hug. What a beautiful thing indeed.

I was looking at pictures from this weeks ep "The Lying Game" and it showed, Hawkes, Stell, and Flack working together. I'm not sure how much screentime Anna will get, but does this mean Danny, Mac, and Lindsay will be working the same case?? :eek:
Good question, rad. Wish I had the answer. :(
Given that Linds only had about 2.5 minutes of screentime last week and did lab work, maybe they will have the same thing going on this week. Or maybe they will parcel her 3 minutes out in small bits, like have her in the lab for a second or two the first 15 minutes, then talk to Mac during the second 15 minutes, then Hawkes during the third, and then at the end of the show they could have Danny finding/reading/holding the card...
Lots of D/L, even though it will be angsty and sad. Like glances through the lab and the like. I just hope we find out what she writes in the card, and that it is something good! Maybe her story, or fluffy feelings for him, etc. After all, this cloud must have a silver lining because Danny calls her and tells her on voicemail that he misses her. Even if he is a bit nervous making that call, you gotta admit a guy has gotta care when he puts himself out there like that! Heck, imagine what crap Flack would put him through if he overheard Danny saying that! :lol:
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