Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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CathStokes said:
My OTP is Smacked for NY. Sorry its my longest ship on NY, and it has the OTP status. :D *mumbles even though I ship Macky out*
Oh you make me laugh! Aren’t you ever worried that one of these days Stella will whack you instead of melly whacking you to get Mac back? :lol:

Okay, back to D/L…
My hope with the Danny going to Montana thing is that it is Lindsay herself who has told him what’s going on. Knowing TPTB, they very well may have him ask around to find out her story, but I think it would mean more if she told him, even if it were over the phone. Or I wonder if he goes there with only a small idea of what is going on and finds out the full story there. I’m really curious about the events leading to him going out there, like if she asks him, or he asks her, or just shows up… ya know.

chell! good to see you back!
Don't forget OT3's. Those are fun. ..Aren't they Twinny ;)

Oh yes. Yes they are. :devil:

"Will anyone mention or ask about Lindsay in next weeks ep?"

Wish they would, doubt they will. It doesn't sem like TPTB will write that into the script. On previous things where something big has happened they've never really talked about it again right in the next eppy. (Danny's brother, Linds's secret). *sigh* we'll make up our own "How is she doing?" questions.
"Will anyone mention or ask about Lindsay in next weeks ep?"

my opinion:

Hawkes will mention it to Danny. He'll prolly tell him to call her or somthing, and then he'll call her, get her voicemail and find out she's in Montana. but thats just my opinion.
*tackles Lynn* You're not shipping Macky anywhere, girl! He's Stella's and mine when I sneak him away. But we do agree on the OTP *high fives Lynn* But D/L is second :) *is much less decisive with LV* *ducks from Lynn*

I should watch for the DL in AA if I watch this time...I'm usually too busy crying for Stella :(
I don't think that Danny finds out from Lindsay. From what I've seen, he enters the court room while she's on the stand and she's surprised he's there, wishes he wasn't there to hear her story, but feels better that he is there. Did that make sense? So, I'm thinking Stella tells him everything about why she left and that up until then, he didn't know exactly why she left. Not sure how much Hawkes knows about where/why she was going but Danny and Stella get along pretty good so I can see him asking her. When Lindsay left Mac's office and Danny was watching, I wonder if Mac or Stella saw him standing out there?
1CSIMfan said:
From what I've seen, he enters the court room while she's on the stand and she's surprised he's there, wishes he wasn't there to hear her story, but feels better that he is there.

where did you see that 1CSIMfan ?? If it was in a promo or somthing am i the only one that hasn't seen it?

again that was my opinion, i wouldn't know or not if Hawkes knows anything, but i still think he tells Danny to call Lindsey, and gets her voicemail, that way shes suprised when he comes to the courtroom cuz she hasn't gotten his voicemail yet.

edited to add spoiler code since the episode hasn't aired yet.
^^No, it wasn't a promo...I cannot reveal my sources but I can share info. ;) I believe it's been in the Spoiler Thread in the NY forum.
Yeah, you never reveal them, You tease! :lol:

Oh Macky knows all :D .. but, I bet Hawkes texts Linds or something and tells her, but if she's surprised then, maybe she didn't get it or maybe she just didn't believe him.. I don't think I would either.

*tackles Lynn* You're not shipping Macky anywhere, girl! He's Stella's and mine when I sneak him away. But we do agree on the OTP *high fives Lynn* But D/L is second *is much less decisive with LV* *ducks from Lynn*

I should watch for the DL in AA if I watch this time...I'm usually too busy crying for Stella

Thats what I'm usually paying attention to in AA.

*high fives back and then whacks you* Thats for LV, and *whacks you again* And thats for thinking you got Mac!

Oh yes. Yes they are.

I knew my twin would agree. ;)

Oh you make me laugh! Aren’t you ever worried that one of these days Stella will whack you instead of melly whacking you to get Mac back?

You know, Me and Melly was just having a similar conversation to that the other day..

I'm thinking he just shows up, no warning or anything.

"Will anyone mention or ask about Lindsay in next weeks ep?"

I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
So many spoilers, so little time! It is going to be an interesting 2nd half of the season! :)

They mention Lindsay's absence on the show, or if they do, it may be subtle hints. The less they say, the more it adds to the drama. We'll have to see! :)
Good evening my lovelies! I should be in bed sleeping, but what is sleep when there are such tales to be told and ships to be sailed! (And apparently I'm a Jane Austen type mood cuz I totally pictured someone in Pride and Prejudice saying that! :lol: ) Anyway...HI All! :D
I was thinking this too! high five!
Great minds think alike what can I say! :D It really would make a cute thread title for our next one...although something along the lines of "Danny/Linds #15 "We're CANON, so there!" has a nice ring to it too! :lol: :lol: Yeah somehow I don't think that one would fly so well with the mods! ;) Aww well, it's all good! ;)

Hey Rad love your new banner by the way, totally brilliant! ;) Heehee! :D

Chell! HI again! Yay for you being in here more! And yeah I've missed my food fight buddy...and as far as Danny helping clean up, um....he's been cleaning me up just fine! ;) :devil: Heehee! :lol:
Mo you wanna help whack, Cordy
Oh....wait, Cordy as in Delia as in kissme? :D But I likes her Lynny...why are we whacking her? Oh wait do you ship Nicky with someone else Delia? Awww, now I see! ;)
Yeah Mo Carmine holding a baby would be VERY hot.
Ummm Oh My Gosh yeah hon! I would die of swooning if I saw a pic of that, no joke! :D I really would!
Hon...I wubs ya, I do...but I can't...Angell and anyone else sure, but Danny's mine or Linds...lol! ;) It's like Nicky and Cath for you...he's either yours (or Kels! ;) ) or Cath's, and that's it!! ;)
"Will anyone mention or ask about Lindsay in next weeks ep?"
We know for sure that Danny at least calls her. I think he just gets her voice mail and I don't know if she calls him back, but he does call her, so he's thinking about her! So I could totally see her being mentioned while she's gone!

Alright shippy buddies...Hugs to everyone...and to everyone good night! :lol:

Psst...Aud...how ya doin' Fluffy Twin?! :D
^^ The last spoiler in Mo's post is good, all these little speculations are so adorable!

"Will anyone mention or ask about Lindsay in next weeks ep?"
To keep continuity, I think they most definitely will.
Delia hon, which D/L pic did you mean? Let me know and I'll see if I can find it...
hehe but anyways, i dont wanna miss out on any more DL chit chatso im gona try n keep up wit it all from now on! hehe
That rocks, sweetie!! I've missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, more than words can say! And you're the one who first introduced me to talk! :D
Oh....wait, Cordy as in Delia as in kissme?
:lol: haha, yes. That's me. Or Cordelia, but no one on talk ever calls me that.
Oh wait do you ship Nicky with someone else Delia? Awww, now I see!
:lol: I ship Nicky with Sara and Catherine, but I'm also very Grillows... gah, it's too difficult to explain!
Oh wow, page 7 already? Yey for the new thread!!

I thought the D/L interaction was done nicely in that latest episode. I know, they didn't exactly talk or anything, but I thought it was cute, especially the card. I liked how Danny smiled as he was reading it.

I also liked how Lindsay indecision whether or not to say goodbye personally when she saw Danny coming in as her taxi was leaving.

Okay, I gotta go to bed coz I'm dead tired. MOO!!
Keich! Hey Buddy! :D Yeah we're flying through our pages in here lately...it's awesome! It's all the fun spoilers! ;) (Which by the way Delia the last spoiler I posted...as far as I know that's confirmed! So yay for that! :D :D )

Yeah Keich Danny's smile reading the card was so dang adorable...I just wanna hug him! Or ya know... ;) I really did love the D/L in this last episode...especially because they did in a way that, even though D/L was never together in the whole ep, it still felt like they were...their connection and feelings were so clear! And having them hug or even kiss goodbye would have been FABULOUS but I am entirely satisfied for now with what we got! D/L is sailing off into the wild blue yonder! :lol:
something along the lines of "Danny/Linds #15 "We're CANON, so there!" has a nice ring to it too!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Id love to see that as our next thread!

Oh wow, page 7 already?
yeah, we got so far in so little time, right? It feels like we were on page 2 a day ago...:lol:

yay, only one week till our new eppy!
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