Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ahhh!! I didn't get to see the promo! *sulks in corner* :(

Does anyone know where it can be found? Do you know if
they have it posted on the CBS site? :confused:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*has a heart attack*
*dies and goes to DL heaven*

I don't care if I am dead for school the next morning.
By God, I am watching CSI:NY this season.

That promo was like...*squee*
I seriously had this 'OMG. Wait a second...' face and then rewinded the video to make sure that it was Danny who was with her. LOL. *dances for joy* Now I can actually go to work and be happy tonight. :D

And the CSI new season looks pretty cool too.
The dead body thing is kinda creepy, but we'll see how it goes. Man, if I stay up to watch back-to-back nights of CSI, it's gonna be totally worth it! :)

*throws confetti*
I love this ship.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Welcome Bretam3 and other newbies! :) Welcome to the madness---fun madness!

I'm lovin' your new banner, Karen! :D

Danny is supposed to ask Lindsay in epi three why she is pulling away from him...I think maybe that has more to do with her secret or her past which some of that may be addressed in epi #5 or possibly #12. But also maybe she just needs Danny to open the 'conversation' up first and share his feelings. She might not be sure that he's into her. But once he does, I'm sure that she will open up...unless she's too shaken up to...hmmm... ;)

Too bad the promo stuff doesn't air until September 27th----I want to see the second episode first!! :(

Am I going to have to start throwing some pie around here to get people to post...where are the minions, the twins, and the fluffies? :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Somebody ring me?

:lol: CSI's got changed, maybe they'll change NY's too. But I'm liking all the promos right. *evil smirk*

Newbies, welcome Newbies..

..and yes, Auda. I am somewhere rolling my eyes at you, still. wheres Moriel and My twins?... Hey Moriel, tell Auda you want "Texas fic" she'll know what you mean ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Why is there no pause function on that thing!

Le moment surpreme goes by really fast, too fast to see what's going on.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Danny is supposed to ask Lindsay in epi three why she is pulling away from him...I think maybe that it has more to do with her secret or her past which some of that may be addressed in epi #5 or possibly # 12. But also maybe she just needs Danny to open the 'conversation' up first and share his feeling. She might not be sure that he's into her. But once he does, I'm sure that she will open up... unless she's too shaken up too...hmmm...;)

her 'secret' is addressed in epi 5 and like then shows up again in epi 12, now idk if the episodes where her past comes back, has anything to do with y she's pulling away, but i'm pretty sure that it shows her 'secret'/past in epi 5, but then in epi 12 explains it, if u know what i mean...

also, like i freakin' can't watch the promo on my computer cuz for some stupid reason it won't let me!!!!! GRRRR!!!! i'm soo angry!!!!

Oh well, i'll just watch it at my friends, her computer is soo much better than mine!!!!!!!!!

and who wrote the 'Roommate' fic on ff cuz like i love that, and i bet lindsay and zoey kick danny and don's asses, hehe!!!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I know how you feel Svetlana, my computer totally sucks and it wont let me watch it. I can hear it just can't see it.

I need to know Lindsays secret!! It's bugging me so much.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey 'all! I'm Niki from Malaysia and I'm new! *wave to everyone* Like everyone here, I LOVE Danny and Lindsay...
Thought i drop by to say hi! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*Waves* Welcome Niki! Glad to have you here! You'll have tons of fun here... we always do!!!

Okay, I can't stop watching the promo. I think I've watched it at least twenty times. It makes me smile!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^^ U mean the promo for season 3?? It's out??? WHERE??????
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm glad to know that my computer isn't the only evil one out there. It won't let me watch either. :mad: I am hoping that they will air another promo after next weeks episode, and the week after of course... ;)

I too would like to say welcome Niki ! Here, have some M&M's...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Welcome Niki and yeah, theres some promo's released. When are we getting more pics man?!?1

My computer won't let me view either, but I've seen it on TV. :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi everyone, I'm new to this board..I love D/L and yes I got to watch the season 3 promo vid and that scene where Danny hugs Lindsay was wonderful to watch that I kept replaying the video a couple of times.. :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh man!I sure do miss out A LOT!!!
I can't watch the vid... Damn! :(
I hope s'one cud upload the vid elsewhere tho coz i really want to watch it so bad!!!
I can't wait for the new season..right now i keep myself occupied with all the DL fics i cud find.
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