Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Everyone should go read Eddie's interview! There are some spoilers, though.

He talks about Danny and Lindsay and the chemistry between Carmine and Anna.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Going to check out that interview about Eddie.

Updated "Black eyes, blue tears." Right here
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh, Auda: the exact thing Danny said was "The flesh, Montana (at this point, Lindsay's back is to the camera, but you can see her kind of tilt her her head, and give him 'the look'. You all know what I mean. I do it all the time when I pretend to be upset with someone. LOL) found came back bovine, pig, and lamb."

So, yeah. That is the first time he calls her by his nickname. Geez, he's known the girl less than a few hours and already has a nickname for her. I love how at the zoo scene, when Lindsay goes: "Passes?" and Danny smirks and says: "Yeah, passes. I bet you never seen anything like that up in Montana." The way he says it is adorable. And then - in quick wit - Lindsay replies: "You ever seen what a full-grown black bear can do to a man?" Every time I watch that part I want to yell: "Touché!" LOL.

Okay, one more present from me before I go to study AP Environmental (I have a test tomorrow, so think nice happy 'Jenn gets an A' thoughts in the direction of Florida!) & then I am off to bed.

How could we have forgotten THIS present? The ground sure looks far away from here.... But you know what Danny? ...you have really nice lips.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

oh my gosh..im so upset right now..and this story im about to tell..oh MORIEL is gonna have me for this! I used violence to back up my ship.

This girl..umm well call her 'A'.

Well 'A' was insulting my ship, right in front of me, saying it was lame, and this ship is stupid, and flack and danny belong together[yeah shes one of them-no offense to the people who believe in that] but she goes on about how this ship is so lame, and all the people who support it should go to hell..yeah she said that..and instantly i thought of all you guys, so i went up to her and said 'Shut up, you dont even know what your talking about..A' and then she punched me..so what could i do..i punched her back..
oh im sooo sorry..but i had to stick up for my fellow shippers. :(
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

for those of you that did`it read the tv guide here is the link to read it if you want to that is Lol, if its Blurry just click on it once and it clears up the only thing the links dont have is the hot pic of Carmine



Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

So, here's my story. At 1:00 this morning I'm working the net because I have insomnia, and what do I find but a DL fic that I never finished. So I finish writing it and it ended up being, I dunno really. No one, it seems, has read it. I'm sorry if it's crap but I did finish it very early in the morning.

Title: Somebody
Summary: Danny’s lost more people than he cares to remember; he doesn’t want to lose another. DL.

fanfic journal // ff.net
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

that is so funny that you posted that i read that like an hour ago surfing some live journal sites
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Congrats on the new thread guys!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Allie, good on ya! No one insults us and gets away with it! Thanks p3karen for posting the tv guide articles. Can't wait for the premiere!

Peace out guys :cool:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello there :D I'm a newbie to all this. Lindsay/Danny (M+M) is my favourite CSI:NY ship. I've started to write M+M fanfiction on LJ. I'd really love some good quotes or pictures if anyone has them. Anyways thank you. Hope to talk soon.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

hey welcom CSI_Gamma_may- i hope i got that right..wow your banner rocks..soooo much..its unbelievabley cool..welcome to here..um you will love it..dont be suprised if we are in the gutter. we love to hang out there...its so much fun..so sit back, eat some M&ms and drink some beer[if your a minor..i dont suggust it..]but enjoy the d/l goodness..and if you wanna play twister..i dont know if the game is still going..wow thats a long game of twister
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Welcome CSI_Gemma_May. Awesome banner! :D...Tho you'll ahve to resize it. But that is gorgeous! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey CSI_Gemma_May, welcome! Hope you have fun, it gets a little crazy here sometimes but it's a blast. Wiked banner btw. I got some pics/icons if you want them. (i've probly posted these in the old thread too)




Peace out guys :cool:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Okay, obviously everybody here *wants* Danny and Lindsey to get together. But what do you think the odds are that they actually *will* move onto a more romantic relationship (holding hands and kissing or maybe even sleeping together) during season three?
Given the way TV operates, I'm not holding my breath that there will be anything more to their relationship this season than the same sort of flirtatious glances and sexually suggestive remarks we saw during season two. But I would *love* for the producers to prove me wrong.
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