Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hmmm...That is a good question. I agree that Danny would probably feel protective, but know Lindsay can hold her own. Of course, that doesn't guarantee that he would even give Sonny Sassone the oppurtunity to approach her if he was able to do so without making Lindsay angry. Does that make sense? Sometimes I think of something, and then when I type it out, it doesn't make as much sense as it should. Okay, yeah, I am rambling, sorry.
*passes around m&m's in apology*

Thanks for the Whipped Cream Shower iluvroadrunner . *holds pie in hand and waits for iluvroadrunner to reappear*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello my lovelies! How are you all this fine August evening? :D I've decided that it needs to be Fall already...for many reasons, the temperature drops, the leaves start falling, there's that lovely nip in the air, we have to start wearing sweaters again, but most importantly then our waiting for the new season will be over!!!! Only 3 more weeks y'all...YAY!! I so cannot wait! I know I say this all the time, but seriously...I feel like a kid on a long car ride..."is it here yet? Is it here yet?!!" :lol: :lol:

Aud! Hi Fluffy Twin! **hugs and raises both hands high!!** I LOVE my ship! :D
Ohhhh, good fluffy question Aud, I likes it! Hmmm, I think I have to go with Danny being the more ticklish of the two...for some reason I can just picture that in my head. Cuz he seems like the tough-guy-bad-ass and then it's discovered that he's majorly ticklish! **hmmmm, plot bunnies are beginning to swarm....Aud, this may just turn out to be a new ficcie! :lol: :lol:**
Not a fluffy!
Lol, you keep saying that Lynny! You know what I think....me thinks thou doth protest too much! :lol: Wouldn't you agree Aud?! :D

Vex Hi! **waves!**

Em!! You're back, yay! :D **waves!**
Hmmmm, very interesting question. I think if Danny saw him coming, he'd steer Linds away and not let them even talk...being protective. I think if Linds saw him first, well I could see her either steering Danny away to protect him basically or marching right up to Sonny and kicking his butt! Now that I would LOVE to see! Either way though I see them sticking together and trying to protect eachother...by distracting eachother or together kicking Sonny's butt...now that'd be fun too! :D :lol:

Yay the whipped cream is back! :D

3 weeks y'all...only 3!!!

**Moriel tosses devils food cake, whipped cream and chocolate sauce at everyone and runs out of the room giggling!!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel, I love fall too. For all the reasons you mentioned.

Also, it means that I get to start college, I'm enrolling this afternoon. Can I get some good luck vibes please?

I've got M&M's!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

**sends numerous good luck vibes, thoughts, wishes and hopes toward S.S. along with a healthy helping of M&M's, chocolate cake and whipped cream just in case!**
Just starting college huh...fun times! I remember when I did that...ahhh, good times! **listen to me wax poetical! I'm not really old, I promise...college wasn't that long ago for me! :lol:** You'll do great, and totally love it I'm sure! :D

And yes I love Fall, it is my favorite season for many lovely reasons...the return of one of my favorite shows being just one of many! :D Have I mentioned yet that I can't wait for this season to start? Lol...yeah just like about 10 times in the last minute right... :lol: I'm a dork I know... **Y'all laugh, but you know you're all obsessive dorks too...but that's okay, I discovered long ago that being an obsessive dork is a fabulous thing! :lol:** But being tired is not so good...so I'm off to sleep before I get grouchy...cuz that is not fun! :p

**Moriel skips off to sleep...D/L spoilers invading her dreams already!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iluvroadrunner said:
now, lindsay never really had any contact with sonny sassone. if there were to be some kind of meeting, say her, danny, and sonny were to randomly bump into each other on the street, how do you think danny would react (whether they're together or not) with lindsay being around sonny?

Oh, good question...
Well, if Danny didn't see him in time, and they meet face to face, I guess Danny would be very careful regarding Lindsay. He would try to leave as soon as possible.
S: Well, well, well, if it isn't little Danny Messer.
D: (tries to walk away from him, and puts his han on Lindsay's arm) Come on, let's go.
S: Going so soon? And who are you? His new flavour of the week?
D: She's no one.
(they leave, and Lindsay is quiet)
D: I'm sorry about that.
L: So, I'm no one?
D: I didn't mean it like that. It's just it's safer that way. If Sonny finds out that I care for you, you'll be in danger.
L: (smiles) You care for me?

Just a small scenario. :)

big wave to everyone
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

As much as I'd hate to kill Louie Messer, I've imagined that Louie eventually dies somewhere in season 3 and it's going to be Lindsay's case. I could just imagine her in the interrogation room with Sonny Sassone, Lindsay would be totally kicking his ass. And then Sassone could say "Look at you with your big curls and small frame. Frankly, not my type, but I bet Danny Messer's all over ya..."
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*sneaks in with umbrella*

i, personally, love to hate sonny sassone. he's one of the most interesting perps i've seen on NY, and he's played really well. but so far, he's only interacted with mac and stella. danny's been carefully (and rightly) steered out of the way, and lindsay just hasn't been given a chance. really hoping that there's a moment in s3 where danny and sonny get a chance to stand toe to toe, and danny's able to hold his own without getting to emotional about it. i think that would really prove to be a strong point for danny, and lindsay (and myself) would be pretty proud of him.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Can I post a Danny-Lindsay question too???

(Quick sidebar: You know you guys are the only thing I look forward to when I sit my ass down in front of my PC everyday. Thanks for that)

Alright. Here goes. Let's say it's been five or six years into CSI:NY and they have to do the series finale. And the last scene is an epilogue of what happened to the lives of the CSIs. What would you imagine as Danny and Lindsay's epilogue?

Here's my version (as narrated by Stella. We assume that Mac Taylor is dead. Sorry Mac!)

(We see a pregnant Lindsay in front of a class)
Lindsay Monroe found herself pregnant again (AUTHOR: I assume that Lindsay's dark secret is that she has had a child) and decided to drop everything else so she can keep her new baby. Well, not everything... she settled as a forensics professor at the New York Police Academy where she specializes on crime scene recreation.

(Cut to Danny in a detective's outfit, talking to a guy)
Danny Messer hung up his lab coat and became a full time detective like Flack. Despite the pay cut, he didn't mind the shorter work hours, as he needed to spend time with his family.

(Lindsay walks into frame. Danny was apparently waiting for her)

Lindsay: What can I help you with, Detective Messer?
Danny: (Shows her a picture of a severed foot) A foot. Found at the dumpster behind the Dandridge hotel. What's your opinion on the cut made here?

(Their conversation continues to be very business-like yet Lindsay slips her hand around Danny's arm. She tilts her head towards Danny's shoulder as Stella continues to narrate)

Taylor Messer Monroe was born on what would have been Mac's 55th birthday. Her parents were married soon after she was born.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

i did one of these once! except it was flacklindsay. so it don't fit here.

...i'm gonna be a killjoy.

because if the csi team split up, i see lindsay going back to montana. not because she wants to or because she can but because she feels like she has to. and i don't see danny going with her. not because he doesn't care or he doesn't want to but because she doesn't want him to. the city makes danny who he is, and she wouldn't want him to lose that part of himself because of her. so in all truth, i don't see DL ending happily ever after if that's the case.

*ducks flying objects as she runs out of thread*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Mis Hey hon! **waves!** Loved that scenario, very nice...I could see that happening! Too cute :D

LM hmmm, interesting question...being a fluffy I totally want the happily ever after for Danny and Linds. I liked your epilogue...(other then having Mac be dead!) it was cute...I don't know that I'd have them stop being CSI's though...I think that's a big part of who they are and I wouldn't want them to lose that. :D

Em, hey! **waves....and then reaches for the rotten fruit...juggling it slowly, trying to decide if I want to toss it at you or not!** I thought you were a fluffy my friend...was I mistaken?! :confused: :p I have to say I do not agree with you hon...if something happened and the team did split up...(sad day!) I could see Linds talking to Danny about going back to Montana...and Danny convincing her that New York is where she belongs, here with him! He needs her, etc! :D They can visit Montana anytime, but she's a New Yorker now! :lol: I'd like to see that! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi everyone!!! :D * waves and hands out pies and D/L cookies and blows kisses and tosses Hershey kisses everywhere * :lol:

It's been SO long since I've been on here :( - you guys wrote 4 pages while I was away :D. Anyway - feeling good now that I'm back and have had my D/L fix. :lol: I'm like a junkie hooked on them - I swear! * grins goofily as she looks at screencaps and thinks good D/L thoughts * So how is everyone? I see Moriel has gotten hold of the whipped cream again :rolleyes: - look out here it comes * ducks flying whipped cream and pies *

Phew! :lol: Oh, and where's my flunsty double? Mis - you out there? * Gives Mis a cake and some chocolate cause we're both flunsty!* :) :)

Okay, so let's make this on topic - I'm excited about everything I've read recently that involves our favorite duo - I gotta say I'm more and more excited each day thinking of all the good plotlines that will bring them closer together :D. But let me just say this...for some reason, I'm leaning more towards Lindsay's secret being that she had a child back in Montana - but well, what do I know really.... :confused: * scratches head, thinking *

Okay and let me leave you with a question to ponder:

Setup : Okay, so you know how guys are often considered playboys or players or loose cannons until they find that one person who becomes their calming influence and all - she becomes their other half? Well, we all know Danny feels that way toward Lindsay - and Lindsay is his other half. :D ;) And I know there have been questions asked and answered before regarding who on the team would say what to D/L about a budding relationship/love - and we've asked and answered that Mac might give Danny a talkign to and everything...but here comes the question:

Who do you see Danny admitting his change in ways (i.e. no more being considered a player, wanting people to know he's faithful to our dear Lindsay, etc.) to first (other than Lindsay)? And when do you see him doing this?

okay...done now * backs up for a sec * wait :lol: ...one more thing. On a less serious more fluffy note, here's another question: What hidden talents or fun facts would you like to see our two favorite people have? Like...secretly Danny likes the Spice Girls or something.. :D :lol: * laughs at her own goofiness!* I hope you guys help me on this one, cause I need the answers for something special. ;)

off to work in the lab...seriously! pipettes here I come...* skips off to get ready for work, but not before giving out more sweets and hugs to all * ahh I heart you guys! :D :D

~*~ Mad

(does double take) "Well Hello, Ms. Monroe!" - Danny Messer
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Mad hello my dear! **waves!** Heehee, love your posts...they always make me smile! :lol:

Lol, and yup I have the whipped cream...y'all beware! :devil: Everything is better with whipped cream! :lol:
Hmmmm, you think Linds had a child back in Montana...that's the second or third time I've heard that...interesting...I could see that I guess. I think her past is a bit more sinister...but that would make for a good secret too. I guess we'll see! ;)

I agree by the way...Linds is definitely Danny's other half, his calming one...the one who will turn him from any playboy instincts he ever had! :D As for who he would tell first (other than Linds!) hmmmmm...honestly I would like to see him have that conversation with Stella...not that I don't want to see him talk about it with Mac, or joke about it with Flack...but for some reason I can see him telling Stella or talking to her about Linds and confessing he feels for her more than he has felt for anyone ever and as a woman herself does she have any advice for him in loving Linds?! Wouldn't that be a great conversation, I'd love to see that! :D

Fluffy notes...I love fluffy notes...lol! :lol: Hmmmm, hidden talent huh...that's a great question! :D Let's see...I'd love to see Danny be a closet Jennifer Lopez fan! :lol: Or that he secretly knows how to line dance and Linds invites him to go thinking he'll decline or be really embarrassed and instead he accepts and blows her away with his talent! :lol: As for Linds I'd love for her to be a closet Pro-wrestling fan...just cuz that'd crack me up! :lol: Or that she loves to ride motorcycles...or something like that! I know that's not really crazy for either of them...but still those are fun! I'll see if I can come up with more crazy ones later! For now...that's what I got ;)

Aud, Lynn....where all y'all? Everyone...where all y'all! :confused: :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

D/L balance each other out very well. She's calm, he's emo...when she's upset he calms her down...they have a good effect on each other. :)

I don't see Danny ever going to live in Montana, but it would be funny to see him visit...this goes where? I need to do what?

Anyways, my D/L fic is up over at the D/L Forum...It's called "This Beautiful Day"...it isn't anything special but it is a little angsty...I'll post it at ff.net in a day or two.

Happy Shipping! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

D/L simple (yet so satisfying) hidden talents

Lindsay- really good at football...

Danny- He can sing... in the shower.. (and Linds would know about that one :devil:)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*I chimned in*

*looks around* Someone throw a pie at me?.. *throws M&M's over Em* There. *and then pours whipped cream over her* Suckers.

Wow, Twin, how'd you know? :p

I don't see Danny moving to live in Montana either, and I'm going with Em's answer on that.
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