Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

MORIEL! I've missed youuuu! This week, I'll hvae no chance of getting on for the D/L goodness cause I have 3 volleyball games in a row, so this is our chance to be cheesy... :lol: hope your good and damn your computer for being stupid!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad!! Hello my angsty friend!! :D **Hugs!** Damn my computer indeed ;) lol! But hey at least we can be on together now...yay! As for cheesy, I LOVE cheesy! :D Man, 3 volleyball games huh...sweet! Good luck on those, you'll kick butt I'm sure! :D No worries, we'll keep D/L safe for ya...but we'll definitely miss you! ;)

Aud where are you? (Oh wait running huh...how's that going? :p I may go do that here in a minute! ;) )

Okay Rad cheesy huh...you do know that for me that means fluffy! :devil: :lol: Let's see...ummm cheesy/fluffy... Aud help my fluffy friend! I need a cheesy/fluffy question! :D

Okay...I'm off to go for a brisk run myself... Aud you inspired me, well that and the fact that I need to work off all the m&m's I've been eating in honor of this thread! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Ok i have to admit..i am just waiting for Danny and lindsay to be on a case with some sort of freaky fetish thing, and they have to go to the fetish place..and its just weird for them..like the fetish is..i dont know..cops..cops..women who have a weird fetish with cops..im picturing this.

Suspect:We are just turned on to cops more then normal woman are. [trys to make a move on danny.]
[clearing throat]Danny: uh sorry.
[suspect walks away]
Danny:Hey Montana, why cant you have a fetish like that.
Lindsay:How do you know that i dont?
Danny:Well..i ...umm..i..*trails off*
Woman comes up to them.
woman:You guys are..cops right.
[woman touches lindsay's hair..danny being the man he is, is turned on by it.]
Lindsay:woah sorry lady..not into that.
[lindsay and danny walk away]
Danny:Wow montana..wow..

ok that was so lame..my cousin came up with it..and she always has to throw her lame ideas at me..but you know..run with it i guess..

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I am not a crazy, obsessed, shipper... wait, yeah I am. hmm, who knew?

Minion nice little poem, how long did it take you to think it up?

Frustration is sexy. .. I have that on Bangel icon actually. I think I have a catnip one. I need to make one for D/L. because Frustration is sexy.

There I said it.

*Waves to flist, fluffy's, flunsty's, angsty's, twins, minions, and the rest of the crew*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Allie lol, your little scenario cracked me up hon! :lol: There is something about cops...I'll give ya that! :devil:

Lynn yup hon, you are obsessed, but then again so am I and I love the company so...join me and we'll be obsessed together! :lol: Hmmm on the other hand, I don't know if the world is quite ready for that... :devil: Obsessed-multi-shipping-gutter-buddies...now that's just dangerous! :D Gotta love it! :lol:

I can't believe I'm about to agree with you here Lynny but I gotta say...Frustration can be sexy...not too much frustration though, or it becomes...well just that, frustrating! But yeah in certain doses...Frustration can be hella sexy! :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Look at me! In an internet cafe on my way home just to say hi to you folks!

Emmy's are done. I think Carmine has a pic out there with Hill Harper and A.J. Buckley (Adam the DNA guy) on the Entertainment Weekly party or something. And I got to thinking.... why is there no Carmine and Anna red carpet/party pic out there? They really should show up together, or at least be part of a group pic and stand beside each other (yeah, yeah, Anna's married). I bet it'll be the most downloaded pic ever haha.

Somebody talked about songs, I love Alanis Morrissette, and I thought Head Over Feet kinda matches the Danny/Lindsay pair too:

You've already won me over
In spite of me
and don't be alarmed if I fall
Head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you
For all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault...

And then there was talk about them spending their first holiday as a couple.... you know what, I don't think I want to see that. I don't know, I think it's all downhill from there. We want to see them struggling with their feelings and their job. If they start to just focus on their relationship, it's going to get boring. But that's just me. (It's obvious that I've been burned a lot of times huh hehe).

What I would want to see is what hidden TALENT (not secret) does Lindsay have? Mac plays the guitar, Danny's a baseball player, Stella's a dancer.... wonder what Lindsay can do? Can she sing? Is she a good swimmer? Imagine an episode where Lindsay has to play Tekken and beat the highest score of a potential suspect for the sake of evidence. WOuldn't that be so cool? (And imaging how dumbfounded Danny's going to be when he finds out).

You guys are the BEST you're like THE BESTFRIENDS ON THE PLANET.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Kit4na Yay you found the pic! :D **applauds!** Well done! I went looking for it myself and found one very close...but yours is better! :lol:

Rad! Hiya angsty honey! **waves!** :D How's it goin?

lindsaymesser howdy, I agree a Anna/Carmine red carpet pic would definitely make for lots of fun! :lol: I understand why we don't have one...since Anna is married...but it would be alot of fun! :D
Lol, as a fluffy I still want to see them spend a holiday or two together...I like relationship stuff...I think it'd be cute and fun, but then again that's just my fluffy self! :lol:
Ohhh, hidden talent...that's a good one! Hmmmm, I will have to think about that...there's got to be a fabulous hidden talent she has...hmmmm...fun! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thank you for that pic and welcome! I love it! I knew it existed! I'm lovin' the D/L 'double lick.' :devil:

Okay, Moriel wanted a fluffy question? Hmmm....Who's more ticklish...Danny or Lindsay?...support you answer with details...ha,ha!

Hi all!! Raise your hand if you love your ship? Live for it? Fight for it? Die for it?

Okay I know I sound like a broken record ( :p Lynn!) but I really will have my fic up---beta sent it back. It's a little angsty but I will finish my D/L fluff fic soon---just for my fluffies---and 'closet' fluffy, LYNN!! ;)

Please be in support of the CSINYRULZ's Anna project---Anna/Lindsay is the other half of our D/L team here...I sent Carmine a birthday card, the least I can do is show my support for Anna. If you guys don't I'll cry---no more pies too! LOL! :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Not a fluffy!

Do you promise to cry? I mean really cry? none of that, "I cried, you happy now?"..No I want TEARS!..... wait, no more pies? You can't do the no more pies. that's just plain out WRONG!

Re: More ticklelish. I'm honestly going with Danny here. He's a big strong guy, thats got a sensitive side, I'm sure he's ticklelish...

*dances* Angsty fic, Angsty fic.... Campy fic is coming to a town near you!

*whacks Twin* Pick a banner and stay with it. You're driving me nuts!..But I do like this one.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

They are both ticklish, but neither will admit that.

Only when Lindsay tries to get him out of bed on Saturday morning, he'll have to admit he's ticklish because she'll refuse to let go until he gets out of bed and into the showere with her.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

SecretSophie said:
They are both ticklish, but neither will admit that.

I agree. Both are ticklish. And they discover this at the same time. Which leads to a scene that will have D/L shippers everywhere squealing with delight. :devil: :D :devil: :D I will not describe this scene, I will leave it to your imaginations, which I am sure are probably in the gutter. Kind of like mine. :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I think that they are both ticklish, but maybe Lindsay is more ticklish. Then Danny can tackle her and get that fantasy dream of football that he wants.

But I also can see Lindsay finding Danny's secret tickle spot and going to town!

Twin , thanks for posting the double lick pic. I never noticed them doing that. Twin
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

danny's more ticklish. how do i know? personal expierence. :devil: :lol:

i'm doing the eddie fan gift thing...didn't really jump in on the carmine one, but i might go check out the anna one.

and it wouldn't be me back without a

now, lindsay never really had any contact with sonny sassone. if there were to be some kind of meeting, say her, danny, and sonny were to randomly bump into each other on the street, how do you think danny would react (whether they're together or not) with lindsay being around sonny?

*feel free to whack Em if this question has been done before*

i think danny would be protective of her, but i think he'll know that lindsay can still hold her own, you know. and i'd love to see linds kick his ass.

*sprays board with whipped cream, then chucks pie at Lynn. dusts off hands* my work here is done.

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