Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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iheartnickcath said:
Dudes.. Don't forget Nekkid Twister in the Broom Closet!
**smacks herself on the forehead!** How could I possibly forget that one! :D That's the bestest...talk about a fun/gutter thought! :devil: :lol:
Moriel21 said:
iheartnickcath said:
Dudes.. Don't forget Nekkid Twister in the Broom Closet!
**smacks herself on the forehead!** How could I possibly forget that one! :D That's the bestest...talk about a fun/gutter thought! :devil: :lol:

DL's hot in the gutter ;)
Radical618 said:
I'm all for Danny and And Lindsay #11- D/L on the DL I love it!!!

*waves to Twins and Moriel!*

hehe, I knew you would.. See Auda, DLS on the DL!

*waves back*
I like "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl" mainly because it is something that happened in the episode that other people will understand, not just an inside joke with the M&M shippers. (Although, inside jokes are tons of fun! :D)

I love the lines between the two of them in Necrophilia Americana (Gosh, why did they have to name that episode something impossibly hard to spell?!)

Danny: [looks at DB] So, are you participating in that investigation or is this just a [looks at Lindsay] forensic peep-show?
Lindsay: Hammerback couldn't determine the cause of death, so we need to de-flesh the vic...
Danny: ...using the bugs.
Lindsay: Yeah, they're better at tissue at this stage. They're cleaner. Plus, they don't destroy potential evidence. As soon as Hammerback is finished with you, I get to take the beetles back to the lab with me.
Danny: [looks at bugs and then mutters to Lindsay] Don't eat 'em.
Lindsay: [smiles] You're a little late on that one.
Danny: So? Doesn't mean it's not funny.
[Lindsay is evidently about to laugh and Danny's smiling]

Yep, some good DL right there. ;)

Yeah I loved that! That's such a guy line "So? Doesn't mean it's not funny." That was my favorite exchange in the episode.
DL's hot in the gutter
Aren't they Lynn, Heehee! I loves me some gutter D/L...mmhmm! :devil:
And I do really like "D/L's on the DL!" hon, good one! :D

Hi Rad! **waves back!**

Hi Jenn glad you popped in! :D I like "Don't bet against a country girl" too...it makes me think of Fare Game and I love that ep...especially (obviously!) the end! Too cute!

And NA I still haven't actually seen that ep...how sad is that?! I know right :p Anyway...that's a cute convo though...and yeah Dannyfangirl that's totally a guy thing to say! :lol: Hey by the way, I read your spoiler ficcie...Loved it! Great job! :D
yeah I got your review! Thanks you guys. Your reviews are REALLY REALLY nice.
Hey for the next thread title, my nomination is danny/lindsay #11- D/L on the d/l

Dannyfangirl , you fic is amazing. I love the way that you write, keep it up girl!

Misery , I love yours too. You have a writing style that is very addicting, keep it up!
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