**Mo pops in...giddy about a day off from work even though she has a million and two things to do!** Hello my lovelies!
Okay so I finally saw the ep...and I gotta say I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would! Since it took me so long to see it I'd read all sorts of reviews and stuff on it and I was terribly afraid it would suck a big one...but suprisingly I actually thought it was okay! (Of course the horrid lack of any D/L drastically reduced my fondess for the ep, but if I can manage to set that aside for the moment it was actually alright...
Here's a few quick notes...
Danny was unbelievably hot in this ep! Seriously he just keeps getting more and more attractive, gah! :devil: Him in that long sleeve red shirt...
**swoon!** I wanted to eat him up! :devil: I was bummed he only got like 4 minutes of screentime, but he looked amazing when they did show him!
I LOVED Linds in this ep, she has come so far and matured so much since we first saw her and I think the last few eps of this season have really shown that clearly! The scene with her and Stell where Stell was annoyed with her...I actually liked that scene
**Mo hides quickly!** to me it showed that Linds was not afraid to challenge her superior but also that she knew better than to push too far...Linds knew she was right and yet she didn't make it her mission to prove that...even later when Linds was proven right she didn't rub it in Stel's face, she was polite even kind about it...I think she knew the emotional tole this was putting on Stel and was intentionally kind about it...which shouts maturity on Linds' behalf! So yeah I loved that!
And it was pointed out to me that the scene at the beginning, the only scene Danny and Linds are remotely close to being in together...that at one point VERY briefly Danny and Linds catch each other's eye...as Danny's rolling the girl with the spike to the van and Linds is watching...he turns his head and it looks like she almost catches his eye...sad that we have to dig that much for D/L...and yet we will!
So yeah I didn't hate the ep...I would have loved it WAY better if we'd gotten even a smidge more of D/L...or even a smidge at all...but there is always next week!
(There had better be some next week PTB or we're coming after you...and trust me, you do not want that! Shippers denied their ship are a sight to behold! :devil: )
Besides if there is too much D/L, some people will get a little sick of it
Lol, is that even possible?! :lol: Heck I could have a whole hour of the D/L show and be a happy camper!
Our ship is sailing, our ship is sailing, our ship is sailing!!
**Mo skips out, off to conquer the world...well or at least wreck some havoc...!**