Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

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Congrats everybody!!! We've made it to the Danny/Flack thread #5. **throws confetti**

Here's a link to the old thread: Danny/Flack #4

ANd some pics:

Danny staring for a change:

Obsessed!Flack again:

Season 3...and the beat goes on....
I'm glad to see we've made it to thread #5. That means more than 4,000 posts all about Danny/Flack. :D

*gets behind podium* Well, my fellow Danny/Flack fans, sometimes it has felt like I was dragging this ship along all by myself, kicking and screaming, but we would not be in thread #5 if not for each and every one of you *applauds you all*...*clears throat* But seriously, y'all, post more. :lol: Danny/Flack is my OTP, what about you? ARE YOU WITH ME? *tries to get everybody excited* :lol:

Oh, and as for the title of the thread: Yes, he totally does :devil:--er :eek:, I mean, *coughs politely*, yes, indeed they do. ;)

And now for a few pictures. :)

Standing awfully close at work, aren't you boys? ;)

Staaaaaare...(Flack, m'boy, you're so obvious!) :p

Aww, and the dorky wave. :D

So let's see, some D/F discussion...

What's your favorite D/F moment so far this season? Flack calling Danny "Danno," or maybe Flack's "cinnamon twist" moment (because didn't Danny respond? ;)), or perhaps them totally touching outside the car after they handed over Shane Casey? Or maybe you have another favorite moment. :D We've had some excellent ones so far. ;)
Aww! The dorky wave is so adorable! I want the both of them to cuddle too!
The "Danno" bit was cute. :) Hmmm... I love how Flack always talks about his food nowadays. :) "Cinnamon twist" and the cake stuff in the playboy-dying-in-jacuzzi case.
Not only did Flack call Danny "Danno" but he also called him Dan in Live or Let Die. Nobody else calls him Flack's pet names. I agree with what Top had said before about Flack still being in bedroom mode when he called him Dan.

It was apparent again when he called him Danno. Poor Flack, can't keep the bedroom stuff in the bedroom.

Flack to the rescue: Nobody touches my Kpoo. :mad:

Hey Don, do you like what you see? :p

hmmm..I should be looking at the suspect..but damn..Danny looks so much better. :devil:
ah YAYY!! new thread for Danny & Flack. and yes indeed Fay they are my OTP also! i'm just not around so much!

Methinks I don't have a favourite D/F moment this season because they're all so good now! and we have had loads! so it's back to the whole "there MUST be a Danny/Flack shipper in the crew" thing!
Oh my God-- I LOVE your McDreamy icon, Speed!

Flack is looking really good nowadays and Danny is too... Good enough to eat with icecream and a cherry on top.
I want the both of them to cuddle too!
Heh heh, and don't you know they do, even if Danny tries to deny it. Trust me, I've caught them before (they eventually will have to catch on to the swarm of flies on the ceiling, though...). ;)

Nobody else calls him Flack's pet names.
They wouldn't dare, girl, Flack carries a gun around. Isn't there a get-out-of-jail-free card they give to guys who are just protecting (or being possessive of) their kinkapoodles? :p

It was apparent again when he called him Danno. Poor Flack, can't keep the bedroom stuff in the bedroom.
Or the kitchen, or the shower, or the living room, or the space right inside the front door, or the space right outside the front door, or the elevator, or the SUV/Flack's patrol car, or the locker room, or the supply closet...really, boys, at some point it becomes too much!...But not yet. :devil:

Flack to the rescue: Nobody touches my Kpoo.
*pets him* Good Flackie, now go home with Danny and get your reward. :devil:

Hey Don, do you like what you see?
:confused: Wait, is this a rhetorical question? ;)

hmmm..I should be looking at the suspect..but damn..Danny looks so much better.
Yes, absolutely. It's a very pretty woman, but we all know women don't hold a candle to Don's kinkapoodle. (And, you know, Danny has the best ass in New York. :lol:)

and yes indeed Fay they are my OTP also! i'm just not around so much!
:lol: Yay L2MS and your scrumptious banner. :p How can you stay away? You know real life doesn't offer nearly the same attraction as these two do. :devil:

so it's back to the whole "there MUST be a Danny/Flack shipper in the crew" thing!
Seriously. :lol: It honestly wouldn't surprise me if someone involved with this show liked D/F. ;) And I give kudos to whoever it is, because they still manage the art of subtlety with this pairing (although Flack's staring is nowhere-near subtle, the overall attraction seems to be ;)).

Good enough to eat with icecream and a cherry on top.
Now kissmesweet, seriously, you must know what kind of imagery that puts into the head of a poor girl like me. It's really unfair, you know. ;) *jots down fanfic plot bunny* :lol:

I couldn't resist bringing back this little thing. :lol:

Aww, Donnie, make the Danny!Woobie feel better, plz.

*cough* Don, darling, try to concentrate on the perp and not staring at Danny like you're going to get him home and make lots of sweet, sweet love to him to make up for the past 13 hours apart...*blink* Oh, that is what you're planning? Carry on then. :)

Don, you're at work, stop it! Even if you do want to bend him over that lab table, it's not a good idea...you don't know where some of that equipment has been. Totally unsanitary! :p

And damn, I don't think I've ever brought the good-old shower manip into this thread, have I? Granted, it's a picture of Carmine and not Danny, but cut-and-pasted onto a shower we can pretend can't we? ;) What a tease. :p
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
ah YAYY!! new thread for Danny & Flack. and yes indeed Fay they are my OTP also! i'm just not around so much!
I agree with both of you. They are my OTP too!!! :D I can never get too much of Danny/Flack. BTW, L2MS, you need to get in here more often.
Expect to see more pictures of our boys.

Methinks I don't have a favourite D/F moment this season because they're all so good now! and we have had loads! so it's back to the whole "there MUST be a Danny/Flack shipper in the crew" thing!
I agree L2MS that there HAS to be a DF shipper somewhere in the crew. :p We've had too many great DF moments and I believe there's much more to follow.

As for a favorite DF moment this season, they were all good but I think the ride in Flack's patrol car back to the precinct (and them standing on the street so close
) after they caught Shane Casey was one of the best didn't-have-to-say-anything scenes between the two of them. It was touching to see Danny talk to Shane the way he did and the glances from Flack while he was talking said so much more than actual words.

Here's a couple more pics.

Danny thinking **Oh, Flack is so gonna pay for checking out Stella's "girls"**.

I believe this will go down as one of the best Danny/Flack pictures in history. :devil:

ETA: Dammit Fay quit posting while I'm typing...this GMTA thing can be bad sometimes. :mad:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

1CSIMfan said:
after they caught Shane Casey was one of the best didn't-have-to-say-anything scenes between the two of them.

The best part of their relationship is that they don't have to say anything to each other and are so very comfortable around one another.

But it looks like Stella had better watch out - Danny didn't like the fact that she had her girls on display and that Flack felt compelled to stare at them.

**stare at my chest... yes... that's it... get closer...**
ohmygood goshness Fay you posted my all tiem favourite pic of Danny & Flack. Tis the look of LUST! I mean really Flack have some DIGNITY!

of course what am i saying?! GET RID OF ALL DIGNITY and freakin [CENSORED] and then you can [CENSORED] and you can finally [CENSORED].

oh! poor Pg-13 meter, it'd be so over worked if all of that was uncensored :devil:
what can i say, teh Jackhammer makes no exceptions when it comes to his Kpoo.
Well, a new thread that is certainly a pleasure and quite the accomplishment, why I remember when Danny/Flack first began – has it really been a year and a half. Although, I must say I give deference to the last thread since towards the end I was being handcuffed between Flack and Danny, at least that was how I read the statement. Maybe that wasn't the exact vision, but it should have been.

I also didn't get enough time to comment on or focus on this particular picture, so I thought I'd bring it over.


There is body contact, is there not? Are they just pulling apart from a steamy embrace and much kissing? They look out of breath and perhaps a little flushed. Damn whoever interrupted them, how inconsiderate. Inconsiderate because they ruined my pleasure and I don’t look kindly upon those that diminish my happy.
I like your way of thinking JDonne! :D Yes, there definately is body contact. A steamy embrace would have been nice to see. Here's my thoughts on that picture:

Notice how they fail to look at each other in this pic. If they did, they'd end up making out right there on the street. :devil:

Don: (thinking) Danny's brushed up against me..must.resist.the.urge.to.kiss.
Danny: (thinking) Oh man, I can't believe we're actually touching in public.
Don: Dan, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Danny: Going home and [censored] all night long?
Don: You read my mind. Let's go.
Danny: Right behind you!!

Here's more pics;

hmmm...could Danny's hand be on Flack's leg perhaps?

Evidence=0 Danny's ass=1 :p Now Don, we know Danny's ass is a much better view but the evidence is to your right. :rolleyes:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

Hurrah! I am so happy to see there's finally a new thread for our beloved pairing. :D Wonderful screencaps, everyone! I'll never get over Danny's arm touching Flack's body so blatantly like that. :lol:
Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The

You all keeeel me. :lol:

didn't-have-to-say-anything scenes between the two of them.
The best part of their relationship is that they don't have to say anything to each other and are so very comfortable around one another.
Exactly. :D They know each other well enough that body language and subtle gestures can say everything.

And, of course, there are the times when words are only part of what's being said--such as in a scene like the one between them in "Heroes," when Don comes in and gently steers Danny away from thoughts of Aiden and gets him to concentrate on his case. You can tell that Don knows how upset Danny is, and how to calm him down. I don't think it can be said enough how Don is the only one that can rein in Danny's emotions. Mac generally just agitates him, but Don comes in and, boom, there is peace. ;) :lol:

what can i say, teh Jackhammer makes no exceptions when it comes to his Kpoo.
No kidding. :lol: It's a wonder they can keep their passionate love affair so sooper-sekrit at all! :p I mean, come on, most of the pictures posted up there are just so obvious. ;)

Although, I must say I give deference to the last thread since towards the end I was being handcuffed between Flack and Danny, at least that was how I read the statement. Maybe that wasn't the exact vision, but it should have been.
*blink* Sounds close enough. :lol:

There is body contact, is there not? Are they just pulling apart from a steamy embrace and much kissing? They look out of breath and perhaps a little flushed.
*fans self* They really need to learn a bit of self-control. I mean, they're in public!...oh, who am I kidding? :lol:

Damn whoever interrupted them, how inconsiderate.
Yes, very inconsiderate indeed. *scowl* If two gorgeous men such as these get together, the ladies deserve to at least watch, don't we?! :devil:

Evidence=0 Danny's ass=1
Seriously. I was chatting and watching the show from a strange angle at the time, but even I caught that the first time I watched the episode. Don, my darling, you really must learn to control yourself. ;)

Now, a few more pictures:

No need to say a word

*cough*Evidence, boys*cough*

I can't help comparing the facial expressions in these two: :devil:

Um, where's Danny?

Wonder what Don's doing? :p

So very naughty. ;)
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