Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Yeah unfortunatley there was a camera.... But there were sheets, can put that in front of the camera!!! :devil: :D
iluvroadrunner said:
ahhh...i thought it was.

...i guess that would go under forensics. or trace i guess.

i dunno.
Well, I'm no expert on forensics, but I think fingerprints would go under trace. They all specialize in forensics don't they? I mean they are CSI's. 'Cept for Flack of course.
Haha. Wow. I must have a thing for Trace guys. >.o Whatever. Thanks for helpin' me figure that out, guys.

Edit: I have two words for you guys:

Page Pwn. <3
Hehe. I have a thing for Italian guys. And Carmine Dominick Giovinazzo *swoons*. How much more Italian can you get?
anubite_savior said:
His middle name is Dominick? Holy kitten-kaboodle. That's kind of ironic.
ironic? I'm not following you. What's ironic about it?
yeah, it is. Hmm...Carmine Dominick Giovinazzo...wonder if he's Italian(using sarcasm there, don't flame me for being stupid)
:eek: A whole page without a Carmine piccie? That's a crime!


* drool * Check out the arm!porn action :p :devil:
*thuds* Could somebody please hand me a spatula? I think I need some help scraping myself off the floor! :lol:
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