Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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lookaboomerang said:

This right here is an example of the best hand/eye coordination I've ever seen. That scene still amazes me for some reason when I watch it. If you watch, his hand stays in the same spot the whole time, but his eyes follow the phone all the way over, and it just falls in his hand. It amazes me. *is a dork*
You are a dork. I'll have to watch that again (yeah, torture :lol:), but from that cap and your description, I'd guess someone off camera tossed the phone straight into his hand. :lol:
a twelve step program? i need one of those for flack. my obsession with danny? that's nothing. i could stop anytime.

*drools over arm!porn*

ok, maybe not.
Unfortunately, there is a camera that can see the whole room. Does it also reach the supply closet of the panic room? Lol.... coz if it doesn't..... :devil:

Anyway, Danny's specialty? One of the downsides of being the 2nd spin-off off CSI -- the writers got a tad bit lazy of painting out particulars about the NY cast.

So far, I've seen him do Fingerprints, Trace (but that's mostly Aiden's turf), Ballistics (once) and more often than not... A/V Technology.

The second pic... there's a bit of tummy in there lol. Too bad it's not one of those times where a bit of the boxer shorts show hahahhhah...... ;)

Anyway, his name? I must admit, with his surname alone -- it'll be dumb to ask, He's Italian? Hahahaha... does he speak Italian, though? It'd be soooooo friggin' sexy!
Dannyfangirl said:
Gawd, he's hot. Lol, this is wear I insert my theory of his hotness:
Carmine Giovinazzo *swoons at the mere name* is the sex god over all sex gods. He's the hottest man on the planet and any other man who appears to be hot is merely reflecting his hotness.

HELL YEAAA!!!!!!!! :D
I was watching "Blink" a while ago and in the garbage barge scene, was he wearing a muscle shirt or a plain white tee with the sleeves tucked up?

Celefinwe said:
Erm, Trapped is really a good Danny episode. Otherwise also known as the-episode-that-has-Danny-in-various-stages-of-undress :p :devil: Speaking of which...
Watched last week for the first time...what can I say... HALLELUJA!!! :lol: OMG, he's fantastic...great episode :)
Nim said:
Celefinwe said:
Erm, Trapped is really a good Danny episode. Otherwise also known as the-episode-that-has-Danny-in-various-stages-of-undress :p :devil: Speaking of which...
Watched last week for the first time...what can I say... HALLELUJA!!! :lol: OMG, he's fantastic...great episode :)

Trapped is so good it makes my ears bleed :D Danny was being pissy!Danny and that coupled with the fact that he was barely dressed equals mucho mucho drooling :devil:

"It was you? You could have opened the door this whole time?" :lol: Oh, Danny. You are such a drama queen :D
Like I said, I need to watch it again. It's been a long time since I've seen that one.
chaostheory08 said:
Anyway, his name? I must admit, with his surname alone -- it'll be dumb to ask, He's Italian? Hahahaha... does he speak Italian, though? It'd be soooooo friggin' sexy!

Being Italian, I'd love to experience that, but we don't necessarily need words... :D
I was thinking "Why you HAVE to push that botton?! You don't even turn on the light, never, anytime!!!" :lol:
But I love his reaction "WTF...are you kidding me?!?!" :D
does he speak Italian, though? It'd be soooooo friggin' sexy!
I seem to remember reading in an interview or article or something that he doesn't speak Italian. :( Too bad, because that would be enough to make even the more reluctant fangirl panties drop. :devil:

Chicks dig me.

How could they not, with a face like this?

Hell, even I think I'm hot.

*looks sexy*
Faylinn said:
I seem to remember reading in an interview or article or something that he doesn't speak Italian.
No, he doesn't speak Italian (look how he tries to say Italian food's name in Corporate Warriors :lol:) , but it's sure that when he'll come here, we're gonna teach him!!! :p He said that when we invited him to read the Italian forum. He said that his uncle or cousin could read for him :eek: all our nasty discussions about his ass... :devil:

Faylinn said:
Hell, even I think I'm hot.
LOL, hahahahahahahahahahahaha, Faylin you're great! :D
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