Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Shadowfax, just don't forget to return that spatula back to Hawkes when you're done :lol:

Erm, Trapped is really a good Danny episode. Otherwise also known as the-episode-that-has-Danny-in-various-stages-of-undress :p :devil: Speaking of which...



Drool on!
Already there! *drool* :lol:

And yes, I will make sure to return the spatula to Hawkes... erm, as soon as I know I'm never going to swoon because of Danny's hotness again! (insert sarcasm here) :lol:
Shadowfax, better get Hawkes a new one then. You know what he's like without his spatula ;)

You and me both, feenx. I should be the one to grab Danny from the back and point cylinder shaped objects in his face, darn it! :p :devil:

This right here is an example of the best hand/eye coordination I've ever seen. That scene still amazes me for some reason when I watch it. If you watch, his hand stays in the same spot the whole time, but his eyes follow the phone all the way over, and it just falls in his hand. It amazes me. *is a dork*
Good idea Celefinwe... *runs off to buy another spatula* :D

Sometimes I wish it got even hotter in the room that he had no choice but to take off his shirt :devil: ehehe!
Gawd, he's hot. Lol, this is wear I insert my theory of his hotness:
Carmine Giovinazzo *swoons at the mere name* is the sex god over all sex gods. He's the hottest man on the planet and any other man who appears to be hot is merely reflecting his hotness.
Hehe except maybe Eddie has some natural hotness. But everyone else is just reflecting.
^^You can say that again. :lol: A detox program or something. And it's just going to get worse for ALL of us when the new season starts back up. :lol:
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