Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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info regarding the panty drive
I had really bad insomnia last night, ok this morning, and was online until 3 a.m. California time. I must be delirious or something, because when I read panty drive, I thought Carmine had panties lining the driveway to his house. I think I'm going back to bed now.
PrettyEyes said:
I must be delirious or something, because when I read panty drive, I thought Carmine had panties lining the driveway to his house.
He probably does. Damn fangirls have gotta stop dropping their undies and leaving them on the poor man's door step. :lol:
Damn fangirls have gotta stop dropping their undies and leaving them on the poor man's door step.
That includes yourself too, MrsG! :devil:

OT: If my posts have funny typos or don't make sense, I'm asking for forgiveness now. My glasses are broken, and I can't get in to see the optometrist until Tuesday! :mad: And as mentioned earlier, I'm having massive insomnia probs... :(
Re: Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing! *DELETED* *DELETED*

Post deleted by SeongHee
I love that thread so much. Everyone is talking about panties :lol: Except me :p Well i could start talking about bras now :lol: Isn't that the most important thing :lol: No just kidding..time for a pic even if i can only post a link :eek:

Run Danny Run

Is it just me or are running men damn sexy :confused: I always love watching scenes where men are running like crazy :cool:
Everything he does is damn sexy!
But yeah the running is especially hot.
Hello beautiful people!! *waves* I'm new to this thread, and I love Danny Messer, too!

And yes, I agree... everything he does is damn sexy, even him getting mad is sexy. :lol:
:lol: Isn't that the truth! I can't usually stand it when someone gets mad at me, but with Danny... I think I could make an exception! :devil:
WARNING: If you haven't seen the finale this might have a spoiler. I figured most have.
I don't know...I'm a sucker for Danny angst. Maybe cause I just want to hug him (well, more than hug but lets stay there for now.) I like a combination of anger and angst. Like when they're talking to the guy that owns the car Aiden was burned in and he comes up to Mac and is like "Is that the guy? Let me talk to him!" I was thinking "ohhh, poor Danny." But it was also hot.
Yeah, that was definitely hot... shows how much he cares about his friends, and how protective he is. *sighs* I'm glad Danny's transparent that way. It makes his character more interesting and likeable.
I made my signature with Danny.
His look is like the flowers in that pic.(no, he is even better than the flowers :eek:)
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