Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Anyone know if the Carmine Email is back up?

Also MrsG what scene were you the extra in? I forget what that episode was about. I'm sure you've already told the story but do you care to share it again for those of us so out of the loop?
It's so good to be back here, but dang you all post a lot! :lol:
As for Carmine's hair, I thought he looked really hot with the Marine mohawk in Black Hawk Down. Gotta love a military man. :eek: Of course, Carmine on the cover of TVG looked great too.
My fave Carmine hair thing: the little bald spot you can see on his head when he's looking at the screen during Aiden's identification. He drops his head, and it's there plain as day. I think it's adorable...call me a wuss, if you must. :rolleyes:
justfriends said:
Anyone know if the Carmine Email is back up?
Yes, his email is back up. It's been a while since he did his last round of responses, but I bet if you send him a b-day email (tomorrow), it won't be too long before he gets to those.

Also MrsG what scene were you the extra in? I forget what that episode was about. I'm sure you've already told the story but do you care to share it again for those of us so out of the loop?
I'm sure by now anyone who's been at this site for any length of time rolls their eyes whenever that question comes up because they've endured my tale too many times already. :lol: I was an extra in "Fare Game." I was in three scenes that were shot, but only one of them was used in the final edit. You can see me from behind for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the last 10 minutes of the show when the exotic cuisine chef gets arrested. You can read more about it here: http://www.csifiles.com/interviews/deborah_fujiwara.shtml ... And in answer to what you really wanna know -- yes, I met Carmine and he is HOOOOOOOOOOT!!! :D

My fave Carmine hair thing: the little bald spot you can see on his head when he's looking at the screen during Aiden's identification. He drops his head, and it's there plain as day. I think it's adorable...call me a wuss, if you must.
I love that too! I find it really attractive whenever a shot shows Carmine's age. Perhaps because he and I are close in age. I dunno. I just find a 'man' more attractive than a 'boy' and like to see his little signs of balding or wrinkles. Gives him character, wisdom, maturity, all that good stuff, in my opinion.
Thanks Feenx! That's an example of fun with Photoshop. And my avatar is the portrait of Eddie that I just finished.
MrsG thanks for posting the link and yes you read my mind I of course wanted to know if you met Carmine. Glad to know he is as hot in person as he is on the tube. You looked great for the show as well. Not sure your age, I always thought you were closer to my age from your postings, regardless you looked great! I'm sure Carmine did a little drooling over getting to meet one of his "hotter" female fan's face to face. Just a compliment from me...not a proposition. I am definately all into the male gender, but us ladies do have to stick together and give kudos when due!! Good Job!
^ Aw, thanks! :D I get plenty of compliments from other Carmine fans, but no -- the guy didn't check me out in the slightest. :( As for my age, I'm 35, but most who meet me peg me at about 28 so I guess I'm just immature for my age. :lol: :devil:
i thougth you were young too with the things you post im 19 and people think im younger, but that's because i look like im still in middle school :lol:
^ Then I'm technically old enough to be your mama. :lol: Just shows Carmine's hotness knows no age boundaries. Young or old, we all want him. :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Then I'm technically old enough to be your mama. :lol: Just shows Carmine's hotness knows no age boundaries. Young or old, we all want him. :devil:
but my mami, isn't as hot as you MrsG ;)
yay!!! CSI:NY is gonna start.
Happy Brithday to Carmine Giovinazzo, a.k.a. Danny Messer and Thumpy G. He turns 33 years young today.
Carmine's appeal (and Eddie's for that matter) are not bound by age considerations. I mean, I am 51 and I wouldn't kick Carmine out of my bed. I am fortunate not to look my age; I look more like early 40's. Age is just a number. It has little if anything to do with your state of mind or your viewpoint on the world or the people in it, except maybe from the standpoint of experience, and that can be a good thing, right? :lol: Whoa, deep thoughts for 3:15 in the morning!!!
Whee! I wonder what the birthday boy is doing right now? Or... what are they doing to the birthday boy right now... hahahhah ....

Happy 33, Carmine, wherever you are!
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