Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Well MrsG I am "slightly" older than you. Of course people are always telling me they thought I was much younger than I am. I'm not sure if they are judging that by my looks or mentality!

Things that make you go HUMMMMMMM!

For those of you old enough to, you'll remember where I got that from. LOL!


I'm getting a fabulous vision right now of me spanking Carmine. Naughty Naughty Naughty!
*grins* We may be a day apart but I'll share my cake if he likes...it's not just for eating either :devil: *slurp*

I forget, I know he isn't married but does he have a girlfriend? Just curious.
No, he does not have a girlfriend and remains (allegedly blissfully) unattached! Gives us fangirls hope.

**scurries off to talk the boss into once more letting her travel to LA to stalk Carmine**
justfriends said:
Things that make you go HUMMMMMMM!

For those of you old enough to, you'll remember where I got that from. LOL!
Yep. I remember that. :lol: Gotta love a little C & C Music Factory.

Well, he dated Vanessa Marcil, who is 36, so he isn't totally opposed to older women. Of course, she's freakin' gorgeous so there's likely not a man on the planet who would be opposed to a piece of that.

I'm getting a fabulous vision right now of me spanking Carmine. Naughty Naughty Naughty!
Sweet vision. That fantastic heiny needs a good b-day spanking. :devil:
Well, he dated Vanessa Marcil,

Yeah I remember seeing that tidbit in passing.... but do you know when that was?

I don't know why I'm so curious about the love lives of celebrities, but I am.... I love US weekly. I have a subscription (hangs head in shame :eek:). Guilty pleasure.

Edit: I just looked up Vanessa Marcil on imdb, and saw she was 5'4 :( He may like the older women, but it doesn't indicate he like the taller ones. So sad for us 5'10 ladies.
Well, I am shorter (5'0) so I have that in my favor, but I am two years younger than Carmine. I will say though, that I do like older men... ;) I too have a similar problem with not looking my age, I am about to turn 31 and most people think that I am 24 or so years old!

As far as when he dated Vanessa Marcil, was it in the late 90s? I really have no idea
yeah, my husband refers to him as "the short one" on CSI. Funny, I refer to him as "my boyfriend." My husband thinks I'm crazy.
ThumpyG said:
Well, I am shorter (5'0) so I have that in my favor, but I am two years younger than Carmine. I will say though, that I do like older men... ;) I too have a similar problem with not looking my age, I am about to turn 31 and most people think that I am 24 or so years old!

Oh yay! I'm not the only one with that height round here! :D I thought I was the sole member on the board who's an adult and merely that tall. :lol: ;) I also have that not-looking-my-age thing going on ... let's just say people have mistaken me for being half my age. Not very good, considering I'm currently at the age people assume you are. :lol:

But back on topic ... I hope Birthday Boy is having a great birthday! Is it technically still his birthday? It's already passed where I am.
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