Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Who wants to bet Eddie's actually taking up tantric sex lessons instead of yoga? And oohhh, Eddie's been trying to get Carmine to go with him! Oh my.

:devil: :lol:
Kimmychu said:
Who wants to bet Eddie's actually taking up tantric sex lessons instead of yoga? And oohhh, Eddie's been trying to get Carmine to go with him! Oh my.

:devil: :lol:
Ya know, I'm guessing Carmine is a yoga virgin. Eddie could probably pass off anything as "yoga" lessons and poor Carmine wouldn't know any different. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Thanks so much for posting that, 1CSIMFan! Totally tides a girl over until she can get her own copy. :D

1CSIMfan said:
Carmine says Guys in bars come up and say 'I really dig your show'. Female fans, however, are less effusive. "I swear to God, the kid at Starbucks gets more women than I do," says the single actor. "I'm lonely!"
Pleeeease, dude, that is such a load of crap!!! :lol: He's a smart guy though. That single and lonely angle has been working like a charm so far, so why not keep milking it. ... Of course, if there is any truth to that -- Carmine, call me. I'm an attractive, successful professional. The kinda girl your mother would thank the heavens for if you brought me home, ... but underneath the polished exterior, I am one seriously freaky ass girl who would be delighted to put an end to your lonely nights by [CENSORED]ing the holy [CENSORED][CENSORED] outta you. And that's just for starters. :devil: :lol: :devil:

He's even thought about taking up yoga with costar Eddie Cahill.
OMG! Why has no one commented on this yet? :devil: :devil: :devil:

Dude. THAT IS CHEMISTRY. If the writers need chemistry, just watch these two.

Holycow. I rarely come in here but that caught my eye. :lol:

Oh Lordy. These two are just too much. Carmine totally has a guy crush.
He's even thought about taking up yoga with costar Eddie Cahill

He wants to take yoga with Eddie, eh? That's is adorable! :D If it wasn't obvious to people these two didn't crush on each other before, then they are sure of it now! Eddie and Carmine in a yoga class together is awsome. What's next for this lovely pair?
*was happy when TV Guide came in the mail today* I knew about the CSI stuff in there but thought it was only LV because of the big Eric Szmanda article. The cover was a nice surprise.

lol I'm with the rest of you, there are plenty of fangirls who'd eagerly make him sooooo not lonely :D

*hopes he quits smoking as part of the improvement so we can keep him around for a long time*
tuesdaymorning said:
Dude. THAT IS CHEMISTRY. If the writers need chemistry, just watch these two.

Oh Lordy. These two are just too much. Carmine totally has a guy crush.
Carmine and Eddie do have fantastic chemistry. The writers really should take note. Boy chases girl? Gee, that's an original storyline. Boy chases boy? Woo hoo! Now we're talking about groundbreaking TV, particularly if the boys play primetime cops. C'mon, CBS, live a little.

And yeah, their boy crushes are pretty apparent. Though, in my mind, Eddie is the one with the crush and Carmine is simply pandering to the fangirls with that one. He knows what we want to hear. ;)
Thanx faylinn for the explanation~~hehe
and I really wanna have a copy of the TV guide!!!! sad tht we dun have it here in Hong Kong...ooh...Envy you guys!!!

And I just can't wait to see S3, haha~
ooh~I just wanna say the 4th box in www.carminegiovinazzo.com is just so cool~~
the music is so great (talented Carmine, haha)~~
but I could not catch all the lyrics, can someone post the lyrics up here??
thanx a ton!!
Spoiler? Gawd no!!!!!
Don't make it look like a soap opera...... ggrrrrrr.....
No please, no! Do they even watch their own show and couldn't they see ..... waah! *I'll stop it now -- what can I do, if it's cut out last season, that means it's already filmed. Waaaaaaaahhhhh!*

I like my car rides fast but bike rides slow..... you can snuggle up with your guy more :D. Hmmm.... I'm lonely, too, Carmine! We can go to Starbucks together, if you like -- but I don't like ciggy smoke that much, I have asthma. *sigh*

More S3 spoiler? Hm... so it's still about Danny's past, season3?
Loving_NYC said:
ooh~I just wanna say the 4th box in www.carminegiovinazzo.com is just so cool~~
the music is so great (talented Carmine, haha)~~
but I could not catch all the lyrics, can someone post the lyrics up here??
thanx a ton!!

Gah, of all the things I love about the man - and there are many - I don't like the song in the 4th box at all. I think he should stick to the screen, but to each his own, right? If he releases a CD I'll still be first in line to buy the damned thing anyway.

And MrsG you're right, that's total crap about him getting less action than the guys at Starbucks. I'll bet he gets all the [CENSORED] that he wants but hasn't settled down to one girl yet. Now, he did say in an earlier interview that he was looking for a woman with her own career and doing her own thing - so all we professional ladies should be first in line. I wonder how he feels about political fundraisers? :lol: :lol:
Springmoon, I totally agree with you..there's no way he gets less attention than kids in starbucks~haha...I guess he is still looking for the right one~may be he really enjoy being single
Okay, sorry guys, totally gotta yell this:


Title of the bit: "The Hot Guys of CSI" Enjoy!
Springmoon - I think a politcal fundraiser just might be an interesting profession to him. Celebs always have their political causes they support, so perhaps he'd find what you do intriguing. I imagine his primary concern is making sure a girl doesn't try to sponge off him, so any career that consistently pays the bills would work well.

Loving_NYC - Okay, now I'm frustrated. :( I know Carmine can be hard to understand at times for the non-native English speaker, so I always try to help a girl out in that regard. I just listened to his song ... over and over and over and over again to type out the lyrics for you. Wow! I am missing a lot of words! :( Now this is going to bug the hell out of me. Girls, let me show you what I've got and if anyone can fill in some blanks, that would be awesome.

Here are the lyrics I can understand:

Some fading mosaic
amazed triple ---
my EMT
I’m a soldier of the alley too
boys hands outstretched begging ----
corners adorable
open your heart and realize and visualize
--- doors
monsters of grievance

Sometimes I think about the past, how it lasts
how it stays in my head for so long
(chorus repeats 6 times)

Can anyone else figure that thing out? :confused: Also, any thoughts as to what it means? I'm going with a collection of images from his youth in a rough neighborhood. Sadness over things he's done, but wants you to realize he was just a kid. ??? Dunno. That's what it sounds like to me. Anyone else?
It's hard to try to listen to it with all that crap in the background. I'm not so sure that 'my EMT' is a lyric though. :lol: I can't understand any of it because parts of it are distracting.
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